2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Computer Science - Games and Media Integration, MSCS-GMI
One of the most exciting aspects of the GMI degree program is the combination of a set of required courses that ensure that all students develop a firm foundation in the basics of design and development of games and media integration products, and the opportunity for students to pursue their special interests through several elective courses and portfolio development.
Click here for news about the program: https://www.animationcareerreview.com/articles/top-25-schools-us-game-design-mams-programs-2019-college-rankings
Program graduates will demonstrate and be able to perform to professional standards in the following areas:
- A broad understanding of the entire spectrum of media convergence, games and media integration (GMI).
- A thorough understanding of the process of creating, designing, product development and deployment of a game, animation and movie, or a wearable computing product.
- Proficiency with many of the tools and techniques for implementing game and media integration product for the industry.
Admission Requirements
- A Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts, or Bachelor of Fine Arts degree.
- Considerable computing experience and promise of ability to pursue advanced study and research.
- An overall undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 on a scale of 4.0. Applicants with a grade point average of less than 3.0 may be provisionally admitted on a case-by-case basis.
- Completed Admission Forms, including two copies of official transcripts and three references sent to the Computer Science Department.
Program Prerequisites
The equivalent of the following UCCS courses: Note:
A student who lacks one or more of the above courses may be admitted, but would still be required to satisfy the above requirements after admission. Students with considerable knowledge of programming and/or mathematical experience in the industry are encouraged to apply. Degree Requirements
A student will earn a Master of Science degree in Computer Science - Media Convergence, Games and Media Integration (GMI) - after completing 30 hours of graduate work, as follows: Required Core Courses (9 Credit Hours)
The following three courses or their equivalents are required (if they were not previously taken as upper division undergraduate courses): Note:
GMI students considering PhD program in Computer Science are also encouraged to consider: Thesis or Project (3 - 6 Credit Hours)
Students are required to complete a project (three credit hours) or a thesis (six credit hours). A maximum total of nine credit hours of thesis or project, and portfolio is allowed, ensuring that students have sufficient coursework in the games and media integration areas. Students will be expected to work with an advisor in the GMI area of concentration following the guidelines of MS Thesis or Project work in the CS Department. Required Portfolio (up to 6 Credit Hours)
GMI students are required to develop an industrial portfolio with an interdisciplinary focus. Through the portfolio, the student shows an ability to completely realize their individual contributions, resulting in possibly a high quality exhibit, movie, or game. The interdisciplinary nature of the GMI program provides all students with extensive knowledge in the widely-varied aspects of Media Convergence, Games and Media integration. In turn, this provides students with the chance to integrate technical and artistic ideas in their portfolio. With the portfolio requirement, students carry out a concept to completion, for example: a story would be conceived and then animated; a quest imagined and then fulfilled; or a wearable computing product imagined and implemented. Suggested applications with strong GMI emphasis areas include but are not limited to the following: applications integrated in TheatreWorks Productions, Digital Animation Movie Production and/or Production of Games, EAS Open House demonstrations, art exhibits, applications coordinating with the Center on Aging, work with visual and performing arts, and disability applications. The student’s portfolio advisory committee will consist of three faculty members, including at least one CS graduate faculty member and, if applicable, one faculty member from LAS. The third member should preferably come from a local industry, representing for example the SigGraph, IGDA community with major portfolio development experience. Dr. Semwal initially would be the CS portfolio advisor. Completed works are expected to be submitted to SigGraph Animation and Film Festival, International Symposium on Wearable Computing, a variety of virtual reality and HCI interaction conferences, Game Developers Conference, or other related venues around the world. Elective Courses
The remaining credit hours will be from the following set of 3 credit hour elective courses. Note that some courses have prerequisites as noted. Independent Study (up to 6 credit hours)
Computer Science Masters (MSCS) program allows up to six hours of independent study, MSCS-McGMI students have an option of up to six additional credit hours of GMI Portfolio on Complexity and Complex systems in-lieu of independent study. Additionally, GMI Portfolio on Complexity and Complex Systems may be available on limited basis to CS-PhD and MSCS students in Summer, Fall, and Spring semesters. Contact GMI Program Director for details on GMI-Portfolio on Complexity and Complex Systems, if interested. Transfer Credit
Up to 9 hours of graduate work may be transferred from an accredited graduate program, provided: - Coursework has not been used for any other degree.
- Grade earned for the course(s) is B or better.
- The coursework has been taken within past six years.
- The course coverage is equal in level, content, and depth to the course for which it is being substituted.
Additional Graduate Degree Requirements
Considering the PhD in Computer Science or Security? A Written Qualifier Exam is required for both degrees. The Written Qualifier Exam consists of four distinct topics: CS 5700 Computability, Automata and Formal Languages, CS 5720 Design and Analysis of Algorithms, CS 5200 Computer Architecture, and CS 5500 Operating Systems. Waiver to the written qualifying examination will be given if the student has passed the required courses listed above at UCCS with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.75. The Written Qualifier Exam consists of four distinct topics: CS 5220 Computer Communication, CS 5910 Fundamentals of Network and Computer Security, CS 5920 Applied Cryptography, and CS 5950 Homeland Security and Cyber Security. Waiver to the written qualifying exam may be given, if the student has passed the required courses listed above at UCCS with a minimum average GPA of 3.75. See also EAS Graduate Degree Requirements and the Graduate School Requirements. |