2010-2011 Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2010-2011 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


  • NURS 6040 - Substance Abuse: Implications for the Forensic Nurse

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Addresses the implications of substance abuse on the role of the forensic nurse. Describes the interdisciplinary process for recognition and treatment of substance abuse. Covers types of substances and their effects on the abuser. Addresses the psychological component of substance abuse and the psychosocial impact of substance abuse on the abuser and their support system. Meets with NURS 4040.
  • NURS 6060 - The Many Facets of Child Maltreatment

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Explores the multifaceted manifestations of child maltreatment to include medical and nursing diagnosis, treatment, documentation, and legal implications from a forensic nursing perspective. Prer., Graduate students only. Meets with NURS 4060.
  • NURS 6070 - The Epidemic of Sexual Assault, Abuse, and Exploitation

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Reviews sexual assault, abuse, and exploitation from a forensic nursing perspective. An interdisciplinary approach explores the dynamics of sexual violence in society and the interface of sexual assault, interpersonal violence (IPV), and child maltreatment. Roles for the forensic nurse will be reviewed. Prer., Graduate or Doctoral nursing students or registered nurses only. Meets with NURS 4070.
  • NURS 6080 - Injury Investigation Throughout the Life Span

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides enhanced knowledge concerning injury and its investigation. A major focus is fatal injuries, death investigation. A major focus is fatal injuries, death investigation systems in the United States, and techniques employed to ascertain the cause and manner of death. Prevention strategies and opportunities for forensic APN role development will also be reviewed. Prer., NURS 4020 or NURS 6020. Graduate or doctoral students in Nursing.
  • NURS 6100 - Philosophical Foundations of Advanced Nursing Practice

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Explores theoretical and philosophic foundations of human caring and nursing’s epidemiology and ontology. Introduces patterns of knowing and advanced roles of artist, ethicist, carer, citizen, and scientist. Integrates theoretical, ethical, socio-political, family, and philosophic perspectives. Prer., Graduate admission or permission of instructor.
  • NURS 6110 - Advanced Nursing Practice and Health Care Policy

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Introduces knowledge to effect change in health care policy and delivery. Advanced nursing practice is explored in the health care system, focusing on regulatory issues and legal/ethical parameters. Emphasis is placed on leadership skills within the social/political arena. Prer., Graduate standing or permission of instructor.
  • NURS 6120 - Nursing Research

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Explores the basis for research in advanced practice nursing. Emphasis is placed on the research process and critiquing published research. Prer., introductory statistics course.
  • NURS 6140 - Dynamics of Holistic Practice

    2 Credits (Minimum)

    Enhances personal and esthetic ways of knowing through the exploration of creativity and critical thinking. Examines conceptual and experiential creativity and encourages the expression of self as an esthetic being. Incorporates theories from decision making and logic.
  • NURS 6150 - Clinical Nurse Specialist Seminar

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Explore historical, theoretical, and conceptual foundations of the clinical nurse specialist (CNS) role. Define the CNS roles of scientist, ethicist, artist, carer, and citizen. Acquire knowledge through patterns of knowing in advanced nursing practice. Prer., NURS 6100, NURS 6110.
  • NURS 6170 - Geropharmacology: Concepts and Practical Applications in Advanced Practice Nursing

    2 Credits (Minimum) 2 Credits (Maximum)

    Reviews pharmacology concepts in the context of the physiology of aging. Applies concepts learned in advanced health assessment to the comprehensive history component of medication review. Discusses polypharmacy and drug classes that may be problematic for older adults. Explores collaborations between advanced practice nurses and pharmacists to reduce medication errors and enhance adherence through education. Prer., NURS 6280, NURS 6730, NURS 6740.
  • NURS 6190 - Educational Measurement and Evaluation in Nursing

