Feb 02, 2025  
2008-2009 Catalog 
2008-2009 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College of Business and Administration


General Information


Venkateshwar Reddy, Dean
Dwire Hall, room310
Telephone: (719) 262-3113
Fax: (719) 262-3100

The College of Business and Administration and the Graduate School of Business Administration was established in 1965. The College serves the needs of the Pikes Peak Region and Southern Colorado for competent and responsible managers, for continued education of those already in such positions, and for research. It also serves the needs for business education throughout the world with its Distance MBA program.

The College works closely with the local business community in the professional development of its students. The Business Diversity Union (BDU) assists the College in the recruitment and retention of ethnic minority students and in promoting a community that values individual differences and perspectives.


We are in the business of building successful futures.


To be an internationally accredited and recognized College of Business that is an exciting place to be for students, faculty, staff, and others we serve, and that is known for its high quality undergraduate and MBA programs, areas of emphasis, and select specialized programs that build on our unique capabilities and market opportunities. We will achieve our mission by:

  • Earning a reputation for being the premier provider of business education in the markets we serve
  • Having internationally recognized faculty who are committed to teaching excellence and publishing valuable business research and knowledge
  • Providing an innovative, current, education of superior quality that integrates theory and practice and provides students with relevant knowledge and experiences in and outside the classroom
  • Providing valued service to the people, communities, and disciplines we serve
  • Attracting and retaining a diverse group of highly qualified students, faculty, and staff to our programs

Core Values

Student Success

Paramount to everything we do and one of the keys to our uniqueness and success is our dedication to helping students succeed in our programs and in their careers.

Excellence, Integrity, and Professionalism

We believe that things worth doing are worth doing right with the highest ethical standards.


We want to encourage and be known for innovative thinking, practices, and programs.

Building Relationships

We are committed to developing mutually beneficial relationships and teamwork with all of our stakeholders.


Both the undergraduate and the graduate business degree programs are fully accredited by AACSB International— The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.


Dean and Finance Professor: Venkateshwar Reddy. Associate Dean and Associate Professor: Ann Hickey. Professors: Alan Davis, Richard Discenza, Jeffery Ferguson, Donald Gardner, Thomas Gruen, Gary Klein, Paul Miller, John Milliman, Eric Olson,Donald Warrick, Thomas Zwirlein.Associate Professors: Charles Beck,Margaret Beranek, Cathy Claiborne, Andrew Czaplewski, Rebecca Duray,Morgan Shepherd, Kirkland Wilcox. Assistant Professors: Carol Finnegan,Monique French, Brian McAllister, and George Woodward. Associate Research Professor: Fred Crowley. Instructors: Bill Ayen, Gordon Stringer, Sheri Trumpfheller, Sally von Breton, and Sam White. Emeritus Professors: Robert Keeley, Robert Knapp, Fred McFadden, Edward Oppermann, James Rothe, and Robert Zawacki.

Business Academic Advising

Undergraduate: Student Success Center

Main Hall, 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 7150
Colorado Springs, CO 80933-7150
(719) 262-3260 or (719) 262-3630
1-800-990-UCCS ext 3260 or 3630
Fax: (719) 262-3645
E-mail: success@uccs.edu

Graduate: MBA Academic Advising

Graduate School of Business Administration
Dwire Hall 333
1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
(719) 262-3408, 1-800-990-8227, ext 3408
Fax: (719) 262-3100
E-mail: mba@uccs.edu

Internship and Career & Placement Center

Dwire Hall 301

The Internship and Career & Placement Center for undergraduate and graduate business students assists students searching for business internships and for part-time and full time positions; it also provides assistance with resume writing and career direction. The Center also can introduce students to My Interface. This Web site links undergrads, MBA students and alumni to area and national employers who are looking for qualified employees to fill open positions. For appointments, e-mailbusiness@uccs.edu or call (719) 262-3587. Visit the Career and Placement Web site at: http://business.uccs.edu: go to Current Student, then Career and Placement Center.

Business Programs of Study 

Research Centers

^ Top

The Center for Entrepreneurship

The Center for Entrepreneurship is an innovative educational environment established by the College of Business and Administration and based upon the student learning environment paradigm. The Center for Entrepreneurship is tasked with exposing students at UCCS to the ideas and concepts behind entrepreneurial activities. The Center’s primary mission is to provide a real-world learning lab by creating a company-like environment wherein students can apply the concepts studied in their business curriculum.

