Feb 13, 2025  
2011-2012 Catalog 
2011-2012 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]




Admissions and Records
Main Hall, room 108
Admissions: (719) 255-3383 or 1-800-990-UCCS (8227) ext 3383
Fax (719) 255-3116
Records and Registration Information: (719) 255-3361
Tuition Classification: (719) 255-3381 or (719) 255-3375
E-mail: admrec@uccs.edu


The Admissions Office provides services in undergraduate recruitment, admissions advising, foreign student admission, application processing, transfer credit evaluation, and residency tuition classification.

For Admission to the Graduate School see the Graduate School section and the individual colleges/schools sections of this Catalog for more specific admission requirements. For areas of interest visit www.uccs.edu/~gradschl

The Records Office handles matters pertaining to the demographic and academic student record. It provides information on these processes: address changes, grades, grade changes, drops, adds, withdrawals, changes to pass/fail grading, credit changes, stops, releases, registrations, Privacy Act requests, requests for transcripts, course description requests, and concurrent registrations with other university campuses. 


Undergraduate Student Admission


Admission Standards for Undergraduate Students

The University of Colorado seeks to identify undergraduate applicants having a high probability of successful completion of their academic program. Admission is based on evaluation of many criteria; among the most important are the following:

  • General level of academic performance before admission to the university, as indicated by the evaluation of work taken at other educational institutions.
  • Evidence of scholarly ability and accomplishment, as indicated by scores on accepted tests of scholastic aptitude and achievement.
  • Motivation and potential for academic growth and ability to work in an academic community, as indicated by trends in the student’s record, by letters of recommendation from teachers and others qualified to comment on the student, by accomplishments outside academic work, and by other relevant evidence.
  • A student who is granted admission or readmission must reflect, in a moral and ethical sense, a personal background acceptable to the university. The University of Colorado reserves the right to deny admission to applicants whose total credentials reflect an inability to assume the obligations of performance and behavior deemed essential and relevant to any of its lawful missions, processes, and functions as an educational institution.

Admission to UCCS does not guarantee eligibility for future intra-university transfer.


  1. Obtain an application form from the Office of Admissions and Records in person, by phone, by mail, or online. The mailing address is Admissions, UCCS, 1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway, Colorado Springs, CO 80918. The telephone number is (719) 255-3383 or 1-800-990-UCCS (8227) ext 3383. Or apply on the Web at www.uccs.edu.
  2. Follow the instructions for completing the form and ensure that all required documents are delivered by the deadline dates published in the UCCS Schedule of Courses or on the Web.


To be considered for admission, applicants must submit complete and official credentials as required by the desired program of study. An “official credential” is one received directly from the issuing institution via a third party common carrier. Students may not disregard any part of their previous educational background. Failure to submit transcripts from all institutions previously attended will be cause for canceling the admission process or dismissing the student. All credentials presented for admission to UCCS become the property of the university and may not be returned to the applicant.


As soon as possible after the Office of Admissions and Records receives all required credentials, students will be notified of their admission status. If qualified, the student will receive notification of eligibility for admission. Admission eligibility to the University of Colorado does not constitute a guarantee of enrollment in any specific course.

Freshman Admission


        1-800-990-UCCS (8227) ext. 3383 or (719) 255-3383

Freshmen may apply to the Beth-El College of Nursing and Health Sciences; the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences; the College of Education; the College of Business and Administration; the College of Engineering and Applied Science; and the School of Public Affairs in the fall, spring, or summer terms. The programs at UCCS provide all the course work required for entrance into the CU Schools of Dentistry, Education, Graduate School, School of Public Affairs, Journalism, Law, Medicine, and Pharmacy, which require one or more years of college-level work before a student may be considered for admission. Students may complete teacher certification requirements on this campus.

