2021-2022 Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



Computer Science

  • CS 5850 - Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Review of molecular and cell biology; bioinformatics databases; pairwise sequence alignment algorithms; Markov Chains, Hidden Markov Models; evolutionary models; Phylogenetic trees; gene recognition; protein structure prediction. Prer., ECE 3610 or MATH 3810, and CS 4720 or CS 5720; Graduate students only. Meets with CS 4850.
  • CS 5860 - Machine Learning

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Introduction to machine learning followed by a selection of machine learning topics such as regression, Bayesian learning, Hidden Markov Models, support vector machine, clustering and reinforcement learning. Prer., MATH 2150; MATH 3130 or CS 2300; CS 3160 or instructor consent; Graduate standing. Meets with CS 4860.
  • CS 5870 - Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    The course will cover basic neural network architecture and learning algorithms. Topics include biological motivation, perceptions, back-propagation, self-organizing maps, recurrent networks, and deep learning. Prer., MATH 2350 or equivalent; good programming skills; Graduate students only. Meets with CS 4870.
  • CS 5880 - Information Retrieval

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Information retrieval focuses on algorithms and approaches to the search for information in documents, in databases, and on the Web. Topics include index construction and compression, probabilistic retrieval, language models, text classification, classification, clustering, web crawling, and web search. Prer., Graduate standing or instructor permission.
  • CS 5890 - Computational Linguistics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Approaches to syntactic processing of natural language: issues in semantic interpretation, pragmatics, or the impact of context and world knowledge of natural language understanding and generation of natural language responses. Prer., CS 2150 or MATH 2150, MATH 3130 or equivalent, and CS 3160. Meets with CS 4890.
  • CS 5910 - Fundamentals of Computer/Network Security

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Introduction to the study of computer and network security from the view of information warfare. Topics include information system threats, vulnerabilities and defensive mechanisms (cryptography, authentication digital signatures, PKI, etc.). Prer., CS 2080 and MATH 2150.
  • CS 5920 - Applied Cryptography for Secure Communication

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Basic security issues in computer communication, classical cryptographic algorithms, symmetric-key cryptography, public-key cryptography, authentication, and digital signatures. Prer., MATH 2150; CS 3020 or CS 3060; Graduate students only. Meets with CS 4920.
  • CS 5930 - Privacy and Censorship

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This class will cover two topics: privacy from the perspective of organization and individuals, and censorship techniques that censors use to monitor citizenΓÇÖs Internet use and block unwanted network traffic. You will build your knowledge about privacy and censorship by learning about technology related privacy concerns and mitigation. Prer., CS 2080, Graduate standing. Meets with CS 4930.
  • CS 5950 - Homeland Security and Cyber Security

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course examines how homeland security safeguards the United States from domestic catastrophic destruction and investigates cyber security as a priority homeland security concern since a coordinated cyber attack against critical infrastructure could produce the worst catastrophe in the nation’s history. Meets with CS 4950.
  • CS 5960 - Wireless and Embedded Systems Security

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course studies security of wireless and embedded systems and their use for last-mile networking, including the basics in wireless and embedded networks, security research in last-mile networking, and security developments in cyber-physical-systems and internet-of-things applications. Prer., CS 4910 or CS 5910, CS 4220 or CS 5220, or instructor consent.
  • CS 5970 - Software Security

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Software security covers theories, techniques and tools for secure software design, threat analysis, secure coding, and vulnerability analysis. Prer., CS 5910 or instructor consent.
  • CS 5980 - System Security

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course continues deeper exploration of the security of systems comprising components, connections, and software. System security requires a holistic view to identify security problems and devise solutions. Prer., CS 2080, CS 4910.
  • CS 5990 - Information Assurance Capstone Project Laboratory

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Students participate in information assurance projects involving the vulnerability analysis and hardening of software systems. Students are evaluated based on their project work, how they integrate what they have learned in the required information assurance core courses, and an oral presentation at the end of the course. Prer., CS 5200, CS 5220, CS 5520, CS 5910, CS 5920; Graduate students only.
  • CS 6000 - Introduction to Computer Science Research

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course, required for CS first-year Ph.D. students, will introduce the basics of doing CS research and survey ongoing research in the field. Students will read research papers across multiple CS topics and prepare written analyses. Prer., Graduate students only.
  • CS 6010 - Technological Transfer, Patents and IP in Engineering

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Technological transfer process including discovery through invention to commercialization. Forms of IP protection including copyrights and patents. Students will read/write patent applications. Prer., Permission of instructor.
  • CS 6220 - Distributed Networks

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Deals with complex communications systems in depth. Packet switching networks, local area networks, satellite systems, the open systems interconnect (OSI) reference model, and the development of communications software. Prer., CS 5220.
  • CS 6300 - Topics in Software Systems Engineering

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Advanced topics and current research issues in software engineering. Possible topics include software engineering environments, requirements, design, testing, software metrics, configuration management, maintenance, software cost analysis, and distributed software. Prer., CS 5310 or CS 5350.
  • CS 6380 - The Design and Modeling of Class Interfaces and Contracts

