2008-2009 Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2008-2009 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


  • PSY 314 - Cognitive Psychology

    4 Credits

    A survey of the core areas of human cognition: attention, reasoning, memory, problem-solving, and decision making. History, theory, methodology, and research from related disciplines are discussed.Prerequisites: PSY 210 and PSY 211
  • PSY 315 - Psychology of Motivation

    3 Credits

    Psychological and physiological factors in the motivation of behavior.Prerequisites: PSY 100
  • PSY 320 - Psychology of Learning

    4 Credits

    Course designed to provide an overview of learning. An emphasis will be placed on the theoretical formulation of the conditions that are necessary for learning and retention. Practical applications of learning principles will be considered.Prerequisites: PSY 210 and PSY 211
  • PSY 321 - Human Sexuality

    3 Credits

    Covers in substantive form the interdisciplinary field of human sexuality. The topic is approached from the perspectives of physiology, endocrinology, behavior, sociology, ethnology, and anthropology.Prerequisites: PSY 100
  • PSY 324 - Psychology of Personality

    3 Credits

    A review of various theories of personality including psycho dynamic, behavioristic, humanistic, and existential approaches.Prerequisites: PSY 100
  • PSY 326 - Comparative Psychology

    4 Credits

    Behavior of animals from an evolutionary perspective. Principles of behavior in a variety of animal species, including humans.Prerequisites: PSY 100, or consent of instructor
  • PSY 327 - Introduction to Biopsychology

    4 Credits

    A broad survey course in the biological basis of behavior. Anatomy, physiology and chemistry of the nervous system (with special emphasis on the brain), endocrinology, and genetics are discussed as they apply to the study of behavior.Approved for LAS Natural Science area requirement.Prerequisites: PSY 100 or consent of instructor
  • PSY 328 - Abnormal Psychology

    3 Credits

    The origin, symptoms, classification, and treatment of abnormal behavior.Prerequisites: PSY 100
  • PSY 340 - Social Psychology

    3 Credits

    Survey of contemporary social psychological theory and research. Analysis of basic principles underlying human social behavior.Prerequisites: PSY 100
  • PSY 345 - Psychology of Diversity

    3 Credits

    A basic survey of myths and realities of multiculturalism and diversity using the theories and data from several subfields within psychology. Racial and ethnic diversity are emphasized, but diversity due to gender, age, sexual preference, and SES will also be explored.Prerequisites: PSY 100
  • PSY 348 - Selected Topics in Psychology

    1 to 4 Credits

    Subject matter will change depending upon individual instructors and time of offering. The topic for any given semester will be specified in the Schedule of Courses.May be repeated for credit.Prerequisites: PSY 100
  • PSY 351 - Psychology of Aging

    3 Credits

    An overview of geropsychology covering such topics as the aging central nervous system, cognitive aging, cultural contexts of aging, personal transitions in later life, mental disorders, and geropsychology in the future.Prerequisites: PSY 100
    Meets with GRNT 463.
  • PSY 355 - Psychology of Women

    3 Credits

    A survey of female psychology and the study of sex differences through an examination of theories and determinants of female personality, traditional and alternative lifestyles, women in psychotherapy, and women at work.Prerequisites: PSY 100
  • PSY 362 - Developmental Psychology

    3 Credits

    Survey of human development from conception to death emphasizing physical, cognitive, emotional, and psychosocial development.Prerequisites: PSY 100
  • PSY 364 - Psychology of the Exceptional Child

    3 Credits

    This survey course studies children with learning and cognitive differences, behavioral and emotional disorders, and sensory and physical differences. Emphasis on etiology, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of various disorders from different theoretical perspectives.Prerequisites: PSY 100
  • PSY 365 - Clinical Neuropsychology

    3 Credits

    Organization, function, and dysfunction of the human brain across the life span. Neuropsychological assessment techniques. Reviews behavioral, cognitive, and personality changes as a result of disease, injury, and aging.Prerequisites: PSY 100 or consent of instructor
  • PSY 366 - Service-Learning Internship

    3 Credits

    As a service learning course, students will serve in the community and learn beginning helping skills.Assistance will be provided in locating volunteer positions.Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
  • PSY 371 - Survey of Clinical Psychology