Freshman Admissions Criteria

  1. Priority for admission to the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences and the School of Public Affairs is given to applicants who meet all of the following criteria: (a) rank in the upper 40% of their high school graduating class at the end of the 6th, 7th, or final semester; (b) achieve a combined Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) score of 1,080 or above, or a composite American College Test (ACT) score of 24 or above; (c) have a GPA of 2.8 or above; and (d) complete all high school course units as required by the college to which they have applied. Increased requirements for admission to the colleges of Business and Administration, Engineering and Applied Science, and Nursing and Health Sciences are described in their respective sections of this Catalog. Applicants who do not meet all of these requirements should refer to number 2 below.
  2. Applicants for freshman admission whose records vary in any way from the above priority admissions category will be considered on an individual basis by evaluation of their overall academic records including (a) the quality of their high school program of study; (b) the level of their college entrance test scores (SAT or ACT); and (c) any information unique to an individual situation. In addition, all applicants whose records reflect innovative grading systems, unusual curricula, no rank in class, or a high school equivalency through the General Education Development (GED) test, will be considered in this category. Students in this category admitted to the university may not exceed 20% of the total admitted pool.

Freshman Admissions Chart 

ACT SAT 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0
18 840-870                                          
19 880-920                                          
20 930-960                                          
21 970-1000                                          
22 1010-1040                                          
23 1050-1070                                          
24 1080-1110                                          
25 1120-1150                                          
26 1160-1190                                          
27 1200-1230                                          
28 1240-1270                                          
29 1280-1300                                          
30 1320-1340                                          
31 1350-1390                                          
32 1400-1430                                          
33 1440-1430                                          
34 1440-1480                                          
35 1500-1590                                          
36 1600                                          
  Weak Candidate   Possible Candidate   Strong Candidate

 Assured Admission Criteria

 (Includes Minimum Academic Preparation Standards – MAPS)


College Business& Administration Engineering & Applied Science** Letters, Arts & Sciences Nursing & Health and Public Affairs Beth-El College of Nursing & Health Sciences***
Class Rank Top 30% Top 30% Top 40% Top 30%
ACT OR SAT 24 Composite 25 Composite 24 Composite 24 Composite
School Code: 22 Math; 1120 Verbal + Math 1080 Verbal + Math 1080 Verbal + Math
ACT: 0535, 24 English      
SAT: 4874 1080 Verbal + Math      
Course Units (One unit is study in the same subject area for one year)
English 4 Including at least 2 yrs. of composition 4 Including at least 2 yrs. of composition 4 Including at least 2 yrs. of composition 4 Including at least 2 yrs. of composition
Math 3 4 3 3
  College Prep At least 2 yrs. of Algebra, 1 yr. Geometry & 1 yr. Advanced Math College Prep College Prep
Natural Science 3 3 3 3
  2 yrs. Lab Science 1 yr. Physics & 1 yr. Chemistry 2 yrs. Lab Science 1 yr. Chemistry
        1 yr. Biology
        1 yr. other Science
Social Science 2 2 2 2
    Government, History, Economics, Psychology, Sociology, etc. Government, History, Economics, Psychology, Sociology, etc.  
Foreign Language 2 2 2 2
  All units in single foreign language All units in single foreign language All units in single foreign language All units in single foreign language
Academic Electives 1 1 1 1
Total 15 16 15 15

** Students not meeting criteria for assured admission will be considered for admission based on a combination of class rank, test scores, and high school units. An Engineering Preparatory Program is available for students having deficiencies in their math/science backgrounds. Higher standards apply for EAS majors.
*** Acceptance to Nursing is highly competitive. Preference is given to those who meet these criteria; however, not all qualified applicants can be accepted.

CU-Minimum Academic Preparation Standards (MAPS)

Freshmen and transfers entering the University of Colorado who have graduated from high school in 1988 or later will be required to meet Minimum Academic Preparation Standards (MAPS). The individual college’s requirements are listed in the chart on the accompanying page. Students should be careful to note the different requirements in particular colleges and plan their academic preparation accordingly. Students may be admitted even though they have not met all the MAPS requirements. If that is the case, they are required to make up any deficiencies once enrolled. All MAPS deficiencies must be completed prior to graduation from UCCS. Please see MAPS table above for detailed information.

Higher Education Admissions Requirement

Spring 2008 high school graduates are required to also meet the Phase I Higher Education Admissions Requirements (HEAR) as established by the Colorado Commission on Higher Education. Spring 2010 high school graduates are required to also meet the Phase II HEAR requirements. Generally, applicants who meet the CU-MAPS requirements will also satisfy the Statewide HEAR requirements for admission. These standards apply to all in-state and out-of-state new freshman applicants.