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Past and present work related to specifying the semantics of a class using assertions are examined. The BON method is presented. Prer., CS 5380.
  • CS 6770 - Virtual Reality and Computer-Human Interaction

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    The course will focus on the so-called ultimate form of interaction between human and machine, creating virtual or artificial world. The basic idea and various input devices will be discussed. Several advanced papers in this area will be covered. Some of these ideas will be implemented through a term project. Prer., CS 5800 or CS 5770 or consent of instructor.
  • CS 6820 - Seminar in Artificial Intelligence

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Research seminar treating contemporary results in the theory and applications of artificial intelligence. Prer., CS 5820 or instructor permission.
  • CS 6870 - Advanced Studies in Artificial Neural Networks

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    A research seminar treating contemporary results in the theory and applications of artificial neural networks. Prer., CS 5870.
  • CS 6910 - Advanced System Security Design

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Advanced topics in network and system security, including firewall design, network intrusion detection, tracking and prevention, virus detection, programming language and OS support for security and wireless network security. Prer., CS 5910, CS 5920, or instructor permission.
  • CS 6920 - Advanced Topics in Network Security

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Covers advanced topics in network security such as Kerberos, PGP, IPSec, VPNs, SSL, SET, Smart cards, Steganography, Watermarking and Biometric Encryption. Research papers may be discussed. Prer., CS 5920.
  • CS 6930 - Advanced Topics in Web Security and Privacy

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course will explore a series of important topics in web security and privacy. It is a combination of introductory lectures, homework, student presentations of research papers, and research projects. Prer., CS 5910 or consent of instructor.
  • CS 7000 - Masters Thesis

    1 Credits (Minimum) 6 Credits (Maximum)

    Masters Thesis. Prer., Consent of instructor.
  • CS 7010 - Masters Project

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Masters Project. Prer., Consent of instructor.
  • CS 7020 - Graduate Internship

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Educational readings and reporting associated with a computer science internship related to students’ graduate studies. Must be enrolled in a CS graduate program and have faculty sponsor.
  • CS 7060 - Games and Media Integration Portfolio Development

    1 Credits (Minimum) 6 Credits (Maximum)

    Completed works with interdisciplinary focus to be submitted to various animation or graphics festivals. Prer., Must be enrolled in Games and Media Integration (GMI) graduate program and have faculty sponsor; instructor consent required.
  • CS 8000 - PhD Dissertation

    1 Credits (Minimum) 10 Credits (Maximum)

    Prer., Acceptance into program.
  • CS 9200 - Undergraduate Independent Study in Computer Science

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Prer., Consent of instructor.
  • CS 9300 - Undergraduate Independent Study in Computer Science Research

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Prer., Consent of Instructor.
  • CS 9400 - Undergraduate Independent Study in Computer Science Entrepreneurship Focus

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Prer., Consent of Instructor
  • CS 9600 - Graduate Independent Study in Computer Science

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Independent and creative work in the Computer Science area for graduate students. Prer., Approval of program advisor.
  • CS 9990 - Candidate for Degree

    0 Credits (Minimum) 0 Credits (Maximum)

    Candidate for Degree. Prer., Consent of instructor.


  • COUN 1300 - Career Exploration

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course is designed for high school students to learn about themselves in relation to the world of work. Students will enhance their individual Career and Academic Plans (ICAP) through various career assessments, experiential activities, and career mentoring.
  • COUN 2000 - Introduction to Human Services

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    An introductory overview of the essential elements and principles of the field of human services. Topics include history of helping, the relationship between client and helper, and working in human service settings.
  • COUN 2040 - Human Growth and Development

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course is aimed at preparing human services professionals to serve individuals, families, and communities by providing a basic foundation for understanding how human beings develop across the lifespan from a topical approach.
  • COUN 2200 - Infectious Diseases in Addiction Treatment

    1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum)

    This course will focus on the complex relationship between the client’s drugs of choice, lifestyle choices, and physiological health. Discussions will include immune system health, liver function, harm reduction, and specific diseases such as HIV and hepatitis.
  • COUN 2300 - Pharmacology I

    1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum)

    Training in pharmacology is a cornerstone of counseling and a major part of what differentiates addictions counseling from other mental health disciplines. This course will provide a solid base of knowledge about the drugs of abuse, including what is happening physiologically and behaviorally.
  • COUN 2400 - Ethics I & II

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This class will focus on ethical issues specific to the practice of addition counseling to include information on the jurisprudence and laws for practicing psychotherapy in Colorado. Conduct, ethical boundaries, and ethical violations will be discussed, in addition to ethical decision making models.
  • COUN 2500 - Introduction to Principles of Addiction Treatment

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course presents models of addiction, defines addiction treatment, presents the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) principles of effective treatment, and outlines various types of addiction treatment and use of evidence-based treatment approaches. It also covers addiction counselor credentialing in Colorado. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Explore-Society, Health and Behavior.
  • COUN 2990 - Introduction to Addiction Counseling Skills