    3 Credits

    A view of the area of clinical psychology including such topics as clinical assessment, therapies, and community intervention.Prerequisites: PSY 100
  • PSY 372 - Community Psychology and Mental Health

    3 Credits

    Focus on issues in the organization, financing, and delivery of mental health services within the community, innovative techniques for the provision of mental health-related services, the role of community factors in the production of emotional disorders, and technologies of community change.Prerequisites: PSY 100 and PSY 328
  • PSY 384 - SPSS and other Statistical Packages

    1 Credits

    The use of statistical package software to enter and organize data and the selection and use of appropriate statistical analyses of the data.Prerequisites/Corequisites: PSY 210 or equivalent.
  • PSY 385 - Principles of Psychological Testing

    3 Credits

    A psychological and statistical analysis of the principles underlying construction and use of tests of ability and personality.Prerequisites: PSY 210
  • PSY 386 - Theories of Psychotherapy

    3 Credits

    An introduction for the upper-division undergraduate into the theories and techniques of psychotherapy. Various approaches to psychotherapy will be examined (e.g psychoanalysis, behavioristic, and humanistic/existential).Prerequisites: PSY 100 and PSY 328
  • PSY 393 - Industrial/Organizational Psychology

    3 Credits

    An introduction to the scientific study of people in work organizations. Emphasis on understanding people in organizations and applying this knowledge to resolve problems of human behavior at work.Prerequisites: PSY 100
  • PSY 394 - Psychology and the Law

    3 Credits

    An introductory survey course covering selected topics relating to the interaction of psychology and the law.Prerequisites: PSY 100
  • PSY 395 - Applied Psychology

    3 Credits

    Examines the application of psychological research and theory to “real world” issues; organizational behavior, health and health care, environmental, legal, educational issues, and public policy.Prerequisites: PSY 100
  • PSY 400 - Honors Seminar II

    1 to 3 Credits

    Continuation of Honors Seminar I (PSY 300). Students complete independent research projects and meet together with honors program coordinator.Open only to students formally accepted into Dept. of Psychology honors program.Prerequisites: PSY 210, PSY 211, PSY 300, PSY 310, and consent of instructor
  • PSY 405 - Physiological Psychology

    3 to 4 Credits

    The morphological, neurochemical, and physiological bases of behavior. Topics include the physical substrate for emotion, motivation, consciousness, sleep, learning, and memory.If course is taken for 4 hours credit, one 2 hour lab per week is required.Prerequisites: PSY 327 or consent of instructor
  • PSY 406 - Seminar in Health Psychology

    3 Credits

    In-depth focus on selected topics in health psychology.Topics will vary.Prerequisites: PSY 211 and PSY 306 or PSY 328
  • PSY 411 - Seminar in Methodology

    3 Credits

    In-depth focus on selected topics in methodology, statistics, and measurement.Topics will vary.Prerequisites: PSY 210 and PSY 211
  • PSY 412 - Human Memory

    3 Credits

    Psychological research and theories about memory. Its focus will be on the memory abilities of normal- functioning adults. Memory functions and structures will be inferred from research studies, several of which will be demonstrated in class. Some implications for improving memory will be discussed.Prerequisites: PSY 100
  • PSY 413 - Seminar in Learning and Cognition

    3 Credits

    In depth focus on selected topics in learning and cognition.Topics will vary.Prerequisites: PSY 211 and PSY 313, or PSY 314 or PSY 412
  • PSY 417 - Sensation and Perception

    3 to 4 Credits

    Introduction to psychophysical scaling, the physical senses (with special emphasis on audition and vision), and perceptual phenomena.One 2-hr. lab. per week required if course taken for four hours credit.Prerequisites: PSY 210 and PSY 211 or consent of instructor
  • PSY 419 - Conditioning: Principles and Application

    3 Credits

    Principles of classical and operant conditioning in humans and other animals. Presentation of the theoretical basis of behavior modification.One 2-hour lab required if course taken for 4 hours credit.Prerequisites: PSY 100
  • PSY 421 - Practicum in Experimental Psychology

    1 to 3 Credits

    Laboratory for advanced psychology majors. Emphasis will be on individual projects.Prerequisites: Consent of instructor
  • PSY 422 - Introduction to Language Behavior