Options for Those Not Meeting MAPS or HEAR Requirements as Entering Freshmen

What if my high school doesn’t offer all the courses I need to meet the MAPS?

An admission decision involves many factors, including consideration of the extent to which this curriculum has been available. Students with deficiencies may be admitted to the university provided they meet the other admission standards (e.g. test scores, rank in high school class, and grade point average) and provided they make up the MAPS deficiencies prior to graduation from the university.

How will my deficiencies be dealt with while enrolled in the university?

Freshmen or transfer students who are admitted but who are deficient in MAPS will be required to make up the deficiency in accordance with the following policy:

  1. Students who are deficient one unit in one or more areas may:
    1. Make up that deficiency by taking a course that is normally counted as degree credit and have that course count as part of their undergraduate total hours, assuming that all prerequisites are fulfilled. (For example, students could enroll in ID 1050, successfully complete the course, eliminate their one-unit deficiency in mathematics, and earn three credits toward the 120 hours required for graduation.)
    2. Take a proficiency test (if one is available): A score of 280-286 on the foreign language proficiency test eliminates one unit of deficiency and permits students to enroll in the second semester of that language. A score of 336-341 (or above) on the test eliminates all units of MAPS deficiencies for foreign language. (Note: According to MAPS, students must be proficient in foreign language up through the second semester of college level). A score of 19 on the ACT-English or 450 SAT-English eliminates a one-unit deficiency in English and entitles students to enroll in English 1310. A score of 60 on the Reasoning Skills Exam also eliminates one unit of deficiency in mathematics.
    3. Utilize appropriate Advanced Placement and CLEP scores to eliminate the deficiency.
    4. Eliminate a single-unit deficiency in English by successfully completing English 99 (formerly English 121); and in mathematics by successfully completing MATH 90, Fundamentals of Algebra. These courses are offered through Extended Studies; while they do eliminate one unit of deficiency, they DO NOT count toward the total number of hours needed to graduate.
    5. Take appropriate courses at community colleges or other colleges to eliminate a unit of deficiency. Students should be aware of courses which will and will not transfer to the University of Colorado.
  2. Students who are deficient two or more units may:
    1. Remove any single unit of deficiency by any of the methods in 1, above.
    2. Remove two units by various combinations of the methods in 1, above.

Advanced Placement Program (AP)

The university participates in the high school Advanced Placement program of the College Board. Official scores must be sent to the university directly from the College Board. Students receiving scores of 3, 4, or 5 on Advanced Placement examinations are generally granted college credit.

All colleges accept AP credits but apply them differently depending on the student’s degree program. Please contact an advisor in the Student Success Center for test score interpretation.


Art History 5,4,3 AH 2800, 2820 6
Studio Art 5,4,3 VA 1040, 2060 6
Biology 5,4 BIOL 1100, 1150, 1110, 1160 6
Calculus AB 5 MATH 1350 4
Calculus AB 4 MATH 1350 4
Calculus BC 5,4 MATH 1350, 1360 8
Calculus BC 3 MATH 1350 4
Chemistry 5,4 CHEM 1030, 1060 10
Chemistry 3 CHEM 1030 5
Computer Science A 5 CS 1150 3
Computer Science AB 5,4 CS 1 - - - 4
Macroeconomics 5,4 ECON 2020 3
Microeconomics 5,4 ECON 1010 3
English Lang/Comp 5 ENGL 1310, 1410 6
English Lang/Comp 4 ENGL 1310 3
English Lit/Comp 5 ENGL 1410, 1500 (exempt from 1310) 6
English Lit/Comp 4 ENGL 1310, 1500 6
Environmental Science 5,4 GES 1- - - 4
French Language 5,4 FR 2110, 1 - - - (exempt from 3010) 6
French Language 3 FR 2110 4
French Literature 5,4 FR 2110, 1 - - - (exempt from 3110) 6
French Literature 3 FR 2110 3
German Language 5,4 GER 2110, 1 - - - (exempt from 3010) 6
German Language 3 GER 2110 4
Comparative Govt/Pol 5,4 P SC 1010 3
Amer Govt & Politics 5,4 P SC 1100 3
European History 5,4 HIST 1010, 1030 6
United States History 5,4 HIST 1510, 1540 6
World History 5,4 HIST 1- - - 6
Human Geography 5,4 GES 1990 4
Latin Literature 5,4 LAT 1 - - - 3
Latin Literature 3 LAT 1 - - - 3
Latin: Virgil 5,4 HUM 1 - - - 6
Latin: Virgil 3 HUM 1 - - - 3
Music Theory 5,4 MUS 2 - - - 6
Music Theory 3 MUS 2 - - - 3
Physics B 5,4,3 PES 1010, 1020 8
Physics C-Elec/Mag 5,4 PES 1120, 2150 5
Physics C- Mechanics 5,4 PES 1110, 1150 5
Psychology 5,4 PSY 1000 4
Spanish Language 5,4 SPAN 2110, 1- - - (exempt from 3010) 6
Spanish Language 3 SPAN 2110 4
Spanish Literature 5,4 SPAN 2110, 1- - - (exempt from 3010) 6
Spanish Literature 3 SPAN 2110 3
Statistics 5,4 QUAN 2010 3


International Baccalaureate (IB) Credit

Any student admitted to UCCS after June 30, 2003, who has graduated from high school having successfully completed an International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program, shall be granted at least 24 semester hours of college credit. No tuition shall be charged for these credits. These credits shall be granted, however, only if the student receives a score of 4 or better on an examination administered as part of the IB diploma program. Students who complete four Higher Level (HL) exams will receive 6-8 hours of credit for each exam. Students who complete three HL exams and three Standard Level (SL) exams will receive 6-8 hours of credit for each individual HL exam and a total of 6 hours of elective credit for all three of the SL exams in aggregate, as long as at least one of the SL exams has a score of 4 or better.

Students who do not complete the entire IB Diploma Program will receive credit for up to four Higher Level (HL) exams completed with scores of 4 or better. No credit will be awarded for Standard Level (SL) exams. Credit is not granted for an International Baccalaureate score if the student completes an equivalent college course or Advanced Placement (AP) course.

All colleges accept IB credits but apply them differently depending on the student’s degree program. Please contact an advisor in the Student Success Center for test score interpretation.


Anthropology (Social) 4-7 ANTH 2400 & ANTH 2- - - 6
Biology 4-7 BIOL 1100/1110, 1150/1160 6
Business & Organization 4-7 BUAD 1- - - 6
Chemistry 4-7 CHEM 1030 & CHEM 1- - - 6
Computer Science 4-7 CS 1150 & CS 1- - - 6
Design Technology 4-7 —-1– 6
Economics 4-7 ECON 1– 6
English A-1 4 —-1– 6
  5 ENGL 1310 & ENGL 1500 6
  6-7 ENGL 1410 & ENGL 1500 6
Geography 4-7 GES 1980 & GES 1990 6
History w/Regional Opt-Africa 4-7 HIST 1040 & HIST 1- - - 6
History w/Regional Opt-Americas 4-7 HIST 1040 & HIST 1530 6
History w/Regional Opt- 4-7 HIST 1040 & HIST 1110 6
East and SE Asia & Oceania      
History w/Regional Opti-Europe 4-7 HIST 1040 & HIST 1030 6
History w/Regional Opt- 4-7 HIST 1040 & HIST 1210 6
S Asia and the Middle East      
Islamic History 4-7 HIST 1- - - 6
Languages-Group A-1 4 XXXX 4- - -  
Languages-Group A-2 4-7 XXXX 1020 & XXXX 2110 8
Languages-Group B 4-7 XXXX 1010 & XXXX 1020 8
Mathematics (Calculus) 4-7 MATH 1350 & MATH 1- - - 6
Music 4-7 MUS 1000 & MUS 1- - - 6
Philosophy 4-7 PHIL 1- - - 6
Physics 4-7 PES 1010/1150, 1020/2150 6
Psychology 4 PSY 2- - - 6
  5-7 PSY 1000 & PSY 2- - - 6
Theatre Arts 4-7 THTR 1000 & THTR 2020 6
Visual Arts 4-7 AH 1000 & VA 1010 6

*Note on Standard-Level languages: scores of 4 or better meet the UCCS admissions requirement of 2 units of MAPS-Foreign Language.