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Theories of measurement and evaluation are analyzed as they relate to various aspects of instruction in nursing. Students study and use a variety of measurement and evaluation techniques. Opportunities are provided for students to analyze ethical, legal, and social issues involving measurement and evaluation, as well as uses and limitations of evaluation instruments in a variety of instructional situations. Methods of curriculum and program evaluation will also be addressed. Prer., BSN or graduate department permission.
  • NURS 6200 - Curriculum Development in Nursing

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Introduces the process of curriculum development and the procedures of structuring and evaluating curriculum experiences and outcomes.
  • NURS 6210 - Transformational Teaching Strategies

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Promotes understanding of the political, philosophical and personal tenets of a caring curriculum. Explores advanced concepts of teaching and learning and examines learning theory. Studies the art and science of effective teaching strategies. Includes techniques of media production.
  • NURS 6220 - Collaborative Health Care Management with the Elderly

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides students with empirical knowledge needed to manage care of elderly individuals. Sets foundation for an advanced practice role in providing primary care to older adults and their families within a framework of collaborative practice. Prer., NURS 6120 (Recommended).
  • NURS 6230 - Physiological Problems of Aging

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Explores the various aspects of aging from a physiological perspective. Health promotion of mature and aging families will be addressed. Management of minor acute health problems will be systematically covered. Cultural and ethnic differences are elucidated.
  • NURS 6240 - Managed Care Environment

    3 Credits (Minimum)

    Explores the managed care environment and its evaluation. Explores philosophy of managed care and case management methods, the shift from illness care to illness prevention and community based practice. Focuses on interdisciplinary collaboration, ethics and accountability.
  • NURS 6250 - International and Cross-Cultural Health Care

    3 Credits (Minimum)

    Study of selected international health care and nursing issues. Theoretical and conceptual aspects of cross-cultural health care are included. Travel to England with this class and complete graduate requirements with emphasis on social and health care policy in England.
  • NURS 6260 - Topics in Nursing

    1 to 3 Credits (Minimum)

    Designed to focus on the explorations of selected topics in advanced nursing practice.
  • NURS 6270 - Family Theory and Intervention

    3 Credits (Minimum)

    Explores family theories and their application to advanced nursing. Utilizes a variety of assessment tools to evaluate and plan care for selected families. Applies statistics, demographics of changing families structures, and examples of cultural diversity to the care of families.
  • NURS 6280 - Clinical Pharmacotherapeutics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides knowledge of cellular mechanisms and the clinical application of therapeutic drugs by practitioners in primary and acute health care settings. Educates Advanced Practice Nursing students about common drug uses, drug categories, and integrative health therapies. Prer., Graduate standing or permission of instructor.
  • NURS 6290 - Resource Management: Budget and Finance

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Introduces systems of resource management that may be applied in health care delivery. Emphasis given to strategies of finance and budget, personnel management, management research, and information systems as tools used by nurse managers to impact the health environment. Meets with HCAD 6490.
  • NURS 6300 - Sexual Assault: Implications for Nursing Practice

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Focuses on sexual violence and expands personal knowledge of medicolegal aspects of health care. The alliance of nursing, law enforcement and forensic sciences is explored. Models for preventive strategies and public education are investigated. Meets with HSCI 6300.
  • NURS 6310 - Forensic Nursing

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Introduces clinical forensic nursing with an emphasison emergency room and community health forensic issues. Explores principles and philosophy of clinical forensic nursing and the role of the forensic nurse in advanced nursing practice in clinical and/or community based settings. Meets with HSCI 6310.
  • NURS 6320 - Injury and Death Investigation

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Explores principles related to investigation of injury and death. Forensic pathology and forensic autopsy procedures are included. Explores topics medicolegal evidence, violence injury and environmental pathology. Meets with HSCI 4320 and HSCI 6320.
  • NURS 6330 - Crime Scene & Crime Lab

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Introduces the student to the areas of crime scene preservation, investigation and development and to the scientific tactics, procedures, and techniques employed by forensic experts and sophisticated scientific techniques by forensic nurses. Meets with HSCI 4330 and HSCI 6330.
  • NURS 6340 - Psychosocial/Legal Aspects of Forensic Science