International Small Business Development Center

The College of Business and Administration has been named as the host of the International Small Business Development Center for the State of Colorado. Services include counseling, training programs, and web-based services. The Center will have a special emphasis on Spanish language material to assist companies interested in doing business with NAFTA-related industries.

Small Business Development Center

The mission of the El Paso and Teller County Sub center of the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is to enhance economic development through assisting small businesses in reaching their growth and profit potential. Sponsored jointly by
the U.S. Small Business Administration, the State of Colorado, UCCS, and Pikes Peak Community College, the SBDC offers seminars, workshops, and one-on-one counseling for start up and ongoing small businesses in the region.

Southern Colorado Economic Forum

The Forum provides businesses in El Paso County with economic and quality of life information which is used to assess local economic conditions. The objective of the Economic Forum is to provide timely and useful information focused specifically on the Pikes Peak Region. This information serves as a community progress report, identifying areas where the local community excels as well as areas where it faces challenges.

College of Business and Administration Learning Outcomes


Business, BS—Bachelor of Science

  • During the freshman and sophomore years, students will gain an understanding of foundation knowledge in accounting, behavioral science, economics, mathematics and statistics.
  • Students will develop an understanding of perspectives on ethical and global issues, and political, social, technological, and diversity issues as they relate to the business environment.
  • Students will develop competency in oral and written communication.
  • Students will develop competency in quantitative, analytical and reasoning skills.
  • Students will gain basic business knowledge and experience required to function adequately in a business-related career.

Business, MBA—Master’s of Business Administration

  • Students will be able to integrate state-of-the-art theory and practice in the business disciplines and gain an integrated perspective of what it takes to make organizations successful.
  • Students will gain good process skills such as leadership, management, people and team-skills, and good technical and analytical skills in their chosen area of emphasis.
  • The MBA Program will be structured and delivered in a way that meets the needs of our students

College of Business and Administration General Academic Policies


The following academic policies are applicable to all students enrolled in the College of Business and Administration or the Graduate School of Business Administration. All students are responsible for knowing and following the provisions set forth in this Bulletin and in the Schedule of Courses. Any questions concerning these provisions are to be directed to the Student Success Center (undergraduate inquiries) or the College of Business and Administration MBA Advising Office (graduate inquiries). It is the responsibility of the student to know and observe program requirements and deadlines.

In an effort to incorporate new business techniques and paradigms into business programs, as well as to meet the needs of students on a timely basis, CoB periodically make changes to curricula. The academic policies and regulations stated herein are in effect at the time this Bulletin is printed but may be subject to change; these changes may not be reflected in this Bulletin. We therefore encourage students to visit our Web site at: http://business.uccs.edu. Any questions should be directed to the Student Success Center or the MBA Advising Office.

Academic Progress

Grading Policies

Audit/No Credit

The College will not approve business courses taken as audit or for no credit.

Failed Courses

Although failed courses may be repeated, the earned F will remain on the student’s transcript and will be included in his/her grade point average.

Grade Appeals

Final grades as reported by instructors are to be considered permanent and final. Grade appeals must be approved by the associate dean or the dean. Please visit the Web site for the grade appeal policy: http://business.uccs.edu/html/policies.

Incomplete Grades

The ONLY incomplete grade authorized by the College of Business for business courses is IF. Therefore, IF’s are only appropriate for students who have completed a substantial portion of the semester but then become ill, or encounter other documentable extenuating circumstances beyond their control, preventing them from completing their course work.

Instructors have the sole discretion to award a grade of IF. The purpose of an IF is to allow students to make up missing work or exams. To resolve an incomplete grade, the student must meet with their instructor to develop a plan for completion and must submit the specified work by the deadline established. Students may not attend any part of the course a second time in an effort to complete a pending IF without re-enrolling. If a student elects to re-enroll before resolving the IF, the most recent grade, in addition to the IF, will remain on the student’s permanent academic record. In all cases where an incomplete is not remedied within one calendar year, the IF grade will automatically convert to an F on the student’s permanent academic record. Students are responsible to ensure that all incomplete grades are resolved at least four weeks prior to their scheduled graduation date.

Pass/Fail Course Registration

With the exception of BUAD 301, 302, 303, internships numbered 496 and 696, and certain experimental courses, students in the College of Business and Administration may not use courses taken on a pass/fail basis to satisfy required business, required non-business, or business elective courses. Only open electives may be taken on a pass/fail basis and applied towards the undergraduate degree. No pass/fail courses may be taken and applied toward the Graduate degree program. Pass/fail determination must be made within the first two weeks of the semester and is irreversible.