Applicants Without Approved High School Graduation

An applicant who has not graduated from high school must submit satisfactory scores on the General Educational Development Test (GED), a Certificate of Equivalency from any state department of education, a complete transcript of any high school work completed, and SAT or ACT entrance examination scores. Each applicant will be considered on an individual basis.

Students Not Granted Admission

An applicant who is not granted admission as an entering freshman may wish to consider a transfer to the university after one or two years of study elsewhere (see transfer requirements section). In the best interest of students pursuing educational goals for which they lack some academic preparation, the university Committee on Admissions often recommends that such applicants complete at least one full year of college level course work at a regionally accredited college. The personal attention and the appropriate courses there will prepare the student for an eventual successful experience at the University of Colorado.

High School Concurrent Enrollment

High school juniors and seniors with proven academic abilities may be admitted for one term at a time with special approval from the admissions committee. Credit for courses taken may subsequently be applied toward a university degree program. For more information and application instructions, contact the Office of Admissions and Records.

Undergraduate Transfer Student Admission


             1-800-990-UCCS (8227) ext 3383
             (719) 255-3383

To be considered for admission, transfer students must be eligible to return to all collegiate institutions attended; they may not disregard any part of a previous collegiate record. Failure to advise the university of all institutions previously attended may be sufficient cause for rejection or dismissal.

Transcripts must be sent directly to the University of Colorado from each issuing institution. All documents submitted become the property of the University of Colorado.

General Academic Requirements

Transfer students who graduated from high school in 1988 or later are subject to the same minimum academic preparation standards as those required of all first year students. Students with less than 13 credit hours to transfer will be treated as Freshman Admission. Please see the “CU-Minimum Academic Preparation Standards (MAPS)” section above.

Transfer students must meet a minimum GPA requirement, which varies according to the hours of collegiate work completed, the type of institution in which the course work was taken, and the specific program to which the student applies. Please refer to the Transfer Admission Requirements chart for details.

(Note that for students transferring with 13-29 credit hours, if the student had high school criteria which meet our freshmen minimum requirements, then he or she is admissible with a 2.0 GPA.)

Work in progress at the time of application cannot be considered in computing the cumulative average. As there are some schools and colleges at UCCS which require a higher grade point average for transfer, students are urged to investigate specific requirements.

Community College Transfer Students

Students who successfully complete a state guaranteed general education course will receive transfer credits applied to graduation requirements in all majors unless a specific statewide Articulation Agreement exists. Currently Colorado has several approved statewide articulation agreements in business, nursing, engineering, elementary teacher education and nursing. Information about the state guaranteed transfer program and articulation agreements is available on the Colorado Department of Higher Education Website at http://highered.colorado.gov/dhedefault.html.

UCCS will honor the transfer of an associate of arts (AA) degree and the associate of science (AS) degree earned at a Colorado public institution that offers AA or AS degrees. A student who earns an AA or AS with a grade of “C” or better in all courses will transfer with junior standing into any Letters, Arts and Sciences (LAS) degree program offered by UCCS. The credits earned in the associate degree program will apply at minimum to 35 credits. Because all LAS degrees are designed to be completed in 120 credit hours, a transfer student can complete a four-year degree in the same time as a native student, i.e. 120 hours.

Community college transfer students should also refer to the University Connection program described on the Academic Advising  page, designed to assist AA or AS students transferring to UCCS.

UCCS will evaluate credit for Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and alternate sources of credit following its standard policy.

Transfer Guides

Guides to assist students in their transfer from Colorado community colleges are available for student use at web.uccs.edu/transfer.

Transfer of College Level Credit

Transfer credit evaluation is made only after a student is admitted as a degree student. New transfer students will be advised about requirements remaining and completed when they attend one of the mandatory New Student Orientations.

