Mar 06, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog 
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Philosophy and Political Science Double Major

Philosophy is the systematic and critical inquiry into thinking and the nature of existence. As a practice, philosophy teaches analytical and critical thinking, develops oral and written communication skills, and contributes to interdisciplinary understanding. Philosophy attempts to answer perennial questions about values, human existence, and the nature of reality. Skills developed in this inquiry help philosophy students excel in careers in law, medicine, management, education, government, writing, computer science, psychology, sociology, and ministry among many others.

The Political Science BA has a general degree track, and three tracks representing important sub-fields of political science: American Politics/Public Law, Global Politics, and Public Administration. All four tracks are designed to prepare students for professional careers in the public or private sector, or graduate or professional study. Federal, state and local governments are important employers of political science graduates. In the private sector, including nonprofits, the increasing interaction with government creates a growing demand for graduates with an understanding of political systems, domestically and internationally. Political Science, Law, and Public Administration are common graduate fields of study for our graduates.

The Philosophy department and Political Science department offer a double major for students interested in pursuing legal careers through Law Schools or other professional programs.

The Philosophy and Political Science double major reduces the total number of credit hours taken from both departments from 66 to 60, and allows the Philosophy Senior Thesis requirement to be optional.

General Information

The Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Philosophy and Political Science requires the following:

  • A minimum of 30 credit hours of PHIL course work. At least 21 of those hours must be upper division (courses numbered 3000 or higher).
  • A minimum of 30 credit hours of PSC course work. At least 24 of those hours must be upper division.
  • A grade of C or better in all PHIL and PSC courses applied to the major.
  • A minimum 2.0 GPA must be maintained in all PHIL and PSC course work.
  • Completion of one Summit Course from either department. Students may complete either the PHIL Senior Thesis or a PSC course that is approved for Compass Curriculum: Summit.
  • A Senior portfolio and exit exam must be completed prior to graduation for the Political Science major.

Additional course work is required to complete the Philosophy and Political Science, BA degree. Please see the advising guide on the Academic Advising website for more information.

Political Science Major Options

  • General
  • American Politics
  • Global Politics
  • Public Administration

Course Requirements

Philosophy Required Courses

Logic Course

Complete one of the following courses:

Philosophy Electives

Complete a minimum of 27 additional credit hours of Philosophy (PHIL) electives.  At least 21 hours of electives must be upper-division (3000+ level) courses.

Summit Course

Complete one Summit course for the double major. Either the Philosophy Senior Thesis or a Political Science Summit course may be chosen. The Summit course will count toward upper-division electives for the major in which they are taken, unless the PSC course is taken and is required for a PSC Track.

An additional upper-division elective is required in the department not selected for the Summit Course.

Political Science Required Courses

General Track

Complete all of the following courses.

Complete one course from each of the following lists:

Complete PSC elective courses to meet total and upper-division credit hour requirements.

American Politics Track

Complete all of the following courses.

Complete three courses from the following lists:

Complete PSC elective courses to meet total and upper-division credit hour requirements.

Global Politics Track

Complete all of the following courses.

Complete three courses from the following list:

Complete elective PSC courses to meet total and upper-division credit hour requirements.

Public Administration Track

Complete all of the following courses.

Complete three courses from the following list:

Complete PSC elective courses to meet total and upper-division credit hour requirements.

Summit Course

Complete one Summit course for the double major. Either the Philosophy Senior Thesis or a Political Science Summit course may be chosen. The Summit course will count toward upper-division electives for the major in which they are taken, unless the PSC course is taken and is required for a PSC Track.  Political Science Summit courses are: