Feb 06, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalog 
2022-2023 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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PSC 3500 - Introduction to Political Inquiry

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

An introduction to the basic methods and tools of research in political science. Topics will include discussions of the resources available for political research, the study of politics as a science, common techniques of political analysis, the development of research designs, research report writing, and the ethics of political research. The course will be largely experiential, directly involving students in research experiences. Satisfies the LAS and Compass Curriculum Quantitative and Qualitative Reasoning requirement as a statistics course when taken by a student who has either 1) successfully completed MATH 1040 (or a mathematics course that has college algebra as a prerequisite), OR 2) scored 87% or higher on the College Algebra placement test and scored 50% or higher on the Business Calculus placement test. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Writing Intensive.

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