2008-2009 Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2008-2009 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


  • PES 150 - Introduction to Energy Science I

    3 Credits

    Brief history of human energy use; rudimentary energy concepts and fundamental dimensions; fossil fuels; magnetism and electricity; power plants; and environmental effects of energy production and use.
    Meets with ENSC 150.
  • PES 151 - Introduction to Energy Science II

    3 Credits

    Brief history of human energy use; rudimentary energy concepts and fundamental dimensions; automobiles; solar energy; wind energy; other alternative energy approaches; environmental effects of energy production and use; and solid waste management.
    Meets with ENSC 151.
  • PES 160 - Introductory Solar Energy

    3 Credits

    Brief history of human solar energy use; rudimentary energy concepts and fundamental dimensions; basic operation of the sun; fundamentals of thermal energy transfer and storage; economics and application of solar principles to construction; frequent computer simulation and Web activities.
    Meets with ENSC 160.
  • PES 162 - Solar Energy Laboratory

    1 Credits

    Hands-on lab class emphasizing experimental techniques and the scientific method applied to solar phenomena (position and intensity) and both passive and active solar energy systems.Prerequisites/Corequisites: PES 160
    Meets with ENSC 162.
  • PES 171 - Honors Physics I

    4 Credits

    Designed for physics majors or students seriously interested in physics. Topics covered include classical mechanics and special relativity. It is a rigorous calculus-level course. The attendance of recitation class associated with lectures is obligatory.Approved for LAS Natural Science area requirement.
  • PES 172 - Honors Physics II

    4 Credits

    Designed for physics majors or students seriously interested in physics. This second semester of honors physics covers electricity and magnetism. It is a rigorous calculus-level course. The attendance of recitation class associated with lectures is obligatory.Approved for LAS Natural Science area requirement.
  • PES 195 - Special Topics

    1 to 3 Credits

    Course covering subjects of current interest on a one- time basis.See Schedule of Courses for titles.
  • PES 197 - Special Topics

    1 to 3 Credits

    Course covering subjects of current interest on a one-time basis.See schedule of courses for titles.
  • PES 213 - General Physics III

    3 Credits

    A continuation of PES 112. Topics covered include fluid mechanics, waves temperature, heat and the first law of thermodynamics, kinetic theory of gases, entropy and the second law of thermodynamics, geometrical optics, interference, diffraction, light, and quantum physics.Prerequisites: PES 112Corequisites: MATH 235.
  • PES 215 - Physics Lab II Algebra Based

    1 Credits

    Designed to be taken with PES 102. Covers radiation physics, electrostatics, AC and AC circuits, magnetic fields. PES 112 and PES 172 students are to take lab PES 216.
  • PES 216 - Advanced Physics Lab II

    1 Credits

    Advanced calculus- based labs covering all of the major topics in electricity and magnetism ranging from electric fields to circuit analysis to AC circuits to magnetism. Designed to be taken concurrently with PES 112 or PES 172.
  • PES 250 - Sustainable Energy Fundamentals

    3 Credits

    Past, present, and future of human energy use; rudimentary energy concepts and fundamental dimensions; efficiency of energy conversions; heat transfer; commercial electricity; alternative energy sources; environmental ramifications; energy conservation; computer simulation and Web activities. This survey course is designed for science majors and assumes some knowledge of calculus and the physical sciences.
    Meets with ENSC 250.
  • PES 306 - Astrophysics

    3 Credits

    A classic look at stellar characteristics, the structure and content of our galaxy and the universe in a rigorously mathematical fashion. The theory of stellar spectra is stressed along with stellar distances, magnitudes, and stellar evolution on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram.Prerequisites: PES 213.
  • PES 313 - Modern Physics

    3 Credits

    Special relativity, development of wave-particle duality, atomic structure, Schroedinger wave equation, the hydrogen atom, atomic and molecular spectra, introduction to the solid state and band theory.Prerequisites: PES 213.
  • PES 315 - Modern Physics Laboratory

    2 Credits

    Teaches the methods and procedures of experimental physics at an advanced level, including such topics as physical optics, high resolution spectroscopy, and energies of radioactive decay products.
  • PES 317 - Instrumentation Laboratory I

    2 Credits

    Design and operation of devices for modern physics experiments. Interfacing computers with real world experiments.Requires a knowledge of LABVIEW.Prerequisites: PES 215.
  • PES 318 - Instrumentation Laboratory II