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Introduces the psychological, neurocognitive, sociological and legal dimensions of forensic nursing, assessment and diagnosis of mental disorders, and the interface between the psychosocial effects of injury and illness and the judicial system. Explores criminal, civil and family law applications. Meets with HSCI 4340 and HSCI 6340.
  • NURS 6350 - Internship in Clinical Forensics

    2 Credits (Minimum)

    Arranged to expand clinical application theory content in forensic nursing. Arrangements can be made for experiences with coroners, emergency rooms, crime investigation units, prison or other clinical settings which are congruent with student goals.
  • NURS 6360 - Legal Aspects of Forensics: Civil and Criminal

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Criminal, civil and family law will be discussed as they relate to forensic issues. Meets with HSCI 4290 and HSCI 6360.
  • NURS 6370 - Violence and Human Rights Issues

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides the opportunity to explore the impact of violence in relation to the responsibilities of the investigator, assessor, evaluator, and therapist. Includes strategies of care for individual family and community survivors. Principles and philosophies of victimology, traumatology and domestic violence.Meets with HSCI 4370 and HSCI 6370.
  • NURS 6380 - Evaluation and Management of Adult, Adolescent and Pediatric Sexual Assault Patients

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides advanced preparation for experienced nurses interested in practicing sexual assault nurse examiners or expanding knowledge in forensic healthcare. Topics include: medical forensic examination, evidence collection and the role of the advanced practitioner in the criminal justice process. Prer., Graduate School Admission.
  • NURS 6390 - School Based Nurse Care

    3 Credits (Minimum)

    Management of the child as a client within the family and school community. Includes pediatric health assessment, health education, family centered care, legal guidelines and related laws. Links the child, the school and geographic community by leadership and management.
  • NURS 6410 - Complementary Healing Methods

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Presents an overview of the history, theoretical bases, applications, resources, and trends of complementary healing methods. The evolution of Western scientific thought and Eastern medical theories will be examined as a basis for understanding current health perspectives and treatment modalities.
  • NURS 6420 - Dynamics of Unity

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Explores the scientific and cultural underpinnings of holistic thought. The evolution of Western Science, the essential unity of diverse spiritual traditions, and the development of society from industrialism and isolation to the age of information and global economy. Meets with NURS 4620.
  • NURS 6430 - Psychophysiology of Holistic Health

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides an advanced foundation in the physiological phenomena associated with holistic health. Explores mind/body concepts such as stress and disease, alternative medicine outcomes, spontaneous healing psychoneuroimmunology and the placebo effect.
  • NURS 6440 - Advanced Assessment of Holistic Health

    3 Credits (Minimum)

    Facilitates the recognition and nurturance of the nurse’s unique, individual expression of wholeness. Holistic nursing philosophy and the nurse-focused standards of care and practice are discussed. Emphasis is placed on self-reflection, empowerment, personal responsibility, growth, and mutual support.
  • NURS 6450 - The Art of Holistic Nursing

    3 Credits (Minimum)

    Explores theories of esthetics and art for application in healing. Theories of the psychology of the spirit are considered within the caring context of nursing. The processes of imagination are investigated.
  • NURS 6460 - Shamanism: Healer and Visionary

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Applies the philosophy and practice of shamanism; specifically imagery, memory, reflection, dreams and the creative healing process in nursing practice. The focus is on the nurse’s role and practical application of theories and techniques of shamanism in various clinical situations. Intuitive and analytical thinking are emphasized. Prer., Admission to nursing program required.
  • NURS 6470 - Holistic-Praxis: Therapies of the Imagination

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Applies imagery, memory and reflection, dreams and the creative processes to holistic nursing practice. The focus is on the nurse’s role and the practical application of theories and techniques of these therapies in various clinical situations.
  • NURS 6480 - Holistic-Praxis: Therapies of the Human Energy Fields

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Theories and practices of healing modalities which emphasize touch, energy systems, and movement that nourish and strengthen the body/mind/spirit are interpreted artistically and scientifically. Learners explore the use of these modalities in experiential situations.
  • NURS 6490 - World Views of Health and Healing

