Feb 15, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalog 
2022-2023 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College of Business and Administration Graduate Programs

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The Graduate School of Business Administration programs adheres to policies set by the College of Business and Administration (refer to the General Academic Policies under the College of Business and Administration section of this catalog) and the UCCS Graduate School at https://graduateschool.uccs.edu/current-students/policies-and-procedures.  In addition, students should understand the following guidelines and policies:


Graduate Academic Advising
It is recommended that graduate students meet with an advisor during their first semester of attendance to prepare a degree plan. Students should meet periodically with an advisor thereafter.

Degree Audit
Degree Audit is a system used to automatically check a student’s progress in their chosen degree program(s). The system produces point-in-time reports. These reports allow students and advisors to see how courses apply to requirements and what requirements are remaining to graduate.  Students may access their degree audits through the MyUCCS portal.

Expected Software Skills
MBA students are expected to be proficient with word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation programs such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. If students are deficient in any of these skills, it is their responsibility to mitigate the deficiency before enrolling in the program.

Technical Requirements & Recommendations
The College of Business follows the technical requirements approved by the campus.  Faculty may use Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor for virtual proctoring of online tests in Canvas.  A webcam is required for monitoring.

Students may be unable to install Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor on work computers due to firewalls, content filters, proxy servers, and or other security software with similar functions.  For students without a personal computer, Respondus LockDown Browser is installed on every computer in open computer labs on campus.


Academic Policies

Access to Graduate Courses
Students must be officially admitted to the Graduate School of Business Administration to register for graduate-level business courses. Students who are admitted to other UCCS graduate programs may be eligible to register for College of Business graduate courses with permission from their advisor. All course prerequisites must be met. Visiting students from other universities should contact the Graduate School of Business Administration at gsba@uccs.edu for more information.

Course Load
The typical course load is 3-6 credit hours (1 to 2 classes) for a working graduate student and 9-12 credit hours (3 to 4 classes) for those attending school full-time.   In the fall and spring semesters, students are limited to 12 credit hours and 6 credit hours for the summer semester. Credit hours over these limits require that an academic petition be approved. Concurrent enrollment in both campus and online classes is subject to the same credit hour limits.  Full-time status is considered 5 or more credit hours taken during the fall or spring semesters and 3 credit hours during the summer semester. 

Completion Time Limits
Although students are normally expected to complete a master’s degree in one to three years, candidates for the MSA and MBA degrees in the College of Business should complete their requirements within five years. Students with extenuating circumstances may petition the College of Business Graduate Office for an extension of up to one (1) additional year for a maximum completion time of six (6) years.  The College of Business, Graduate School of Business Administration does not validate outdated courses that exceed the six-year timeline.   Students will be required to take any course that exceeds the six-year timeline with the same or an approved substitute course in the Graduate School of Business Administration.

Leave of Absence
Students who need to take a leave of absence for longer than one semester should discuss their decision with the Graduate School of Business Administration Graduate Office and complete the Request for Leave of Absence Form. A leave of absence may occur for one year (3 continuous semesters including summer). Students who do not return within a year may need to reapply for admission to the MBA or MSA program. A leave of absence does not extend the prescribed time limit to complete the degree requirements (Refer to the Completion Time Limits).

A program may also place a student on an administrative leave of absence if the student is not making satisfactory academic progress in the program. An administrative leave of absence cannot be used in place of academic probation but may be used simultaneously. The program may request that students meet certain conditions before returning.


Standards of Performance

Course Repeat Policy
Any grade below C (2.0) is not a passing grade for graduate students. A student may repeat a course once for which they have received a grade below a C. Both the original grade and the grade for the repeated course count in the computation of the grade point average. This policy applies to all graduate courses including foundation courses for the MBA program.

Cumulative GPA Calculation
As of Fall 2019, the grades for the MBA foundation courses are not included in the computation of the overall MBA GPA in the student’s degree audit. The graduate program GPA for the MBA and MSA will consist of only 6000 level courses.  This GPA may differ from the cumulative GPA on the student’s transcript.

Grade Point Average (GPA)
No individual grade below a C will count towards the graduate degree requirements. To remain in good academic standing and to earn a graduate degree, a student is required to maintain at least a B (3.0) GPA in the program.  This includes all 6000-level work required for the degree while taken at this University (classified and unclassified) and may differ from the University transcript GPA.