College credit is transferable to UCCS according to the following stipulations:

  1. Credit must have been earned at a college or university of recognized standing.
  2. Only courses in which a grade of C or better has been attained will be accepted for transfer at this institution. Grades of pass, satisfactory, honors, etc., are also accepted for transfer. However, a limitation is placed on the number of pass hours accepted toward a degree by each school and college.
  3. Credit is not transferable from vocational or technical curricula.
  4. Credit will be granted only for course work appropriate to the curricula at UCCS.
  5. Remedial or sub-college level courses are not transferable.
  6. A maximum of 72 hours may be transferred from a two-year or community college.
  7. A maximum of 102 semester hours of transfer credit may be counted toward graduation. Individual schools and colleges determine which courses and hours will apply toward the degree.
  8. Individual schools and colleges reserve the right to accept or deny credit earned while the student is under scholastic suspension.
  9. A maximum of 60 semester hours of extension credit (including no more than 30 semester hours of correspondence) may be counted toward an undergraduate degree.
  10. Advanced placement credit is evaluated upon receipt of an official score report from the College Entrance Examination Board. Usually only scores of 3, 4, and 5 are considered for credit. Credit is not granted for an advanced placement score if the student has completed a college course which is equivalent to the course for which he/she would receive advanced placement credit.
  11. College Level Examination Program(CLEP) credit for approved subject examinations may only be granted if a score of 67 percentile or above is received and if the courses are acceptable to the student’s school or college. A maximum of 30 semester hours may be counted toward a degree. Credit is not granted for a CLEP score if the student has completed a college course which is equivalent to the course for which he/she would receive CLEP credit.

    Colorado residents may secure CLEP materials from the state regional office by contacting:

    College Level Examination Program
    c/o College Entrance Exam Board
    4155 East Jewell Street, Suite 705
    Denver, Colorado 80222

    Students outside of Colorado may obtain CLEP information and application forms by writing:

    College Level Examination Program
    Box 1822
    Princeton, New Jersey 08540
  12. Credit for military schooling is evaluated upon receipt of forms DD 295 and DD 214. Evaluation of credit is in accordance with the American Council on Education’s credit recommendation and is generally considered as elective credit.
  13. Admission to the University of Colorado does not guarantee eligibility for future transfer into other programs, colleges, or schools within the university.

All course work is evaluated on the semester hour basis, i.e., 1 quarter hour equals 2/3 semester hour.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

All colleges accept CLEP credits but apply them differently depending on the student’s degree program. Please contact an advisor in the Student Success Center for score interpretation.


American History I 55 HIST 1510 3
American History II 55 HIST 1530 3
General Biology 54 BIOL 1100, 1150 6
Calculus 54 MATH 1350, MATH 1- - - 6
Chemistry 54 CHEM 1030 5
Composition Modular Exam with Essays 50 w/a “pass” on essay portion ENGL1310 3
French 55 FR 1010, 1020 8
German 55 GER 1010, 1020 8
Macroeconomics 55 ECON 2020 (Formerly 102) 3
Microeconomics 55 ECON 1010 3
Psychology 54 PSY 1000 3
Sociology 55 SOC 1110 3
Spanish 56 SPAN 1010, 1020 8
Western Civilization I 55 HIST 1010 3
Western Civilization II 55 HIST 1030 3

Transfer Credit Appeal Procedure

State guaranteed courses under the State Guarantee General Education (gtPATHWAYS) policy will transfer to any four-year institution in Colorado to satisfy general education requirements. Other nonguarantee courses are evaluated individually and within 30 days of date of admission. The procedure for appealing a decision involving the acceptance of course work from a Colorado community college for credit toward a degree is as follows:

  1. Students must file an appeal within 15 days of receiving their transcript evaluation by writing the office responsible for transfer evaluations at UCCS. The student should complete and return a petition form to the Student Success Center, Main Hall, 2nd floor. The form will be forwarded to the appropriate authority within the college. The decisions made in the transcript evaluation will be binding if the student fails to file an appeal within this time frame.
  2. UCCS will respond within 30 days in writing to the student appeal.
  3. If the dispute cannot be resolved between the student and UCCS personnel within 30 days, the student may appeal in writing to the Colorado Commission on Higher Education. The student has 15 days from receipt of the written UCCS notification to file an appeal.

Information concerning the appeal process is available at the Student Success Center, Main Hall, 2nd floor.

Transfer Admission Requirements

Students who have completed fewer than 12 semester hours in college work must meet freshman admission standards.