    2 Credits

    Design and operation of devices for modern physics experiments. Interfacing computers with real world experiments.Requires a knowledge of LABVIEW.Prerequisites: PES 215.
  • PES 321 - Classical Mechanics I

    3 Credits

    Newtonian mechanics, oscillations, Lagrange’s and Hamilton’s equations, central forces, scattering, and rigid body motion. Employs vector analysis and calculus.Prerequisites: PES 213Prerequisites/Corequisites: MATH 235.
  • PES 325 - Mathematical Methods of Physics and Engineering

    3 Credits

    Survey of mathematical methods as preparation for advanced physics and engineering courses. Includes vector calculus, partial differential equations, special functions, Fourier analysis, and generalized functions such as the Dirac delta function.
  • PES 331 - Principles of Electricity and Magnetism

    3 Credits

    Elements of the mathematical theory of electricity and magnetism, including electrostatics, magnetostatics, polarized media, direct and alternating current theory, and introduction to electromagnetic fields and waves.Prerequisites: PES 213 and MATH 235.
  • PES 332 - Principles of Electricity and Magnetism II

    3 Credits

    Continuation of PES 331. Elements of the mathematical theory of electricity and magnetism, including electrostatics, magnetostatics, polarized media, direct and alternating current theory, and an. introduction to electromagnetic fields and wavesPrerequisites: PES 331.
  • PES 341 - Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics

    3 Credits

    Statistical mechanics applied to macroscopic physical systems; statistical thermodynamics; classical thermodynamic systems; applications to simple systems. Relationship of statistical. mechanics to thermodynamicsPrerequisites: PES 313.
  • PES 361 - Solar Engineering Design

    The following courses were not found in the supplied content but, were listed in program requirements. Please review and provide us, if possible, with the correct information.
  • PES 365 - Nuclear Physics and Energy Technology

    3 Credits

    Nuclear structure, radioisotopes, nuclear reactions, fission, and fusion. Emphasis on nuclear power production and its environmental impact.Prerequisites: PES 313.
  • PES 367 - Wind Energy

    3 Credits

    A survey of the technology of wind energy conversion, including climatic aspects, site selection and tower height, generator and propeller design, control systems, and legal aspects.
  • PES 370 - Acoustics

    The following courses were not found in the supplied content but, were listed in program requirements. Please review and provide us, if possible, with the correct information.
  • PES 395 - Special Topics

    1 to 3 Credits

    Course covering subjects of current interest on a one-time basis.See schedule of courses for titles.
  • PES 396 - Special Topics

    The following courses were not found in the supplied content but, were listed in program requirements. Please review and provide us, if possible, with the correct information.
  • PES 397 - Special Topics

    1 to 3 Credits

    Course covering subjects of current interest on a one-time basis.See Schedule of Courses for titles.Prerequisites: PES 313.
  • PES 415 - Solid State Laboratory

    2 Credits

    Advanced laboratory on the measurement of fundamental properties of solids. Includes introduction to vacuum and cryogenic technologies. One lecture and one laboratory session per week.Prerequisites: PES 215 and 313
    Meets with PHYS 515.
  • PES 416 - Thin Films Laboratory

    1 Credits

    Introduction to thin film deposition and characterization. Facilities include evaporation, sputtering, Auger electron spectroscopy, ellipsometry and scanning electron microscopy.Corequisites: PES 449
  • PES 425 - Quantum Mechanics

    3 Credits

    A sophisticated treatment of quantum mechanics including the Schroedinger equation, wave mechanics, hermitian and unitary matrices, the hydrogen atom, angular momentum and spin.Prerequisites: PES 313.
  • PES 426 - Quantum Mechanics II

    3 Credits

    Continuation of PES 425, time dependent and time dependent perturbation theories, the WKB approximation, variational principle and scattering.Prerequisites: PES 425.
  • PES 430 - Celestial Mechanics I

    3 Credits

    Study of the fundamental principles of celestial mechanics including Kepler’s laws, Newton’s laws, and the two-body problem. Study of celestial coordinate systems, time keeping, and computation of orbits from observations as well as an introduction to perturbation theory.Prerequisites: PES 213, MATH 234.
  • PES 442 - Physics of Materials

    3 Credits

    An introduction to the physics of materials. Topics will include crystallography and defects, phase diagrams, phase transformations, diffusion, mechanical properties, and electrical properties.Prerequisites: PES 313.
  • PES 446 - Solid State Physics

    3 Credits

    Theory of solids including crystal structure, x-ray diffraction, phonons, hermal properties of insulators, theories of metals, band structure, semiconductor impurities and doping semiconductors, junctions, superconductivity, and magnetism.Prerequisites: PES 313
    Meets with PHYS 546.
  • PES 448 - Surface and Interface Physics