    3 Credits (Minimum)

    Explores various cultural traditions in health and healing. Traditional Chinese Medicine, Auyerveda, Shamanism, Curanderismo, Native American Healing, and selected complementary and alternative therapies are examined.
  • NURS 6500 - Forensic Photography

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Designed to assist professionals in forensic science and health care in the basic principles and techniques associated with forensic photography at the crime scene, in the hospital setting, or in autopsy laboratory. Meets with HSCI 4390 and HSCI 6380.
  • NURS 6510 - Perinatal/Newborn Health Assessment, Stabilization and Care

    3 Credits (Minimum)

    Provides the basis for advanced practice nursing care necessary to meet the assessment, stabilization and early care needs of healthy and at risk newborns and their families. Clinical practicum further develops assessment skills and provides opportunities to practice.
  • NURS 6520 - Pathophysiology of the Newborn

    4 Credits (Minimum)

    Synthesis of concepts of embryology, neonatal physiology and pathophysiology and relates these concepts to the rationale for comprehensive management of and the outcomes for illnesses/problems in at risk newborns.
  • NURS 6530 - Clinical Management of High Risk Newborn

    3 Credits (Minimum)

    Integrates research based knowledge of disease/ disorders of the newborn within clinical practice. The multiple facets of the advanced practice neonatal nurse and nurse practitioner roles are analyzed.
  • NURS 6540 - Neonatal Clinical Pharmacotherapeutics

    4 Credits (Minimum)

    Introduces pharmaceutical management of a range of fetal and neonatal conditions which are commonly seen in perinatal/newborn settings. Integrates patterns of knowing as applied to the pharmacotherapeutic approach in the management of patients in neonatal care settings.
  • NURS 6560 - Women’s Health Care Issues

    3 Credits (Minimum)

    Presents an overview of selected women’s experiences and health issues. Exploration from a historical, psychological and socio-political focus in order to increase understanding regarding the impact on the woman, her significant others, health care professionals and the health care system.
  • NURS 6570 - Role Transitions

    2 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Designed for certificate nurse practitioners who have completed advanced practice core degree requirements. Facilitates the integration of graduate advanced practice theoretical and conceptual knowledge intoclinical practice. Prer., NURS 6100, NURS 6110, NURS 6120, NURS 6270.
  • NURS 6580 - Adult Clinical Nurse Specialist I

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides Advanced Practice Nursing (APN) knowledge and interventions for adults and families in the illness/disease trajectory. Emphasis is on comprehensive assessment, problem-solving skills, therapeutic management, and prevention modalities. Patterns of knowing, reflective learning, theory, research, and integrative care modalities guide care of adults and families. Prer., Master core courses and NURS 6280, NURS 6730, NURS 6740.
  • NURS 6590 - Adult Clinical Nurse Specialist II

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides Advanced Practice Nursing (APN) knowledge and interventions for adults and families in the illness/disease trajectory. Emphasis is on comprehensive assessment, problem-solving skills, therapeutic management, and prevention modalities. Patterns of knowing, reflective learning, theory, research, and integrative care modalities guide care of adults and families. Prer., Master core courses and NURS 6280, NURS 6730, NURS 6740.
  • NURS 6600 - Palliative Care and Advanced Practice Nursing

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Analyzes principles of palliative care in chronic progressive disease and end-of-life care. Integrates concepts across the lifespan and with various specialty populations, as well as implementation in various clinical settings.
  • NURS 6610 - Primary Health Care of Childbearing Families

    3 Credits (Minimum)

    Provides a basis for the practice of advanced practice nursing care through the exploration of the health needs in the childbearing family. Focuses on comprehensive assessment, intervention, and preventive care for the childbearing family in primary health care settings.
  • NURS 6620 - Primary Health Care of Families I