    3 Credits

    Introduction to general communication theory with special emphasis on human communication and relation of language to thought.Prerequisites: 16 hours of PSY or consent of instructor
  • PSY 424 - Seminar in Psychology of Personality

    3 Credits

    In depth focus on selected topics in personality.Topics will vary.Prerequisites: PSY 211 and PSY 324
  • PSY 427 - Seminar in Biopsychology

    3 Credits

    In-depth focus on selected topics in biopsychology.Topics will vary.Prerequisites: PSY 211 and PSY 327
  • PSY 428 - Seminar in Abnormal Psychology

    3 Credits

    In depth focus on selected topics in abnormal psychology.Topics will vary.Prerequisites: PSY 211 and PSY 328
  • PSY 440 - Seminar in Social Psychology

    3 Credits

    In-depth focus on selected topics in social psychology.Topics will vary.Prerequisites: PSY 211 and PSY 340
  • PSY 443 - Seminar in Social Issues

    3 Credits

    In-depth focus on social issues.Topics will vary.Prerequisites: PSY 211, PSY 394
  • PSY 444 - Drugs and Behavior

    3 Credits

    A behavioral analysis of the effects of psychoactive compounds including stimulants, depressants and antidepressants, antipsychotics, anxiolytics, opiates, and psychedelics. Presentation of neurobiological models of affective disorders (e.g. schizophrenia, endogenous depression, mania, and anxiety).Prerequisites: 10 hours of PSY or consent of instructor, PSY 327 or introductory biology and/or chemistry recommended
  • PSY 451 - Seminar in History of Psychology

    3 Credits

    Outline of the development of psychological theories since the Greek philosophies. The story of experimental psychology and its problems. Schools of psychological thinking. Readings of original sources in English and English translations.Prerequisites: PSY 210, PSY 211 and junior status
  • PSY 462 - Seminar in Developmental Psychology

    3 Credits

    In-depth focus on selected topics in developmental psychology.Topics will vary.Prerequisites: PSY 211 and PSY 362
  • PSY 499 - Teaching of Psychology

    1 to 3 Credits

    A consideration of problems, techniques, and subject matter related to the teaching of psychology.Prerequisites: Consent of instructor
  • PSY 521 - Psychology of Aging I

    3 Credits

    An advanced orientation to developmental research across the lifespan in biological, neurological, sensory/perceptual and cognitive domains with a focus on older adulthood and aging. Students explore theory research methodology, and empirical studies on the psychology of aging.Prerequisites: Psychology—Graduate status or consent of instructor
  • PSY 522 - Psychology of Aging II

    3 Credits

    An advanced-level orientation to developmental research across the lifespan in personality, social, and health domains. Age related pathologies will also be considered. Students explore theory, research methods, and empirical studies on the psychology of aging.Prerequisites: Psychology—Graduate status or consent of instructor
  • PSY 570 - Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues for Clinicians

    1 Credits

    This course covers extent legal and ethical principals and standards for professional conduct in clinical psychology. It considers legal and ethical decisions that clinicians must make, such as scope of professional competence, confidentiality, duty to warn and protect, and dual relationships.Prerequisites: Psych—Graduate status or consent of instructor
  • PSY 571 - Clinical Skills Laboratory

    3 Credits

    An introductory practicum course which emphasizes psychotherapy skills and concepts related to therapeutic interaction.A prerequisite for the clinical practicum, PSY 671.Prerequisites: Psy—Graduate status or consent of instructor
  • PSY 580 - Behavioral Science Statistical Packages

    3 Credits

    The use of the computer for statistical analyses will be reviewed. Topics include how to organize data collections, selection and use of appropriate statistical packages and storing and retrieving files.Prerequisites: PSY 585 or equivalent, grad status in psych or consent of instructor
  • PSY 581 - Research Statistics and Methodology I

    4 Credits

    Advanced statistical techniques and research methodology for psychological research. Focuses on methods for use with experimental research design, including factorial, repeated measures and mixed design ANOVA models. Computer lab focuses on use of statistical packages for analysis of data.Prerequisites: Introductory statistics;Graduate status in psychology; or consent of instructor
  • PSY 582 - Research Statistics and Methodology II