    3 Credits

    An introduction to the solid state physics of surfaces and interfaces including structural, thermodynamic and electrical properties. Gas-surface interactions and characterization techniques will also be examined.Prerequisites: PES 313.
  • PES 449 - Physics of Thin Films

    3 to 4 Credits

    A combined lecture/lab course covering common techniques for the production and characterization of thin films and the physics which underlies these methods. Lab equipment includes evaporation, Auger spectroscopy, ellipsometry and scanning electron microscopy.Offered as 3 credit lecture or 4 credits with integrated lab.Prerequisites: PES 313
    Meets with PHYS 549.
  • PES 451 - Optics

    3 Credits

    An advanced undergraduate treatment of topics in geometrical, physical, and quantum optics.Prerequisites: PES 213 and either PES 313 or 331.
  • PES 460 - Special and General Relativity

    3 Credits

    Investigates the theoretical and experimental basis for Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. The concept of four dimensional space-time is introduced through Special Relativity. The concept of curved space-time is presented using the mathematics of tensors.Open to juniors and seniors only.Prerequisites: PES 213
    Meets with PHYS 560.
  • PES 472 - Stellar Structure and Evolution

    3 Credits

    Basic stellar astronomy and astrophysics. H-R diagrams. Principles of stellar structure including generation and energy transport. Stellar formation and evolution to compact objects.Prerequisites: PES 306 and PES 341.
  • PES 481 - Senior Physics Seminar

    2 Credits

    Presentation methods in physics. Students present on a wide variety of topics in physics culminating in a formal presentation by the student on a current research topic. Student is graded by a faculty panel on his/her presentation, defense of topic and general knowledge of physics.Approved for LAS Oral Communication requirement.Prerequisites: Senior status in physics or consent of instructor.
  • PES 485 - Senior Project

    3 Credits

    Special experimental or theoretical research project in a field of physics or physics-related energy science. Project to be chosen in conjunction with instructor and should represent a new contribution to knowledge in the field, or a repetition of current experimental research, or a literature search and demonstrated knowledge of current theoretical research. A written report is required.Prerequisites: Senior status in department and permission of instructor.
  • PES 930 - Independent Study for Physics, Undergraduate

    1 to 3 Credits

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
  • PGMT 100 - Orientation to Professional Golf Management

    2 Credits

    Course objective is to immerse PGM students into the culture of the golf professional, including expectations of ethics and integrity, courtesy, concern for others, conscientiousness, game skills and knowledge, trustworthiness, and dependability.
  • PGMT 101 - Introduction to PGA/PGM Level 1

    3 Credits

    Course objective is to initiate PGM student’s involvement in the Golf Professional Training Program, including the requirements of the training program and the checkpoints.Class includes a lab.Prerequisites: PGMT 100.
  • PGMT 102 - PGA/PMGM Level 1

    1 Credits

    Continues preparing students to achieve success on the first checkpoint of the PGA/PGM training.Prerequisites: PGMT 101.
  • PGMT 105 - Golf for Business and Life

    2 Credits

    Golf for Business and Life is a PGA of America initiative, designed to teach and improve the golf skills of beginning students through instruction provided by PGA professionals, and to suggest ways in which the students can use golf as a business tool as they enter the professional world.
  • PGMT 110 - Cooperative Internship I

    1 Credits

    Provides the PGM student with practical knowledge and experience of golf operations through employment at a golf facility or other suitable organization.Prerequisites: PGMT 101.
  • PGMT 200 - PGA/PGM Level 2

    3 Credits

    Course objective is to advance PGM student’s progress in the PGA/PGM training program, including preparation for the second checkpoint.Also includes a lab for player development.Prerequisites: PGMT 102.
  • PGMT 210 - Cooperative Internship II—a

    1 Credits

    Provides PGM students with practical knowledge and experience of golf operations through employment at a golf facility or other suitable organization.Prerequisites: PGMT 110.
  • PGMT 211 - Cooperative Internship II—b

    1 Credits

    Provides the PGM student with practical knowledge and experience of golf operations through employment at a golf facility or other suitable organization.Prerequisites: PGMT 210.
  • PGMT 300 - PGA/PGM Level 3

    3 Credits

    Prepares students to achieve success on the third checkpoint of the PGA/PGM training program.Prerequisites: PGMT 200.
  • PGMT 350 - Turf Grass Management

