2017-2018 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Curriculum and Instruction, MA
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The Master of Arts degree in Curriculum & Instruction is designed to provide professional educators increased knowledge of current research on teaching and learning and its contexts and to apply that research in practice. The degree provides an opportunity for teachers to focus on an area of interest and to develop increased skills and knowledge in that area.
The MA in Curriculum & Instruction is a thirty (30) semester-hour program designed for licensed, practicing teachers who desire to continue developing their professional expertise. Candidates complete a core of academic work requiring:
- Examination of educational issues from the perspective of social context and culturally responsive pedagogy;
- Investigation and analysis of curricular design and models of teaching;
- Examination and analysis of seminal and current research and application of research in instructional settings;
- Consideration of the role and uses of technology in curriculum and instruction and its implementation in the classroom.
Further, the selection of a cognate emphasis area allows students to concentrate their coursework in an area of instruction in which they wish to develop a particular expertise: TESOL, Science Education, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education, Gifted and Talented, Instructional Technology, Leadership.
For information on our Teacher Education Licensure Program (TELP), go to the Teacher Education Licensure Program .
- Leslie Grant, Ph.D., Department Chair, Associate Professor
- Katie Anderson-Pence, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
- Linda Button, Ed. D., Senior Instructor
- Tim Callahan, M.A., Senior Instructor
- Elaine Cheesman, Ph.D., Associate Professor
- Grant Clayton, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
- Beth Cutter, M.A., Senior Instructor
- Barbara Frye, Ph.D., Associate Professor
- Mary Hanson, M.A., Instructor
- Sarah Kaka, Ph.D., Senior Instructor / Director of Teacher Education
- Christi Kasa, Ph.D., Associate Professor
- Scott Kupferman, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
- Mark Malone, Ph.D., Professor
- Laura Marshall, M.A., Senior Instructor
- Pat McGuire, Ph.D., Associate Professor / Co-Director UCCSTeach Program
- Ji Huyn Oh, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
- Monica Yoo, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Application and Admissions Process
Visit our website for requirements.
Core Content - 12 Credit Hours
All C&I Master’s degree students complete a core of work that asks them to do the following: - Examine educational issues from the perspective of their social context
- Become intelligent consumers of research and apply research to their instructional settings
To this end, the degree requires these core courses: * To be taken as the FINAL Course. (Prerequisite: LEAD 5700 - Introduction to Research and Statistics) Elective Coursework - 9 Credit Hours
Students may choose from any graduate course selection in the College of Education including the areas of: - Curriculum and Instruction
- Science Education
- Reading
- Gifted and Talented
- Technology
- Special Education
- Counseling
- Leadership
Cognate Area - 9 Credit Hours
Choose 9 credit hours from the following cognate areas: Gifted & Talented: Culturally Linguistically Diverse Education (CLDE): Science Education: Leadership, Research & Foundations: Special Education: Instructional Technology: Course Rotations For a complete listing of course rotation between campus-based and online-based, consult the list of course rotations. MA in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
This degree program prepares pre-service and inservice teachers to work with students who are learning English as a second or additional language. Educators working with individuals, small groups or whole classes of English Language Learners (ELLs) will benefit from this program. Teachers who have a teaching license from the Colorado Department of Education may use this opportunity to earn an endorsement in Culturally & Linguistically Diverse (CLD) Education as well as a Master of Arts Degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). The MA degree is 30 semester hours or ten courses. The first eight courses (24 semester hours) are applicable to the CLD Endorsement from the Colorado Department of Education. The last two courses are the research classes that complete the MA in TESOL. Also available is the four-course (12 credit hours) Teaching English as a Second/Foreign Language Certificate (online only, TESL/TEFL). Application and Admissions Requirement Please visit our website for admissions information. Course Requirements
Core Content - 6 Credit Hours
Culturally Linguistically Diverse Education Courses for CLD Endorsement - 24 Credit Hours *TESL/TEFL courses required for the online certificate. All credits may be applied to the MA TESOL within 5 years of taking the first course. MA in Curriculum and Instruction: Literacy - 33 Credit Hours
The Curriculum and Instruction Department recently received approval for the Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction: Literacy. The program revision will encompass emphasis in both reading and writing. The program will include core foundation courses that are college-wide offerings and courses that are specific graduate-level in literacy. In addition, we plan to offer a “tiered” program in which MA students could continue, if desired, their coursework and receive Reading Teacher and Reading Specialist endorsements from the state. Application and Admissions Process Visit our website for requirements. A full information packet may also be viewed or downloaded here: MA Literacy Information. Course Requirements
Core Content - 12 Credit Hours
- (Prerequisite for all coursework)
- (Prerequisite for CURR 5090)
- (Prerequisite for CURR 5090)
- (Final course in program)
Literacy Content - 21 Credit Hours
- (Psycholinguistics and Reading)
- or
Reading Teacher Endorsement
Requires two years of teaching experience and MA in Reading/Literacy. PLACE test for Reading Teacher required upon completion of coursework to add endorsement. MA in Curriculum and Instruction: Science Education
The program in Science Education is designed primarily for teachers who wish to improve their science teaching skills or become leaders in the field of science education. It is appropriate for teachers at all levels (K-12) who wish to learn more about applying contemporary science teaching strategies in their schools. The program is designed to provide classroom teachers with a sound background in current science education research, theory, standards, and practice. Emphasis is placed on utilization of inquiry strategies, manipulative activities, and science process skills as a basis for science instruction. Teachers completing this program will be prepared to: teach science in a self-contained setting, serve as science teachers for schools utilizing departmentalization, serve as science resource teachers at the school or district level, or pursue an advanced degree in science education. Note: This program is not designed to lead to teacher licensure. Application and Admissions Requirements Please visit our website for requirements. Course Requirements
Science Education - 12-18 Credit Hours
Science Methodology courses offered through the College of Education. Education - 12-18 Credit Hours
Includes core courses required by the Curriculum and Instruction (C&I), M.A. degree: Letters, Arts, and Sciences Courses - 0-6 Credit Hours
Includes LAS graduate courses, and a limited number of 3000 and 4000 level LAS courses. Note: Students should consult with their program advisor to assure that courses selected are appropriate for credit in the Science Education program. Offerings
The Curriculum and Instruction Masters degree specializing in Science Education can be completed in only 30 hours. Schedules are designed to meet the needs of busy teachers. Science Education courses are offered spring, summer, and fall terms. Students may work on coursework throughout the year in courses offered by the UCCS College of Education. During the Fall and Spring semesters, most courses are offered in the evening to accommodate the schedules of working teachers. Gifted and Talented Specialist Endorsement
This 26 credit-hour endorsement prepares teachers at all levels to enhance their teaching methodologies in Gifted & Talented education. The Endorsement will require 3 credit hours of practicum work. Optionally, these courses may be applied to a 32 credit-hour General Master of Arts Degree in Curriculum & Instruction. All courses are offered in a convenient online format. Students may apply for the program and enroll on a rolling basis and begin classes in the semester following acceptance. Upon completion of the endorsement and practicum credits, students are required to pass the approved PLACE exam prior to licensing. Application and Admissions Process Please visit our website te for requirements for admissions information. Required Coursework - 26 Credit Hours
Open Enrollment Recertification Courses
The three open enrollment recertification courses listed below are NOT required for this endorsement and do not require application to the graduate school in order to enroll. The courses are designed to meet specific needs of some GT educators. These courses may be taken in lieu of some required GT courses based on departmental approval. IT Online Certificate Program
This online certificate prepares teachers at all levels to use technology to enhance their teaching methodologies and reach the next generation of learners, who expect to learn using technology. The program consists of 12 credit hours, all of which are offered online. All courses are offered in a convenient online format and will transfer into our Online Master of Arts Degree in Curriculum and Instruction. For more information, please visit our website. TESL TEFL Certificate Program
The Teaching English as a Second/Foreign Language (TESL/TEFL) Certificate Program consists of four core courses that will give you the foundation and knowledge necessary to work with ELLs. These four courses can be applied toward the 24 credit hour Culturally Linguistically Diverse Education Endorsement (CLDE) endorsement and MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (MA TESOL) program. For more information, please visit our website. |
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