  Business & Administration Engineering & Applied Science** Letters, Arts & Sciences, School of Public Affairs Beth-El College of Nursing & Health Sciences***
13-29 hours of college work completed 2.7 GPA or above with strong math & English 2.5 GPA or above with strong math & English 2.4 GPA or higher 3.3 GPA or higher
30 or more semester hours completed 2.7 GPA or above with strong math & English 2.5 GPA or above with 2.0 GPA or higher 3.3 GPA or higher

*** Students not meeting criteria for assured admission will be considered for admission based on a combination of class rank, test scores, and high school units.
**An Engineering Preparatory Program is available for students having deficiencies in their math/science backgrounds. Higher standards apply for EAS majors.
*** Acceptance to Nursing is highly competitive. Preference is given to those who meet these criteria; however, not all qualified applicants can be accepted.

Student Bill of Rights

Transfer students should be cognizant of the Bill of Rights implemented by the Colorado General Assembly regarding their higher education.

Unclassified/Nondegree Student Admission


The unclassified student designation has been established to meet the needs of those students who wish to take university courses but who do not presently intend to work toward a degree at the University of Colorado. Permission to register for specific courses is contingent upon the availability of space. Unclassified students may have difficulty obtaining course space due to class enrollment limits and because degree students may have a higher priority in certain departments.

Unclassified students enrolled during the academic year (fall, spring and summer terms) must be 20 years of age or older by September 15 for the fall and summer terms and by February 15 for the spring term, must have a 2.0 GPA in all college work attempted, and must be in good standing at all collegiate institutions attended.

An unclassified student who is not a high school graduate must submit GED scores and a high school equivalency certificate issued by a state department of education at the time of application.

Unclassified students may take courses on a pass/fail basis; however, such credit will be counted as part of the total pass/fail credit allowed by the various schools and colleges should the student change to degree status.

Continuation as an unclassified student (Major Code: NDLD, NDUD, NDHS, NDHP or NDDW) is contingent upon maintaining an overall grade point average of 2.0 upon completion of 12 or more semester hours.

Unclassified students may not register concurrently on more than one campus of the university.

A student who already holds a baccalaureate degree who wishes to take graduate level courses but does not wish to earn an advanced degree from the University of Colorado Colorado Springs should apply directly to the Office of Admissions and Records as an unclassified student.

Teacher Certification Renewal Courses

Certified teachers with baccalaureates who seek only a renewal of the certificate currently held and who do not require institutional endorsement or recommendation may qualify for the university-wide unclassified student classification as outlined above.

Persons with baccalaureates who seek initial teacher certification must apply for and be admitted to the Teacher Education Program separately and meet the requirements of the College of Education. For information on the deadlines for admission to the program, unclassified students should consult the College of Education.

Applying Unclassified Student Credits toward Degree

Unclassified students may apply for admission to an undergraduate degree program by submitting an undergraduate admissions application, complete academic credentials, and the application fee. Accepted degree applicants may transfer a maximum of 12 semester hours taken as an unclassified student at this university to an undergraduate degree program with the approval of the appropriate academic dean’s office.

Unclassified students desiring to pursue a graduate degree at the university are encouraged to submit the complete graduate application and supporting credentials as soon as possible. Students may be allowed to transfer up to 9 semester hours of credit taken as an unclassified student at this university to apply toward a master’s degree provided the transfer is recommended and approved by the program department of interest that the student is applying to and is then approved by the Dean of the Graduate School.

The Graduate School of Business and Administration does not allow students to register for graduate level business classes until they are officially admitted to the MBA program. Students are advised to contact the specific college/school in which they wish to enroll as a graduate student, for further details on the transfer of unclassified student credentials. See also transfer of unclassified student credit hours in the individual college/school sections of this Catalog.

For continuation as an unclassified student see “Eligibility to Return” in Academic Policies, Registration, and Records .

Undergraduate and Unclassified Student Admission Information

Applications and required credentials should be filed no later than July 1 for fall, November 1 for spring, and May 1 for summer.
Call 1-800-990-UCCS (8227) or (719) 255-3383. 