    3 Credits

    Prepares PGM students to supervise the management of turf grass features of golf facilities for economy, efficiency, playability, attractiveness, durability, safety, legality, and environmental protection. Topics include biology of turf grass, its cultivation and maintenance, and equipment.Prerequisites: PGMT 101.
  • PGMT 360 - Food and Beverage Management

    3 Credits

    Prepares PGM students to manage the offering and sale of food and beverages to customers in individual and group settings. It covers broad principles, practical experiences, and legal requirements. Includes a hands-on work experience.Prerequisites: PGMT 300.
  • PGMT 410 - Cooperative Internship III—a

    1 Credits

    Provides the PGM student with practical knowledge and experience of golf operations through employment at a golf facility or other suitable organization.Prerequisites: PGMT 211.
  • PGMT 411 - Cooperative Internship III—b

    1 Credits

    Provides the PGM student with practical knowledge and experience of golf operations through employment at a golf facility or other suitable organization.Prerequisites: PGMT 410.
  • PGMT 940 - Professional Golf Management Independent Study

    1 to 3 Credits

    Independent study in Professional Golf Management.With the consent of the instructor who directs the study and the dean.
  • PHIL 100 - Introduction to Philosophy

    3 Credits

    An introduction to the fundamental questions of philosophy through a study of several major philosophers in the history of philosophy.Approved for LAS Humanities area requirement.
  • PHIL 102 - Intro to Ethics

    3 Credits

    Introductory study of major philosophies on the nature of the good for humans, principles of evaluation, and moral choice. Some attention is given to contemporary topics such as violence and abortion.Approved for LAS Humanities area requirement.
  • PHIL 104 - The Individual and Society: Creating a Self in Society

    3 Credits

    Addresses alternative methods for creating a self in a technologically advanced society. In particular, the course will ask how philosophy can provide a foundation for discussion, dialog, and debate.Approved for LAS oral communication and LAS humanities area requirements.
  • PHIL 105 - Philosophy and Religion

    3 Credits

    An introduction to philosophy through religious topics such as sacredness, faith, reason, revelation, creation, immortality, and God’s existence.Approved for LAS Humanities area requirement.
  • PHIL 110 - Introduction to Religious Studies

    3 Credits

    An introduction to the study of religious phenomena such as myth, symbols and rituals as they relate to religious beliefs. The concepts of sacred narratives, sacred histories, and religious experiences will be discussed along with different approaches (e.g psychological, sociological, anthropological) to the study of religion.
  • PHIL 112 - Critical Thinking

    3 Credits

    Introduction to the formal and informal standards and critical techniques used in the evaluation of daily reasoning and argument.Approved for LAS Humanities area requirement.
  • PHIL 115 - What is Justice?

    3 Credits

    An examination of the applicability of some standard ethical theories to the specific moral issues raised by and encountered in the practice of professions such as business, engineering, law, health care, politics, and teaching.
  • PHIL 131 - A Lab of Her Own—Science and Women

    3 Credits

    An introduction to natural science and its methods for non-science majors. It focuses on women’s participation in both the formation of scientific concepts and the development of methodology. Modern concepts of science and mathematics with an emphasis on women’s contributions to these fields will be presented. This course will offer a feminist critique of the traditional methods of science.
    Meets with PES 131 and WMST 131.
  • PHIL 309 - Philosophies of Asia

    3 Credits

    Covers classic and recent representatives of the major philosophical and religious traditions of Asia, including Hindu, Buddhist, Confucian, Daoist and Shinto thought.Approved for LAS Humanities area and Global Awareness requirements.
  • PHIL 310 - World Religions

    3 Credits

    A reading-discussion course which explores the major world religions and the nature of their appeal to the spiritual aspirations of members of the human family.Approved for LAS Humanities area and Global Awareness requirements.Prerequisites: Previous course in philosophy.
  • PHIL 311 - Women and Religion

    3 Credits

    Examines the way(s) in which women have been, and continue to be viewed in various religions through comparing sacred and other texts with actual religious practices and beliefs. This course engenders an appreciation of the tension between the ideal expectations for and the real possibilities available to women in religious traditions.
    Meets with WMST 311.
  • PHIL 312 - Greek and Roman Myth

    3 Credits

    A philosophical examination of Greek and Roman myth based on a variety of ancient and modern hermeneutical methods, including approaches from the Presocratics, Platonism, Aristotle, Stoicism, Structuralism, Semantic Theory, Psychoanalysis and Ritual Theory.
  • PHIL 314 - Women in Classical Antiquity