    4 Credits

    Advanced statistical techniques and research methodology for psychological research. Focuses on methods for use with non experimental research design, including correlation and multiple regression. Measurement issues are covered, including reliability and validity. Computer lab uses statistical packages for analysis of data.Prerequisites: PSY 581
  • PSY 583 - Applied Multivariate Techniques I

    3 Credits

    Multivariate statistic methodology and design for psychological research. Topics include test construction, factor analysis, MANOVA, canonical correlation, and other selected techniques.Prerequisites: Graduate status, PSY 581, PSY 582 or equivalent, SPSS skills
  • PSY 584 - Methods and Design for Analyzing Change

    3 Credits

    Research design and statistical analysis for the study of change. Topics include developmental research design techniques, covariance structure analysis, multilevel modeling, and growth curve analysis. Computer programs will be used.Prerequisites: PSY 581 and PSY 582
  • PSY 585 - Research Statistics

    3 Credits

    Advanced statistical techniques for research psychologists, including specialized in-depth treatment of analysis of variance.Prerequisites: Introductory statistics, Psychology—Graduate status, or consent of instructor
  • PSY 587 - Multivariate Statistics

    3 Credits

    Multivariate procedures are described extensions of the general linear model. Procedures include: multiple regression, canonical correlation, MANOVA, factor analysis, discriminant function analysis, and other selected topics.Prerequisites: Psychology—Graduate status or consent of instructor
  • PSY 590 - Basic and Applied Research Methods

    3 Credits

    Advanced survey of research design and methodology.Prerequisites: PSY 585 and Psychology—Graduate status or consent of instructor
  • PSY 595 - Psychometric Theory

    3 Credits

    Theory of psychological test construction. Emphasis on scaling models and the assessment of reliability and validity by univariate and multivariate methods.Prerequisites: PSY 585, Psychology—Graduate status, or consent of instructor
  • PSY 603 - Research Practicum

    3 Credits

    Students will be placed in a clinical or research program for the application phase of their psychology training.Prerequisites: Psychology—Graduate status or consent of instructor
  • PSY 610 - Proseminar: Developmental

    3 Credits

    Prerequisites: Psychology—Graduate status or consent of instructor
  • PSY 611 - Proseminar: Cognition

    3 Credits

    Prerequisites: Psychology—Graduate status or consent of instructor
  • PSY 612 - Proseminar: Neuropsychology

    3 Credits

    Prerequisites: PSY 661, Psychology—Graduate status or consent of instructor
  • PSY 613 - Proseminar: Social

    3 Credits

    Prerequisites: Psych grad status or consent of instructor
  • PSY 614 - Proseminar: Personality

    3 Credits

    Study of measurement methods and their psychological and mathematical bases, with special emphasis on the measurement of attitude.Prerequisites: Psychology—Graduate status or consent of instructor
  • PSY 615 - Proseminar: Psychology and Law

    3 Credits

    Study of how research and practice in clinical, social, developmental, cognitive, and biological psychology can contribute to a better understanding of law and legal issues, and how the legal system can be informed by psychological research and practice.Open to graduate students only.
  • PSY 641 - Aging Seminar (Special Topics)

    1 to 3 Credits

    Current research on aging and psychology. Topics to be specified for particular semester.See instructor for details. May be repeated for credit.Prerequisites: PSY 521 and PSY 522 or consent of instructor
  • PSY 642 - Aging Proseminar

    3 Credits

    In-depth examination of theory and research on aging on a focused topic within a core content area of psychology (e.g. cognitive, personality, social).May be repeated for credit.Prerequisites: Graduate status, PSY 521, PSY 522, or consent of instructor
  • PSY 643 - Contemporary Issues in Psychology

    1 Credits

    Contemporary topics in psychology as broadly construed. Emphasis on current and ongoing research as presented in a speaker series.Open only to graduate students.
  • PSY 648 - Selected Topics in Psychology

    1 to 5 Credits

    Subject matter will change depending upon individual instructor and time of offering. The topics for any given semester will be specified in the semester schedule.May be repeated for credit.Prerequisites: Psychology—Graduate status, non-degree—Graduate status or consent of the instructor
  • PSY 651 - History of Psychology

