Feb 19, 2025
2008-2009 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Special Education Licensure Programs (SELP)
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The Special Education Licensure Program (SELP) provides professional preparation for undergraduate and graduate students as special education teachers; the program features exemplary teaching, scholarship, and community service for the purpose of increasing the quality of life for individuals with disabilities.
The Special Education Program offers courses leading to licensure or additional endorsement in special education. A non-licensure option is also available. Application packets are available from the COE. The Master of Arts degree in Special Education is also available; see COE Graduate Programs section for further information on the MA in Special Education.
Special Education Licensure Program (SELP): Undergraduate
The COE, in collaboration with the College of LAS has adopted a program of study that allows undergraduate teacher candidates to major in one of five content areas: biology, English, geography, history, or Spanish. Students who are accepted into the undergraduate special education program will choose their undergraduate major and complete degree related course work (80 credit hours), and complete core course work in special education (44 credit hours) in the generalist licensure endorsement. The undergraduate SELP allows all teacher candidates to complete a content major within LAS and the generalist licensure area in special education in four years (124 credit hours). SELP Undergraduate Required Curriculum
Required Undergraduate SPED Tier Generalist Core Courses
Total Credit hours (44 credits)
Required Special Education Student Teaching
Students seeking licensure will participate in student teaching at the completion of their generalist licensure special education program. Students MUST complete one 16 week student teaching experience at either the elementary or secondary level. This placement may only be completed during fall or spring semester. Paraprofessionals. Students who are employed as special education paraprofessionals may complete their student teaching experience at their place of employment. The special education teacher and principal must agree that opportunities are available to you to complete the course competencies with students in your classroom. Required Special Education Student Internship
Students seeking licensure will participate in an internship at the completion of their generalist licensure special education program. Students MUST complete the equivalent of a 16 week internship experience at the opposite level in which they did their student teaching (elementary or secondary level). This placement may be completed in summer session. Students must complete their student teaching and internship within a 50 mile radius of the UCCS main campus. Special Education Licensure Program (SELP): Graduate
Students who are accepted into the graduate special education program receive their Generalist licensure after completing 43 semester hours. They receive their Master’s of Arts in Special Education when they have completed an additional 9 credit hours for a total of 52 credits. SELP Graduate Admission Process
- Request a graduate application and information packet from the COE.
- Schedule an appointment with a special education faculty member to develop a graduate plan.
- Application deadlines: spring semester-October 15; summer semester-April 1; and fall semester-June 15.
SELP Graduate Curriculum Requirements
Graduate SPED Tier Generalist Core Classes
Total Credit Hours for Licensure: 43
Additional Master’s Degree Requirements
Total Credit Hours for Initial Licensure and MA in Special Education: 52
Special Education Student Teaching
Students seeking licensure will participate in student teaching at the completion of their generalist licensure special education program. Students MUST complete one 16 week student teaching experience at either the elementary or secondary level. This placement may only be completed during fall or spring semester. On-the-Job (OJT) Student teaching: Students who are employed as teachers and hold a current Temporary Teaching Endorsement (TTE) may complete the OJT 16-week student teaching experience. OJT teachers must work with special education students and be evaluated by a district special education supervisor. Paraprofessionals: Students who are employed as special education paraprofessionals may complete their student teaching experience at their place of employment. The special education teacher and principal must agree that opportunities are available to you to complete the course competencies with students in your classroom. Special Education Student Internship
Students seeking licensure will participate in an internship at the completion of their generalist licensure special education program. Students MUST complete the equivalent of a 16 week internship experience at the opposite level in which they did their student teaching (elementary or secondary level). This placement may be completed in summer session. A student teacher who participated in the OJT student teaching option must do their internship in another educational setting. Paraprofessionals who do their student teaching at their place of employment must do their internship in another educational setting. Students must complete their student teaching and internship within a 50 mile radius of the UCCS main campus. |
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