Administrative Drop

Through the semester census date, individual faculty or the dean may initiate the process to drop students who do not have the proper course prerequisites and/or class standing for courses. Students who fail to meet written class attendance policies may be administratively dropped. Students who do not attend the first class without receiving prior permission from the instructor may also be dropped.

Attendance Policy

It is the expectation of the College of Business and Administration that students will attend all classes.However, classroom attendance policy is left to the discretion of the faculty member. Students are responsible for knowing the attendance policies of individual instructors. Business faculty may drop students who do not attend the first class without prior permission from the instructor. This policy allows the adding of wait-listed students who attend the first class. Students registering after the first class meeting should obtain approval from the instructor prior to enrolling and are responsible for all assignments, notes,materials, etc. given during missed instructional time.

Independent Study

Junior, senior and graduate business students desiring to work beyond regular business course coverage may take variable credit courses (1-3 semester hours) under the direction of a full-time member of the faculty who approves the project. The student must also have the prior approval of the dean. Information and request forms are available in the advising offices. To receive degree credit for independent study and experimental studies courses in non-business areas, students must obtain the approval of the College of Business and Administration dean prior to registering for the course. The College of Business and Administration does not grant credit for work experience or cooperative education programs. Tutoring of lower division courses is considered a form of work experience, and is not accepted for academic credit. A maximum of 6 hours of pre-approved independent study credit may be applied to the undergraduate degree or MBA degree.


The College of Business and Administration offers the opportunity for business degree students, undergraduate and graduate, to obtain internships both for credit and not for credit. Information on business internships is available at the College of Business and Administration Internship and Career & Placement Center.

Transfer Credit

The College of Business and Administration reserves the right to disallow any credit it determines not to be appropriate. Only credit from regionally accredited institutions will be considered for transfer to the undergraduate degree program, and from the AACSB accredited graduate programs to the MBA degree. See the following Undergraduate Degree Program and MBA Program sections for more detail.

College of Business and Administration Undergraduate Program Policies


Students are held to basic standards of performance established for their classes with respect to attendance, active participation in course work, promptness in completion of assignments, correct English usage—both in writing and speech, accuracy in calculations, and general quality of scholastic workmanship. In general, examinations are required in all courses for all students, including seniors. To be in good standing, a minimum scholastic cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 is required for all course work attempted, a 2.0 GPA for all business courses attempted, and a 2.0 GPA for all Area of Emphasis courses, with no grades below a C-. These grade point averages apply to work taken at all University of Colorado (CU GPA) campuses. Remedial course work is not included in the overall average. Students are responsible for being aware of their academic status at all times; late posting of grades and/or late notification by the College does not waive this responsibility.

In an effort to incorporate new business techniques and paradigms into our business programs, as well as to meet the needs of our students on a timely basis, we periodically make changes to our curriculum. The academic policies and regulations stated herein are in effect at the time this Bulletin is printed but may be subject to change; these changes may not be reflected in this Bulletin. We therefore encourage you to visit our Web site at: http://business.uccs.edu. Any questions should be directed to the Student Success Center or the MBA Advising Office.

A student’s business program/catalog year is the one in effect at the time the student is admitted to the UCCS College of Business and Administration or to LAS, Business Intent. Transfer students from Colorado Community Colleges may follow the graduation requirements in effect during the academic year the student began study at the community college if they complete the AA Business Option (restrictions apply, please see UCCS Student Success Center). All others are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Students transferring from both two- and four-year public higher education institutions in Colorado should consult the articulation agreements and transfer guides that are in effect between the College of Business and Administration and these institutions.

Undergraduate Admission Procedures


Class Rank and Test Scores

Students who rank in the upper 40th percentile of their high school graduating class and who satisfy the suggested high school units and the entrance test score requirements are assured admission. Test scores for assured admission are as follows:

  • SAT: a combined score of 1080 or above
  • ACT: a composite score of 24 or above, with an English minimum score of 24 and a math minimum score of 22.

Students not meeting the above standards will be considered on the basis of a combination of several factors including class rank and performance in college prep classes.

Suggested High School Course Units

  • English 4 (including one year of speech/debate and two years of composition)
  • Mathematics 3 (including at least two years of algebra and one year of geometry)
  • Natural science 3 (laboratory science courses)
  • Social Science 2
  • Foreign language 2
  • Academic electives one (additional courses in English, foreign language,mathematics, natural or social sciences; not to include business courses)
  • Total 15

Students with strong mathematics and verbal skills are encouraged to apply even though their test scores and/or class rank may vary from the indicated admissions criteria.