Academic Probation & Suspension
The academic performance of each student will be reviewed at the end of each semester. Any student who has a cumulative grade point average of less than a B (3.0) in their degree audit will be placed on academic probation.

In general, students will not be placed on probation until a minimum of nine (9) semester hours has been attempted. After a student has been placed on probation, the student has a maximum of one calendar year to raise their grade point average to 3.0. Courses taken to raise the cumulative grade point average must apply to the degree and must be taken in the three semesters (including summer) immediately following the semester in which the cumulative grade point average fell below 3.0. Failure to raise the cumulative grade point average to 3.0 in the time frame outlined will result in immediate suspension. 

While on academic probation, failure to demonstrate satisfactory academic progress, (meaning the cumulative GPA must improve each semester that classes are taken), towards a degree may result in academic suspension. In the event a student attains probationary status more than one time, the same time limits shall apply.

Students pursuing a Graduate Certificate in the College of Business must maintain a 3.0 GPA once admitted to the certificate program. Students falling below a 3.0 GPA will be placed immediately on probation regardless of the number of credits taken.

If a student’s cumulative GPA drops below 2.0, they may be suspended immediately. A suspended graduate student is eligible to petition for readmission after one calendar year.


Transfer Credit Policy

Masters of Business Administration (MBA)
Transfer credits may apply to the MBA program with departmental approval or approval from the MBA Faculty Director. A maximum of six (6) credit hours of appropriate coursework may transfer to the MBA Program. The minimum criteria for transfer:
  • All transfer courses must have a minimum grade of B or above.
  • Courses applied towards another master’s degree (or bachelor’s degree) may not be used towards the MBA. 
  • All work accepted for transfer must have been completed within the approved degree time limit (maximum 6 years).
  • Equivalent courses from AACSB accredited business programs may be eligible to substitute core or elective courses in the curriculum.
  • All other coursework from non-AACSB accredited programs may be approved for transfer toward elective coursework.


Master of Science in Accounting (MSA)
Transfer credits may apply to the MSA program with approval from the MSA Faculty Director.  A maximum of 6 credit hours of appropriate coursework from another AACSB-accredited graduate program may be considered for transfer to the degree program. The grade received for a transfer class must be a “B” or higher. The class cannot have been used to fulfill requirements in another graduate program (or bachelor’s degree). All work accepted for transfer must have been completed within the approved degree time limit (maximum 6 years).


Grades Received Before Admission to the College of Business Graduate Program
Grades from courses transferred from another institution or other CU campuses are not included in the program GPA calculation at UCCS.

The University grade point average does not include any courses taken while in unclassified status; however, the grade point average will include all unclassified courses taken in a business Graduate Certificate that is applied to the graduate degree.

Credit Earned through a Business Graduate Certificate at UCCS before Admission to the College of Business Graduate Program
Credits earned through a UCCS College of Business Graduate Certificate may be applied to the MBA or MSA degree. Each course must have a grade of B or better. All work must have been completed within the approved degree time limit (maximum six years).   The MBA/MSA programs may accept up to 12 credits from the Graduate Certificate. Students who would like to transfer more than 12 credits will need to contact the College of Business Graduate Office to submit a petition to the UCCS Graduate School.

Graduate Internships
At the graduate level, internships are 3 credit hours, pass/fail only, and may be used as business elective credit. Internships are approved through an application process, which can be obtained through the College of Business Career Development Center. Students must apply before beginning their internship duties and should register for credit during the semester in which the internship is being completed. A maximum of 3 credit hours of internship may be applied to a graduate business degree.

Internships are not available for students pursuing College of Business Graduate Certificates.


Graduation Requirements

Graduation Audit
All students must contact the Graduate School of Business Administration Office for a complete academic evaluation IN THE SEMESTER BEFORE GRADUATING. Failure to request an audit or failure to complete audit documents on time may delay a student’s graduation.

Students seeking to participate in commencement and other academic ceremonies will need to complete ALL academic requirements in advance. Participation in academic ceremonies that recognize or honor students for the completion of an academic program or specific academic accomplishment is based on the understanding that all requirements have been completed. Every effort will be made to determine eligibility in advance, and only students who have met the requirements will be permitted to participate.


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