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Explores acute/chronic health care of children and families. Focuses on comprehensive assessment, intervention, and preventive care. Prer., MSN core courses and NURS 6280, NURS 6730, NURS 6740.
  • NURS 6630 - Community and Rural Health

    3 Credits (Minimum)

    Provides the student with the opportunity to examine concepts and theoretical frameworks relevant to community and rural health. The major emphasis is to provide a foundation for advanced nursing practice in community and rural settings. Open to graduate program students only.
  • NURS 6640 - Primary Health Care of Families II

    4 Credits (Minimum) 4 Credits (Maximum)

    Explores the preventive and acute health care needs of adults and families across the life span. Prer., MSN core courses and NURS 6280, NURS 6730, NURS 6740. Meets with NURS 6780.
  • NURS 6660 - Health Promotion & Disease Management for Clinical Nurse Specialist

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides a basis for advanced practice nursing through the exploration of the human health experience of clients across health care settings. Emphasizes health promotion, acute episodic and community care within a human caring framework. Prer., NURS 6730, NURS 6740, and NURS 6280.
  • NURS 6670 - Primary Health Care of Families III

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides a foundation for exploration of chronic health conditions of adults and families across the life span. Focuses on assessment, prevention, and management, incorporating concepts from pathophysiology, psycho/social, cultural, political, theory, evidence-based practice, and spritual frameworks. Prer., MSN core courses and NURS 6280, NURS 6730, NURS 6740. Meets with NURS 6790.
  • NURS 6720 - Assessment Validation

    1 Credits (Minimum)

    Validation of health assessment skills. Recommended for students who have not been involved with health assessments in past four years.
  • NURS 6730 - Advanced Health Assessment

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Explores the foundation and techniques of advanced health assessment across the life span. This course requires 45 contact hours of precepted assessments. Prer., Completion or concurrent registration in core courses, or faculty approval.
  • NURS 6740 - Advanced Pathophysiology

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Synthesis of pathophysiologic concepts for therapeutic assessment, diagnosis, management, and intervention fundamental to advanced practice nursing across the life span in a variety of health care settings. Prer., Completion of or concurrent registration in core courses or faculty permission.
  • NURS 6780 - Primary Health Care of Adults I

    4 Credits (Minimum) 4 Credits (Maximum)

    Explores preventive and acute health needs of young through aged adults. Focuses on comprehensive assessment, intervention, and preventive care for young through aged adults in primary health care settings. Prer., NURS 6100, NURS 6120, NURS 6280, NURS 6730, and NURS 6740. Meets with NURS 6640.
  • NURS 6790 - Primary Health Care of Adults II

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Exploration of the acute and chronic health needs of young through aged adults with special emphasis on the health needs of aging adults. Focuses on comprehensive assessment, intervention, and preventive care. Prer., NURS 6730, NURS 6740, and NURS 6280. Meets with NURS 6670.
  • NURS 6890 - Topics in Nursing

    1 to 3 Credits (Minimum)

    Designed to focus on the explorations of selected topics in advanced nursing practice.
  • NURS 6900 - Primary Care I

    6 Credits (Minimum) 6 Credits (Maximum)

    Explores acute and chronic health care of children and families. Focuses on comprehensive assessment, intervention, and preventive care. This course requires completion of 90 contact hours of practicum. Prer., Completion of core and Advanced Practice core courses.
  • NURS 6910 - Primary Care III

    6 Credits (Minimum) 6 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides a foundation for exploration of chronic health conditions of adults and families across the life span. Focuses on assessment, prevention, and management, incorporating concepts from pathophysiology, psycho/social, cultural, political, theory, evidence-based practice, and spiritual frameworks. This course requires 90 contact hours of practicum. Prer., Completion of core and Advanced Practice core courses.
  • NURS 6980 - Synthesis Practicum

    4 Credits (Minimum) 8 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides the opportunity to practice the skills and knowledge related to Advanced Practice in the provision of Primary Care. Practicum hours are arranged with a preceptor and select populations in a variety of clinical settings. 1 credit hour of practicum is equal to 45 contact hours. Prer., Core courses and NURS 6280, NURS 6730, NURS 6740. All immunizations, licensure, CPR must be submitted and current prior to course beginning date.
  • NURS 6990 - Advanced Forensic Nursing