    3 Credits

    An advanced level overview of the development of psychological theories since the Greek philosophies.Prerequisites: Psychology—Graduate status
  • PSY 661 - Clinical Geropsychology I

    3 Credits

    Prepares students to work in geriatric health settings. Content includes health psychology, interdisciplinary teamwork, long-term care, policy issues, and community resources.Prerequisites: PSY 521, PSY 522, and PSY 571
  • PSY 662 - Clinical Geropsychology II

    3 Credits

    Theory and clinical techniques for assessment and intervention specifically designed for older adults. Topics include assessment of mood, personality, cognition, and competency. Individual, institutional, and community interventions for older adults will also be covered.Prerequisites: PSY 521, PSY 522, PSY 571, PSY 661 Graduate Status
  • PSY 667 - How to Teach More Effectively

    1 to 3 Credits

    Designed to help college professors become more effective teachers. Readings, discussions, and videotaped consultation.Prerequisites: Psychology—Graduate status or consent of instructor
  • PSY 672 - Ethics and Practice Standards: Professional Development I

    3 Credits

    Training in standards of professional practice, including theoretical and practical aspects of ethics (e.g. record keeping, confidentiality, supervision). Students engage in 12 hours/week of direct clinical experience in the community, and attend seminar.Prerequisites: Psychology—Graduate status, PSY 571, PSY 692, and PSY 678
  • PSY 673 - Diversity of Culture and Family: Professional Development II

    3 Credits

    Training in professional practice standards related to cultural and family systems, competency and related ethics. Includes strategies for delivering services to various populations. Students engage in 12 hours/week of clinical practice, and attend seminar.May be repeated for credit.Prerequisites: PSY 571, PSY 672, PSY 678, and PSY 692
  • PSY 674 - Practicum in Clinical Psychology

    1 to 3 Credits

    Direct clinical experience for graduate candidates in psychology only. Students provide clinical services under supervision in community setting.Prerequisites: PSY 571. Psych—Graduate status or consent of instructor
  • PSY 678 - Advanced Psychopathology

    3 Credits

    An intensive survey of the major theories, research findings, and behavioral characteristics associated with deviant reaction patterns.Prerequisites: Psych grad status or consent of instructor
  • PSY 679 - Psychopharmacology

    3 Credits

    Physiological and behavioral factors associated with medications used to treat psychological disorders. Topics include drug metabolism (including age effects), common medication, behaviors associated with use and abuse, selection of medications to minimize adverse effects.See instructor for details. May be repeated for credit.Prerequisites: PSY 678 or consent of instructor
  • PSY 680 - Clinical Geropsychology Special Topics

    1 to 3 Credits

    Current research on clinical geropsychology. Topics to be specified for particular semester.Prerequisites: Graduate status
  • PSY 685 - Clinical Interviewing and Personality Assessment

    3 Credits

    Theory and practice in clinical interviewing and assessment of personality and psychopathology. Practical skill instruction in mental status exams, interviewing strategies, administering and interpreting personality tests commonly used in clinical practice, integration of interview and testing data, and report writing. Extensive opportunities for in-class and out-of class practice of interviewing and assessment skills are provided. Emphasis is placed on development of basic interviewing and communication skills, rapport building, evaluation strategies, consideration of diagnostic data, cultural and ethnic diversity, the Mental Status Examination, structured interviewing, objective personality assessment, and the ability to organize and present information in oral and written form.Prerequisites: PSY 571
  • PSY 686 - Cognitive Assessment

    3 Credits

    Covers intellectual assessment across the lifespan. Achievement testing and cognitive screening will also be covered.
  • PSY 687 - Clinical Neuropsychology

    3 Credits

    Course will cover basic foundations of human neuropsychology and neuropsychological assessment of adults. Topics will include brain-behavior relationships, differential diagnosis and report writing.May be repeated.Prerequisites: PSY 686
  • PSY 688 - Clinical Neuropsychology Lab

    1 to 3 Credits

    Training in practice of clinical neuropsychology through supervised experience administering, scoring, interpreting and reporting test results.Prerequisites: PSY 686 and PSY 687(may be concurrent). Psychology—Graduate status
  • PSY 692 - Seminar: Psychotherapy