Intra-University Transfer (IUT)

Students who wish to transfer to the College of Business and Administration from another degree program at UCCS must submit an application in the Student Success Center upon completion of at least 15 semester hours of graded work on campus. Grades earned in freshman English,math and other skills course swill be evaluated, as will cumulative GPA. Students must earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 for admission; those with a GPA between 2.0 and 2.49 will be reviewed by the Business Admissions Committee.

A minimum of 30 hours of business course work must be completed after admission to the College of Business and Administration, including 18-21 hours in the area of emphasis and BUAD 400 & 450. Course work taken prior to admission to the College will not be accepted toward area of emphasis requirements, nor are pre-Business (PRBU) students in the College of Letters, Arts & Sciences (LAS) permitted to enroll in upper-division Business courses. Furthermore, declaration as a PRBU major does not guarantee transfer into the College of Business and Administration or application of any business credits earned while a LAS student.

Nondegree students may enroll in upper division courses only with the permission of the Director of Undergraduate Programs for the College of Business and Administration.

Transfer Students

Students may transfer to the College of Business and Administration from another institution. Transfer students must demonstrate proficiency in English and mathematics and will require the Admissions Committee approval before being admitted to the College. Students must have earned a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 to help assure admission; applicants who do not have a cumulative GPA between 2.0 and 2.49 will be considered. Applicants with less than 12 semester hours of college level work will be required to submit a high school transcript and SAT or ACT test scores. Applicants with 30 semester hours or more of college level work may or may not be required to submit high school transcripts and/or test scores. Additional credentials may be required in individual cases. The College of Business and Administration does not allow students who already possess a Bachelor’s degree in a business area to pursue a second Bachelor’s degree in Business. Students who already have a Bachelor’s degree in Business are encouraged to inquire about admission criteria for the College of Business and Administration undergraduate and graduate certificate programs, and MBA programs


The College of Business and Administration adheres to the University Minimum Academic Preparation Standards that are listed in the General Information section of the Bulletin. This includes freshmen, transfer and Intra-university transfer students.

Undergraduate Academic Policies

Course Load

The normal scholastic load for a full-time undergraduate business student is 15 semester hours, with 18 hours the maximum during the fall/spring semesters and 12 hours in the summer session. Course overload forms, signed by the student’s advisor, will be required to take courses in excess of the stated maximum.


To register for an undergraduate internship for academic credit, students must be in good academic standing in their junior or senior year, with a 2.5 Business GPA, 2.5 Emphasis GPA, and a 2.5 overall GPA. Additionally, students must have completed all skills courses and at least one emphasis course in  the discipline in which they are applying for credit. Internships are 1-3 credit hours, pass/fail only, and may be used as business elective credit or as area of emphasis credit, if so specified in this Bulletin. Internships are approved through an application process obtained from the Internship and Career & Placement Center. Students must apply prior to beginning their internship duties, and should register for credit during the semester in which the internship is being completed. A maximum of 6 credit hours of internship may be applied to a business degree.

Minimum grade requirements

All Business and LAS pre-Business students are required to attain a grade no lower than C- for all Skills Courses (ACCT 201 & 202, BUAD 300, ECON 101 & 202, ENGL 131 Math 104/111 & 112, & QUAN 201 & 202), Junior Core Courses (FNCE 305, INFS 300, MKTG 300, OPTM 300 & ORMG 300), Area of Emphasis/Major and Capstone courses (BUAD 400 & 450). Students may petition the College to have one Junior Core grade below C- accepted so long as the course is not in their major field of study.

No-Credit/Course Repetition

Repetition of CoB course work for no-credit is permitted only with prior permission from the College.

President and Dean’s List Criteria

To qualify for semester honors, students must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 graded hours during a regular semester (Fall or Spring). Students who achieve a 3.75-3.99 grade point average will be placed on the Dean’s List. Students who achieve a 4.0 grade point average will be placed on the President’s List.

Probation and Suspension


Any College of Business and Administration student who has attempted 12 or more hours at any CU campus, or has attempted 12 or more hours in the College of Business and Administration, shall be immediately placed on probation when their respective GPA falls below 2.0.

Students may remain on probation so long as they achieve a minimum CU and Business GPA of 2.25 each semester and obtain no grades below a C-. During their entire academic career in the College of Business and Administration a student may be on probation for amaximumof four semesters; probationary terms are not necessarily consecutive (summer shall be considered a semester only if any course work is attempted). Students on probation will have their registration blocked for subsequent semesters until grades are posted and minimum standards (see above) are achieved.