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides a theoretical basis for forensic nursing practice, to include skills and experience in assessment, identifcation, management, and referral of patients and families exposed to violence and trauma. A population-based, client-centered approach and community-based services will be emphasized. Prer., NURS 4020 or NURS 6020. Graduate doctoral students in Nursing.
  • NURS 7000 - Research Thesis

    1 Credits (Minimum) 5 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides an opportunity for graduate students to participate in the research process under the direction of an advisory committee. Synthesis of knowledge and skill in selected areas of the research process necessary to organize and conduct a research study. Prer., NURS 6120; and the satisfactory completion of a minimum of 20 credit hours the MSN program.
  • NURS 7010 - Advanced Clinical and Holistic Health Care

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Explores theoretical and philosophic foundations of reflective practice within caring perspectives. Provides principles of reflective practice, advanced skills, holistic therapies and care delivery models. Advanced decision making for assessing populations/ communities and clinical documentation/protocol/clinical directives will be discussed. Prer., Admission to DNP Program or permission of Graduate Director.
  • NURS 7020 - Clinical Research Application

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Offers the opportunity to develop and/or revise nursing clinical protocols derived from scientifically rigorous empirical and qualitative evidence. Includes a program evaluation and a brief review of research process and research critique. Prer., NURS 6100, NURS 6110, and NURS 6120.
  • NURS 7030 - Advanced Health Care Policy, Ethics and Law

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides analysis of principles of ethics, law and policy impacting health care delivery systems. Explores ethical and legal constructs influencing practitioners and systems. Investigate avenues for the advanced practice nurse to impact structure and function of legislative/regulatory organizations. Prer., Admission to Graduate DNP Program or permission of Graduate Director.
  • NURS 7040 - Health Care Administration

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Defines the work of health care organizations. Relates critical aspects of productivity to result oriented management. Defines standards of performance including risk management, qualitative and quantitative measures. Elements of a comprehensive human resource management system and strategies for supportive services are addressed. Prer., NURS 6100, NURS 6110 and NURS 6120. Meets with HCAD 6190.
  • NURS 7050 - Health Care Ethics and Law

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides an analysis of the principles of ethics and law as they impact the health care delivery system and role of the health care administrator. Students will analyze federal and state statues as adopted and interpreted through case law. Meets with HCAD 6390.
  • NURS 7060 - Health Care Administration II

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    An analysis of leadership, management and organizational theories. An exploration of multilevel communication used in health care organizations. Examines theoretical and pragmatic approaches to communication, leadership, management, and organizational issues from a nursing administrative perspective.
  • NURS 7070 - Population-based Health Care for Improving the Nation’s Health

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Explores theoretical/philosophical foundations of reflective practice within population-based health care. Provides principles, practices and influences of epidemiology, health promotion, rural health, technology, biostatistics, culture, and socioeconomics of health care delivery. Analyzes environmental/occupational health concepts and sustainability of world health. Prer., Admission to Graduate DNP Program or permission of Graduate Director.
  • NURS 7080 - Clinical Nursing Scholarship for Evidence-based Practice

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Examines a broad range of methods for disciplined inquiry to investigate nursing phenomena. Explores how reflective practice influences the selection of inquiry and methods. Emphasis is placed on the design, implementation and evaluation of outcomes research for systems of care. Prer., Admission to Graduate DNP Program or permission of Graduate Director.
  • NURS 7090 - Business Finance and Entrepreneurship for Advanced Practice Nursing

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Explores theoretical foundations of business, finance and entrepreneurship of advanced practice. Provides overview of principles of business finance related to clinical care delivery. Financial planning and system management will be highlighted. Individual, societal and political influences on health care finances will be presented. Strategic and business plan related to finance, marketing, operational management and capital budgeting will be discussed. Prer., Admission to Graduate DNP program or permission of graduate director.
  • NURS 7100 - Organizational System Leadership and Quality Improvement