    3 Credits

    Analysis of the philosophical views of women and by women in ancient Greek, Roman and Egyptian thought.
    Meets with HIST 301 and WMST 314.
  • PHIL 316 - Philosophical Issues in Death and Dying

    3 Credits

    The meaning of death and dying in the history of Western philosophy from antiquity to contemporary Existentialism. Detailed examination of ethical issues raised in the care of the dying. Euthanasia and termination of treatment, care of the seriously ill newborn, etc.
  • PHIL 317 - Theories of Knowledge

    3 Credits

    Consideration of the classical and contemporary, contributions to the analysis of the nature, limits, and conditions of knowledge.
    Meets with PHIL 518.
  • PHIL 320 - Politics and the Law

    3 Credits

    Examination of the most influential recent works expressing the conservative, liberal, Marxist and anarchist contributions to contemporary social and political theory.Approved for LAS Social Science area requirement.
  • PHIL 323 - Gender, Race, and Sexuality

    3 Credits

    An introductory course that provides an overview of first, second, and third wave feminism. Focus will be on how to avoid essentially categorizing “women” and will examine how the intersection of various forms of oppression (gender, race, sexuality, economic class, and physical ability) shape and change feminist politics in the United States and globally.Prerequisites: PHIL 100 or WMST 200 or WMST 201
    Meets with PHIL 323.
  • PHIL 324 - Philosophy of War and Terrorism

    3 Credits

    Critical examination of the philosophic commitments that underlie and affect war, conflict resolution, and peace; evaluation of various questions involved in conducting war and resolving disputes; consideration of the feasibility of pacifism.Approved for LAS Global Awareness requirement.
  • PHIL 330 - Philosophy of Mind

    3 Credits

    Consideration of the central problems in the philosophy of mind, including the mind-body problem; the knowledge of other minds; free will and determinism; as well as discussion of concepts such as action, intention, motive, desire, memory, etc.
  • PHIL 333 - Emotion and Cognition

    3 Credits

    Philosophy has tended to relegate emotions and emotional life to a minor role in the exposition of traditional philosophical questions or to eliminate emotions altogether from consideration. This course will rethink the role of emotions in philosophy.Prerequisites: One philosophy course or instructor permission
  • PHIL 334 - Love and Hatred

    3 Credits

    An examination of love and hatred utilizing texts from philosophy, psychology, cognitive studies, literature and science to develop new ideas about love and hatred.Prerequisites: Previous course in philosophy
  • PHIL 335 - On the Nature of Things (Meta-Physics)

    3 Credits

    Traditional and contemporary theories of the basic categories used to describe reality and the human relationship to it, including concepts such as substance, identity, space and time, causality, determination, and systematic ontology.Prerequisites: Three hours of philosophy
  • PHIL 339 - Philosophy of Psychology

    3 Credits

    Course covers classical and contemporary discussions of philosophical issues raised by psychological theory. Issues include introspection (James), psychoanalytical models of the self (Freud, Horney), learning theory (Piaget), depth psychology (Jung), behaviorism (Skinner), feminist psychology (Chodorow, Gilligan), cognitive science, psychology and language (Lacan), and existential psychology (Merleau- Ponty).
  • PHIL 340 - Holocaust

    3 Credits

    Detailed analysis of the holocaust and its educational importance. Main focus is the Jewish holocaust with attendant eugenic policies, with possible attention to other examples of holocaust. Examination of philosophies that support organized social violence and principles that achieve a humane philosophy of life.Approved for LAS Global Awareness requirement.
  • PHIL 344 - Symbolic Logic

    3 Credits

    An exposition of the ideas and techniques of modern symbolic logic including several formal systems to distinguish between valid and invalid arguments and discussion of the foundations of arithmetic and set theory.
    Meets with PHIL 544.
  • PHIL 345 - Mathematical Logic

    3 Credits

    Introduces students to mathematical logic. Topics will include first-order quantification theory; formal number theory; axiomatic set theory; computability. Incompleteness, undecidability, and partial recursion will be discussed.Prerequisites: MATH 104 or MATH 215 or PHIL 112 or PHIL 344
  • PHIL 348 - History of Philosophy: Philosophies of India

    3 Credits

    Historical development and a critical analysis of the major philosophical texts and school of India, including the Vedas, Upanishads, and Bhagavad-Gita; the 6 orthodox schools; Jainism; Buddhism; and modern Indian thinkers including Gandhi and Radhakrishnan.
  • PHIL 349 - History of Philosophy: China