Failure to meet probationary provisions will result in Indefinite Suspension.

A student may be removed from probation when the cumulative CU GPA and the Business GPA have been raised to 2.0 or above.


Students placed on Indefinite Suspension are not eligible to enroll in College of Business and Administration courses at any University of Colorado campus for one calendar year from the time of their indefinite suspension.

Any student earning all failing grades (or “no academic credit” if course work is attempted) for any semester will be placed on Indefinite Suspension.

A student who has been under indefinite suspension for one calendar year may apply for readmission to the College of Business and Administration. If readmitted, that readmission will be on a probationary status. After being readmitted under such probationary status, students who fail to comply with the requirements of their probation will be subject to Permanent Suspension.

Any student who is placed on suspension more than once will be placed on Permanent Suspension from the College of Business and Administration and may not attend any campus of the University of Colorado as a business student.

Students who have been on Indefinite Suspension at any time by the College of Business and Administration will automatically be placed on Permanent Suspension if their cumulative CU or Business GPA again falls below 2.0.

All suspended College of Business and Administration students who transfer into another degree program will not be eligible to enroll in ANY courses offered by the College of Business and Administration and will be subject to administrative drops. Suspended students who transfer into another degree program of the University are rarely readmitted to the College of Business and Administration, and then only by special consideration through petition to the College.

Registration and Enrollment Status

Prerequisites as listed for individual courses in the Course Description section of the current Bulletin are enforced for all students, including non-business students. In addition, it is a requirement for CoB students that all Skills Courses must be completed (with a grade of C- or better) prior to enrolling in the Junior Core and Emphasis classes. Priority for registration in business classes is given to business degree students. Students uncertain about eligibility for enrollment in a business course should contact the Student Success Center at (719) 262-3260 or success@uccs.edu. Students enrolled in one section of a business course while attending a different section will receive a final grade of F for nonattendance. Students attending business classes for which they are not enrolled will not be added after the add period is over without the approval of the instructor and the Dean of the College of Business.

Transfer Credit—Undergraduate

The College of Business and Administration reserves the right to disallow any credit it determines not to be appropriate. Only credit from regionally accredited institutions will be considered for transfer to the undergraduate degree program.

Business Courses

The College will limit transfer credit for business courses taken at a lower division level to such courses as the College offers at that level. Transfer students must take a minimum of 30 semester hours of business courses including the six area of emphasis courses and BUAD 400 and 450 in residency at UCCS after admission to the undergraduate degree program of the College of Business and Administration. A maximum of 64 semester hours of credit may be accepted froma community or junior college. Transfer students must be aware of the upper division minimum credit requirement of 45 semester hours for the Business degree.

Actual equivalent courses usually may be substituted for required courses. However, students must verify with the College of Business and Administration and Administration advising office that courses are equivalent. Students may be asked to provide additional information on courses completed at other institutions.

Information systems courses older than five years will not transfer toward any Bachelor’s of Science Business degree, except as open electives.

Current business students who wish to take course work at another institution or another campus of the University of Colorado and apply the work toward the degree must have the prior approval of the dean.

Student transfer agreements between the UCCS College of Business and Administration and Administration and the two-year public institutions in the Colorado system of higher education have been established and may be accessed through the advising offices of each institution. The College adheres to the Business Statewide Articulation Agreement. This agreement varies depending on the student’s specific catalog year.

Special Sources of Credit

The College reserves the right to accept or reject all special sources of credit that do not have prior approval of the dean. See Model Degree Program Curriculum Notes for a discussion of elective credit for the business degree.

Correspondence Credit

Area of emphasis courses may not be taken by correspondence. All correspondence courses are evaluated to determine their acceptability. Approval for degree credit is required prior to registration.

Credit by Examination

Please see the General Information section of this Bulletin for information about Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and College Level Examination Program (CLEP) credit. Generally, CLEP credit is appropriate only for (a) lower division non-business requirements and (b) non-business electives. Amaximumof 6 hours of credit in any one course area is allowed. CLEP may not be used in course areas where credit has already been allowed. General examinations are not acceptable. Credit for CLEP must have prior approval in writing from the business advisor.

ROTC Credit

Students who complete the ROTC program may apply a maximum of 15 hours of advanced ROTC credit toward Area Elective requirements for the business degree. Students must be enrolled as official ROTC students in order to receive degree credit for ROTC courses. The ROTC advisor can provide more detailed information.