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Explores theoretical foundations of reflective practice within organizational and leadership perspectives. Provides an overview of principles of organizational systems/culture, quality improvement/ risk management. Concepts within informatic/ technologic systems, consultation, inter-professional dimensions of healthcare/organizations within advanced practice will be analyzed. Prer., Admission to DNP Graduate Nursing Program or permission of Graduate Director.
  • NURS 7110 - Inferential Statistics for Health Care Professionals

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    An overview of inferential statistical techniques most commonly reported in nursing and health care research. Topics encompass descriptive, parametric,and non-parametric statistics, and are made relevant to health care professionals through the use of published research examples. Prer., graduate status.
  • NURS 7710 - Clinical Practicum in Nursing Education

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Designed to assist prospective nursing educators to operationalize the elements of instruction in nursing clinical education. Students will work with a faculty preceptor in a clinical area relevant to their expertise and interest. Philosophical and experiential issues specific to clinical instruction are discussed in seminar format. Prer., NURS 6190, NURS 6200, and NURS 6210.
  • NURS 7720 - Classroom Practicum in Nursing Education

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Assists prospective nursing educators to operationalize the elements of instruction in the classroom setting. Students will work with a faculty preceptor in an area relevant to their expertise and interests. Philosophical and experiential issues specific to classroom instruction are discussed in seminar format. Prer., NURS 6190, NURS 6200, and NURS 6210.
  • NURS 7770 - Role Synthesis in Family Nurse Practitioner Practice

    2 Credits (Minimum)

    Synthesis course that brings together the diverse roles of the family nurse practitioner. Collaboration, negotiation, and other intra-organizational strategies. Emphasis is placed on the development of an employment plan including budget development, legal, and key practice issues.
  • NURS 7790 - Woman’s Health Practicum

    7 Credits (Minimum)

    Designed to offer students the opportunity to implement skills and knowledge of woman’s health, assessment, intervention and preventative care under the direction of an assigned preceptor.
  • NURS 7800 - Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Clinical Preceptorship I

    5 Credits (Minimum)

    Provides concentrated clinical experiences that prepare the student for entry level functioning in the role of the neonatal nurse practitioner and assuming responsibility for the direct management and care of healthy and acutely ill newborns.
  • NURS 7810 - Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Clinical Preceptorship II

    5 Credits (Minimum)

    Provides concentrated clinical experiences that prepare the student for entry level functioning in the role of the neonatal nurse practitioner and assuming responsibility for the direct management and care of healthy and acutely ill newborns.
  • NURS 7820 - Clinical Specialist Practicum

    2 Credits (Minimum) 6 Credits (Maximum)

    Offers students the opportunity to enact the Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) role. The student uses coordination, collaboration, networking, and interdisciplinary skills in the provision of adult/family care. 1 credit is equal to 45 contact hours. Prer., NURS 6100, NURS 6110, NURS 6120, NURS 6150, NURS 6280, NURS 6730, NURS 6740. All immunizations, NP malpractice, CPR licenses must be submitted and current prior to course beginning date. Meets with NURS 7830.
  • NURS 7830 - Community Assessment Practicum

    1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum)

    Application of a selected model of population based assessment to a specific community and/or rural aggregate population. Collaboration with health providers is expected to manage health related data and form the foundation for community based advanced practice. Prer., NURS 6100, NURS 6110, NURS 6120, NURS 6150. Meets with NURS 7820.
  • NURS 7840 - Primary Care Practicum

    1 Credits (Minimum) 6 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides the opportunity to practice the skills and knowledge related to Advanced Practice in the provision of Primary Care. Practicum hours are arranged with a preceptor and select populations in a variety of clinical settings. Prer., MSN core courses and NURS 6280, NURS 6730, NURS 6740. All immunizations, NP malpractice, CPR licenses must be submitted and current prior to course beginning date. Meets with NURS 7890.
  • NURS 7890 - Primary Care of Families Practicum