    3 Credits

    Readings and discussion of the psychotherapeutic process from various theoretical perspectives.Prerequisites: Psychology—Graduate status or consent of instructor
  • PSY 700 - Masters Thesis

    1 to 6 Credits

    A research project under the supervision of the graduate faculty of the psychology department.
  • PSY 703 - Doctoral Research Practicum

    3 Credits

    Students participate in a research laboratory for instruction in research methods in psychology.Prerequisites: Doctoral Candidacy, PSY 581, PSY 582, PSY 583,Graduate status
  • PSY 800 - Dissertation

    1 to 12 Credits

    Prerequisites: Doctoral students only
  • PSY 930 - Independent Study in Psychology: Undergraduate

    1 to 3 Credits

    Prerequisites: 20 hours of psychology or equivalent and consent of instructor
  • PSY 950 - Independent Study in Psychology: Graduate

    1 to 3 Credits

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor. Graduate students
  • PSY 999 - Candidate for Degree

    0 Credits

  • QUAN 201 - Business Statistics

    3 Credits

    Statistical applications in business. Includes descriptive statistics, probability distributions, sampling theory, estimation, hypothesis testing, and simple and multiple regression.Prerequisites: INFS 110; MATH 104 or Math 111.
  • QUAN 202 - Process and Statistics-Based Decisions

    3 Credits

    The course covers advanced problem solving techniques required in upper-division business classes. Decision tools, including application software and custom programs are stressed as devices to study advanced decision, process, and organizational models. The techniques are applied to managerial settings.Prerequisites: Computer literacy, MATH 104, and QUAN 201.Corequisites: ACCT 201 and/or MATH 112.
  • QUAN 550 - Fundamentals of Business Statistics

    3 Credits

    An introductory course in business statistics. Includes descriptive statistics and such topics as frequency distributions, graphs, and tables. Also, the essential elements of experimental design and common inferential statistics such as correlation, regression analysis, tests, and analysis of variance.
  • QUAN 559 - Fundamentals of Business Statistics

    3 Credits

    An introductory course in business statistics. It covers descriptive statistics and such topics as frequency distributions, graphs, and tables. It also teaches the essential elements of experimental design and common inferential statistics such as correlation, regressions, tests, and analysis of variance.Distance MBA course. Tuition schedule differs from on-campus courses.
  • QUAN 619 - Research Tools for Managers

    3 Credits

    Business statistics with an emphasis on techniques for data analysis and inference in management. Students are assumed to be familiar with basic descriptive statistics, probability theory, and probability distributions from the prerequisite statistics course. Presentation of technical material is combined with hands-on analysis of data to aid managerial decision making. Course objectives are to develop a conceptual understanding of statistics and the role of data analysis in management, and to master the mechanics of applied statistics using Microsoft Excel.Distance MBA course. Tuition schedule differs from on-campus program.Prerequisites: QUAN 559.
  • QUAN 940 - Independent Study in Quantitative Analysis Undergraduate

    3 Credits

    Independent study at the undergraduate level with prior consent of the instructor under whose direction the study is undertaken and the dean.Prerequisites: Consent of instructor and dean.
  • QUAN 950 - Independent Study in Quantitative Analysis Graduate

    1 to 3 Credits

    Independent study at the graduate level with prior consent of the instructor under whose direction the study is undertaken and the dean.Prerequisites: Consent of instructor and dean.
  • RUSS 101 - Beginning Russian I

    5 Credits

    Skills in listening to and speaking Russian. Emphasis on useful expressions with cultural orientation.
  • RUSS 102 - Beginning Russian II

    5 Credits

    Continued skills in listening to and speaking Russian. Reading and writing intensified with further study of Russian civilization.Prerequisites: RUSS 101 or equivalent
  • RUSS 211 - Intermediate Russian I

    3 Credits

    Russian at the intermediate level. Speaking, reading, and writing.Prerequisites: RUSS 102 or equivalent
  • RUSS 212 - Intermediate Russian II

    3 Credits

    An intermediate Russian course continuing conversational usage and cultural integration utilizing contemporary materials, newspapers, etc.By special arrangement with the faculty. Only for students presenting strong Russian preparation. May be repeated up to three times for credit.Prerequisites: RUSS 211 or equivalent

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