    3 Credits

    Historical development and critical analysis of the major philosophical schools and texts of China, including Confucianism, Taoism, Ch’an (Zen) Buddhism, Neo-Confucianism and modern Chinese thought.
  • PHIL 350 - Buddhist Philosophy

    3 Credits

    General survey of key Buddhist philosophical concepts of both the Theravada and Mahayana traditions, such as dukha, nirvana, anatman and voidness. The relationship between Pali Sutta’s and the Theravada tradition will be discussed as well as the relationship between Mahayana and the Prajna Paramita Suttas. Key schools of Mahayana, such as Cittamattra and Madhyamaka will also be introduced.
  • PHIL 351 - Pre-Socratic Philosophy

    3 Credits

    Systematic examination of the development of Western philosophy from its inception among the pre-Socratics and their impact on Plato and Aristotle.Prerequisites: One philosophy course
  • PHIL 352 - History of Philosophy: Plato

    3 Credits

    Provides an in-depth analysis of Plato’s texts. Besides hermeneutic issues as to how one ought read the dialogs; ethical, cosmological, metaphysical and political questions emerging from Plato’s works will be addressed.Prerequisites: One previous Philosophy course
  • PHIL 353 - History of Philosophy: Hellenistic

    3 Credits

    History of Western Philosophy during the Hellenistic period (c. 310 B.C.E. To 450 C.E.). Covers Stoicism, Epicureanism, Skepticism, Atomism, neo-Platonism and the introduction of Jewish and Christian thought into philosophy via Philosophies of Alexandria and St. Augustine, respectively.
  • PHIL 354 - History of Philosophy: Medieval and Renaissance

    3 Credits

    History of Western Philosophy from the Medieval period to the beginning of modern times. Course covers Christian, Jewish and Islamic philosophers,including Augustine, Anselm, Avicenna, Averroes, Maimonides, Aquinas, Ockham, Machiavelli, and F. Bacon.
  • PHIL 355 - History of Philosophy: Aristotle

    3 Credits

    Offers a careful reading of several Aristotelian works ranging from biology to ontology and ethics, with an eye towards how these may fit together as well as how Aristotle is situated in relation to Plato, the Presocratics, and Hellenistic thinkers.Prerequisites: One previous course in Philosophy
  • PHIL 356 - History of Philosophy: Modern Classical

    3 Credits

    Systematic examination of some fundamental philosophic problems treated by Rationalists and Empiricists in the 17th and 18th centuries (Hobbes, Descartes, Locke Spinoza, Leibniz, Berkeley, Hume), especially those concerning the foundations and limits of knowledge and attempts to overcome the limitations of these two traditions.
  • PHIL 357 - History of Philosophy: Kant and the Enlightenment

    3 Credits

    Study of the Enlightenment (Age of Reason) with special emphasis on Kant’s work and some of his precursors and critics.
  • PHIL 358 - History of Philosophy: From Hegel to Nietzsche

    3 Credits

    Survey of some of the major thinkers in the 19th century such as Hegel, Marx, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche.
  • PHIL 360 - Philosophy of Religion

    3 Credits

    Detailed analysis of religious experience from Eastern and Western traditions, including mysticism, mythology, cosmology, knowledge of God and the divine attributes, salvation, immortality, and the influence of secularism.
  • PHIL 361 - Sacred and Secular Texts of the Near East

    3 Credits

    The formation of the Old Testament; manuscript traditions and canonization; an investigation of the major genres within the Old Testament (history, poetry, prophecy); the historical developments of the ancient Near East as they reflect upon the Old Testament and the history of biblical interpretation.
  • PHIL 362 - Sacred and Secular Texts of the Roman Empire

    3 Credits

    An investigation of the development of the New Testament, incorporating the history of the individual books and the Hellenistic and Jewish background to the New Testament itself. The course focuses on the historical problem of the emergence of various theological perspectives within the New Testament writings, especially the contrast between the teachings of Jesus and those of Paul.
  • PHIL 363 - Gender and Race in Biblical Literature

    3 Credits

    Course examines the presence(s), result(s), and interpretation( s) of gender and race in biblical literature and the issues and problems those categories present to the reader.
    Meets with EST 363 and WMST 363.
  • PHIL 369 - Post-Ottoman Islamic Philosophy, History and Culture

    3 Credits

    An exploration of the development of Arab Islamic philosophy, history and culture through the Ottoman and Colonial periods into the construction of the modern Arab states and the emergence of contemporary Islamic political philosophy. Topics include nationalism, globalization, democracy, human rights and women.

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