    1 Credits (Minimum) 6 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides the opportunity to practice the skills and knowledge related to Advanced Practice in the provision of Primary Care. Practicum hours are arranged with a preceptor and select populations in a variety of clinical settings. Prer., MSN core courses and NURS 6280, NURS 6730, NURS 6740. All immunizations, NP malpractice, CPR licenses must be submitted and current prior to course beginning date. Meets with NURS 7840.
  • NURS 7900 - Administrative Internship

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides administrative experience with an assigned preceptor. Provides foundation for practicum. Prer., NURS 6100, NURS 6110, and NURS 6120. Meets with NURS 7910.
  • NURS 7910 - Administrative Practicum

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides an opportunity to apply principles and skills in advanced health care administration. Student will coordinate, collaborate, network and develop interdisciplinary skills in health care administration in collaboration with preceptor. Prer., NURS 6100, NURS 6110, NURS 6120, and NURS 7050. Meets with NURS 7900.
  • NURS 8000 - DNP Clinical Residency

    1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum)

    Affords the DNP student the opportunity to develop a personal philosophy/theory of reflective practice, develop a role transition model for practice and develop a vision for future clinical practice. Provides guidance for the development of DNP practice. Prer., Admission to the DNP program.
  • NURS 8010 - Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) Capstone Proposal

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Affords Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) students opportunities to develop capstone projects demonstrating knowledge application from coursework and clinical practice. Specific project areas are identified and developed with guidance of select faculty and community or advanced practice nurses. Project proposals reveal interface between advanced practice nursing and research. Prer., NURS 7010, NURS 7030, NURS 7070, NURS 7090, NURS 7100, NURS 8000. Open to DNP students only.
  • NURS 8020 - Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) Capstone Project

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Affords Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) students opportunities to implement capstone proposals in specific clinical settings. Provides guidance for implementation of research projects demonstrating integrated knowledge of advanced practice nursing and research. Clinical project areas are identified and developed with mentorship of faculty advanced practice nurses. Prer., NURS 7010, NURS 7030, NURS 7070, NURS 7090, NURS 7100, NURS 8000, NURS 8010. Open to DNP students only.
  • NURS 9300 - Independent Study

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Undergraduate independent study is arranged with a specific faculty member in an area of interest. Independent study can fulfill elective or core course requirements. Prer., Permission of instructor required.
  • NURS 9400 - Independent Study

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Undergraduate independent study is arranged with a specific faculty member in an area of interest. Independent study can fulfill elective or core course requirements. Prer., Permission of instructor required.
  • NURS 9500 - Independent Study

    1 Credits (Minimum) 6 Credits (Maximum)

    Graduate students investigate an area of interest in the field of health care with the guidance of a faulty member in nursing. Prer., Permission of supervising faculty member.
  • NURS 9600 - Independent Study

    1 Credits (Minimum) 6 Credits (Maximum)

    Graduate students investigate an area of interest in the field of health care with the guidance of a faulty member in nursing. Prer., Permission of supervising faculty member.
  • NURS 9990 - Candidate for Degree

    0 Credits (Minimum) 0 Credits (Maximum)

    Candidate for Degree
  • OPTM 3000 - Fundamentals of Operations Management

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Intro to the design and analysis of production systems in manufacturing, service and public organizations. Topics include facility location and layout, job design and work standards, production and inventory planning and control, quality control, forecasting, simulation, waiting line analysis, linear programming, and productivity and competitiveness. Prer., ACCT 2020, QUAN 2020. Business students only.
  • OPTM 3390 - Managing Projects for Competitive Advantage

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Covers the fundamental project management topics necessary for implementation of and excellence in project management. Emphasis will be from a management perspective that addresses the basic nature of managing projects for business, information systems and the public. Students will deal with the problems of selecting projects, initiating them, operating them and controlling them. Also covered are the issues associated with terminating a project and with conducting a project that involves what project managers like to call the ‘real world’.

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