Graduation Requirements

Each candidate for the Bachelor of Science-Business degree in the Professional Program must complete the prescribed courses in an area of emphasis comprising a minimum of 18 to 21 semester hours taken at UCCS. A minimum GPA of 2.5, with no grade below a C- is required for all business courses including Skills Courses, Junior Core, BUAD 400 & 450, and Emphasis Courses, as is a 2.0 overall GPA. Students who graduate with area of emphasis and/or business grade point averages from 2.0 to 2.49 will not earn a Professional Area of Emphasis and will graduate as General Business majors.

Degree Credit: To be considered for the degree, students must report all academic credentials to the Office of Admissions and Records, and credentials must appear on the student’s official University of Colorado transcript. Credit listed on these documents is then evaluated by the appropriate College of Business and Administration and Administration advising office for degree applicability.

Senior Audit: By the beginning of the first semester of their senior year, students must schedule a senior audit with the business academic advisor to determine status with respect to graduation requirements. At this time, students are required to file a diploma card giving notice of intention to complete graduation requirements. Failure to complete the senior audit in a timely manner may delay a student’s graduation.

Commencement: Students seeking to participate in commencement and other academic ceremonies will need to complete ALL academic requirements in advance. Participation in academic ceremonies that recognize or honor students for the completion of an academic program or specific academic accomplishment is based on the understanding that all requirements have been completed. Every effort will be made to determine eligibility in advance, and only students who have met requirements will be permitted to participate.

Latin Honors: Upon recommendation of the faculty, undergraduate students who demonstrate superior scholarship are given special recognition at graduation. To qualify for Latin Honors, students must have a minimum of 60 hours at the University of Colorado. Students must achieve an overall CU grade point average of 3.7 and a grade point average of 3.9 in all business courses taken at the University of Colorado to be considered for summa cum laude. Those who achieve an overall CU grade point average of 3.5 and a grade point average of 3.7 in all business courses taken at the University of Colorado will be considered for magna cum laude. An overall CU grade point average of 3.3 and a business course average of 3.5 qualify a student to be considered for cum laude.

Graduate Certificates


Graduate certificates are available to students who have already completed a bachelor’s degree (not necessarily in a business field) at a regionally accredited institution and have demonstrated their admissibility to the graduate certificate program. Certificates are also available to students with a graduate degree from any field. The application process will vary based on the student’s academic background. Students in the graduate certificate program are subject to the same Standards of Performance as all admitted MBA students. For additional information or an application for the certificate program, please contact the MBA advising office, or see the Web site: www.uccs.edu/mba.

Graduate certificates consist of 12–15 hours of course work beyond any prerequisites. Certificates are offered in accounting, business administration, finance, health care administration, information systems, international business, management, marketing, operations management, project management, services management, space systems management and technology management. Certificates are available both on campus and online, but all certificates may not be available in both formats.

College of Business and Administration Minor Programs of Study


Minors for Business Students

Professional Program students (Students graduating with a 2.0 overall, 2.5 in Business, and 2.5 in emphasis) may minor in a second business area (9-12 credit hours), or business students may choose aminor through the Colleges of Letters, Arts, and Sciences; Engineering; or Nursing (18 credit hours).

All 9-12 credit hours of business courses for the minor must be taken in residence in the College of Business and Administration and must not already be counting toward the area of emphasis. If the 9-12 hours are not unique courses, then a student cannot earn a minor. Courses taken for the minor will count toward area/business electives. A minor GPA of 2.5 must be earned, and minor coursesmust have a C- grade or better.

Undergraduate Certificates in Business


For students already holding a bachelor’s degree, the College of Business offers certificates in several undergraduate areas of emphases; each certificate requires 15-21 hours of specific course work.

Students who already hold a bachelor’s degree in Business can pursue a certificate in accounting, information systems, marketing, organizational management, and service management. Those students who hold a BA or BS in a discipline other than business may pursue certificates in business administration, human resource management, and organizational management. Priority for registration in business courses is given to business degree students. A certificate GPA of 2.5 must be earned, with no grades below a C-. Please contact the Director of Undergraduate Programs in the College of Business to apply for admission.

Areas of Study


Specifically the minors available to nonbusiness students are in the areas of business administration, accounting, finance, information systems, international business, management, and marketing. Students wishing to pursue a minor in international business or marketing must apply to the College online at: business.uccs.edu/html/minor_application.html.



Bachelor of Innovation™

Bachelor of Science


Master of Business Administration