(Students seeking a Bachelor’s Degree who have never attended a collegiate institution)
See Freshman Admission Critera Chart and Assured Admission Criteria.
  • Complete application
  • $50 application fee (nonrefundable)
  • Official high school transcript showing rank in class and date of graduation. If still enrolled in high school, 7th semester grades and 8th semester courses in progress. 
  • Official ACT or SAT score report
  • For specific unit requirements refer to the college sections of this catalog.
  • Non-high school graduates must submit copies of GED scores and a state equivalency certificate in addition to a high school transcript showing work completed through highest grade.
(Students seeking a Bachelor’s Degree who have attended a collegiate institution other than UCCS)
See Transfer Admission Requirements.
  • Complete application
  • $50 application fee (nonrefundable)
  • One official transcript from each college attended.
  • Freshman credentials may be required.
  • Non-high school graduates must submit copies of GED scores and state equivalency certificates.
  • While credits from an institution may appear on the transcript of a second institution, transcripts must be submitted from all institutions where credit has been earned.
Unclassified (Nondegree)
(Students who are not seeking a degree at this institution or who have not yet been admitted to degree status.)
  • Must be 20 years of age by Sept. 15 for fall semester or summer term, or Feb. 15 for spring sem.
  • Must be a high school graduate or possess equivalency certificate.
  • Must have at least a 2.0 GPA and be in good standing and eligible to return to all institutions previously attended.
  • Complete application
  • $25 application fee (nonrefundable)
  • Non-high school graduates must submit copies of GED scores and state equivalency certificates.
  • Unclassified students without a degree must maintain a 2.0 GPA to remain eligible to continue.
  • After completing 12 semester hours, degree seeking students must change to degree status.
  • Not eligible for most forms of financial aid.
Former CU Set-up
(Returning unclassified student; returning degree student with fewer than 12 semester hours at another institution since CU)
  • Must be in good standing (*see Note A)
  • Former student application. Degree students must have official transcripts sent for any work attempted since last CU semester.
Note A—students under academic suspension in certain schools and colleges at CU may enroll during the summer term as a means of improving their GPA  
Former CU Re-entering
(Degree student who has attempted 12 or more hours at another institution since attending CU)
  • Same as for transfer student.
  • Same as for transfer student. Application fee required.
Will be considered for previous major unless a different major is requested on the application. Must meet same criteria as transfer student  
Change of Status: Unclassified to Degree
(Current or former CU unclassified students who wish to enter a degree program)
  • Same as for transfer student.
  • Same as for transfer student. Application fee required.
Change of Status: Degree to Unclassified
(*See Note B—Current or former CU degree students who have graduated and wish to take additional work)
  • Must have completed degree.
  • Must be in good standing and eligible to return to all institutions attended.
  • Unclassified student application.
  • NO application fee required.
Note B—only students who have completed and received a degree are eligible for change from degree status to unclassified.  
Inter-Campus Transfer
(Students who have been enrolled on one CU campus and wish to take courses on another.)
  • Must be in good standing
  • Former student application. 
  • Credentials as required by Campus Admissions Office.
  • Transfers from UCCS to another CU campus should refer to appropriate catalog for any additional requirements.

1 Applicants not meeting these criteria are considered on an individual basis. Requirements for individual schools and colleges may vary or exceed the stated minimum.
2 Transcripts must be sent directly to the University of Colorado from each issuing institution. All documents submitted become the property of the University.
3 Any applicant who did not graduate from a high school must submit GED scores and a State Equivalency Certificate in addition to other required credentials.
4 Additional credentials may be required in individual cases.

International Student Services


                 Main Hall, room 108
                 (719) 255-3819

The International Student Services (ISS) office is part of the Admissions Services unit and exists to support foreign students and scholars attending or planning to attend UCCS and to assist academic departments. The office provides foreign students information and referrals to services and programs and assists in meeting federal compliance requirements under SEVIS. The unit is responsible for providing current and future international students with information and services available to them on campus and in the surrounding community, issuance of I-20 and DS-2019 documents, and in-processing of international students and scholars; it provides international student orientation, OPT and CPT authorization, and support for academic departments with international student and scholars services.


Graduate Student Admission


Students must contact their program of interest before applying. Graduate program admission is administered through the specific colleges/schools of interest. For complete information on admission, contact the departmental program or see the Graduate School  section of this Catalogor visit the Graduate School webpage:  www.uccs.edu/~gradschl or email:  gradschl@uccs.edu. Students may also contact the Graduate School Admin for general questions at the following:

General Information

Graduate School Admin                              
UCCS-Main Hall 304                                                           
(719) 255-3417         
Fax: (719) 255-3045                                    