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides students a framework and counseling model for working with clients with substance misuse and addiction. Teaches counseling skills needed to help clients through the change process. Instructor demonstrates and students practice basic skills.
  • COUN 3000 - Culturally Informed Treatment

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This class provides a basic foundation for understanding how cultural competence, awareness, and sensitivity can improve quality of care and increase positive outcomes. Cultural variables and individual differences when considered in a cultural context can become strengths and resources for recovery. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Explore-Society, Health and Behavior.
  • COUN 3040 - Pharmacology I, II & Infectious Diseases

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course will cover drugs of abuse including what is happening physiologically and behaviorally. It will explore the neurobiological basis of addiction and how addictive drugs produce neurochemical changes in the brain’s reward pathway. Finally, it will explore the impact of diseases on drug use.
  • COUN 3100 - Career Planning

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course provides undergraduate students at UCCS with career planning and job search skills which will serve them throughout their work lives. The course is open to all academic majors and those students who are undecided in their career pathway. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Explore-Arts, Humanities, and Cultures. Prer., Undergraduate students only.
  • COUN 3110 - Interpersonal Communication, Interviewing and Mediation Skills

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Students in the human service professions will learn interpersonal skills, self-awareness, communication, negotiation and conflict resolution skills. This course will help students understand the power of effective communication and barriers impacting communication. Conflict, anger, resistance, control and power will be discussed.
  • COUN 3400 - Ethics & Values in Human Services

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides an introductory overview of the essential elements and principles of ethics in the field of human services. Topics include history of helping, the relationship between client and helper, and ethical issues when working in human service settings.
  • COUN 3410 - Clinical Assessment and Treatment Planning

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course will consider the differences between screening and assessment and use of assessment instruments. Includes biopsychosocial interview, assessing risk for self-harm, identifying cultural needs and supports, problem domains, determining stage of readiness for change and ASAM (American Society of Addiction Medicine).
  • COUN 3500 - Group Dynamics and Group Process

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course includes studies that provide a broad understanding of group formation/development, group dynamics, and group leadership styles. Undergraduate students only - All levels.
  • COUN 3600 - Motivational Interviewing I & II

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course examines the stages of change and motivational interviewing (MI) skills necessary for creating positive change. Students will be introduced to the process of change and how to use MI techniques in working with clients.
  • COUN 3900 - Military Family Systems

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course is designed for students who desire to work in support settings serving military personnel, active and retired, and their families. The course will follow the military life-cycle including enlistment, military career separation and post military life.
  • COUN 4000 - Introduction to the Counseling Profession

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides an overview of the field of counseling and human services. Students will learn about career opportunities in this field and the roles and functions of professional counselors in various settings. The history of the field and future trends will be presented.
  • COUN 4070 - Adventure Education and Experiential Learning

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This training is designed for educators and community leaders wanting to develop and enhance their positive group facilitation skills and leadership strategies. This course will provide experiential ideas for developing group trust, enhancing teamwork, and encouraging cooperation. Meets with COUN 5070.
  • COUN 4111 - Study Abroad in Counseling

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    In this course students will immerse themselves in an international study of counseling through an overseas experience. Course topics include the history, culture, education, and counseling practices of the chosen country. Meets with COUN 6111.
  • COUN 4200 - Career Assessment & Transitions

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course will introduce students to career development theories and the process of working with clients in transition including, military veterans/spouses, career changers, older adults, incarcerated and ex-offenders, college-bound students, and youth with diverse career paths. Prer., BA in Human Services.
  • COUN 4300 - Military/Veteran Leadership, Advocacy and Support

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course is designed for students who desire to work in settings serving military personnel, active and retired, and their families. The human services course emphasizes qualities of effective leadership, advocacy, and support skills.
  • COUN 4500 - Wellness, Resilience and Emotional Intelligence

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Focuses on the personal dispositions necessary to provide effective service in a helping profession. Specific areas include: self-awareness, emotional intelligence, communication, emotional management, wellness, and decision making. Students will learn strategies for navigating the dynamics of service organizations. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Navigate. Prer., Juniors and Seniors only.
  • COUN 4750 - Mental Health Triage & First Aid

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Intervention strategies and techniques for dealing with individual, group and organizational crises in a variety of settings will be explored. Types of crises include suicide, domestic violence, sexual assault/rape, school and community violence, military trauma, terrorism and natural disaster.
  • COUN 4830 - Co-Occurring Disorders and Trauma Informed Care

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This class presents the basics of working with clients with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders. The concept of trauma-informed care will be discussed in terms of practices incorporated into treatment with diverse populations.
  • COUN 4900 - The Science of Behavioral and Process Addictions

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Many individuals experience addictive patterns of behavior, such as the overwhelming compulsion to engage in shopping, food, gambling, sex or exercise. This course will examine those Process Addictions and the power they have over many people. Meets with COUN 5900.
  • COUN 4950 - Practicum in Human Services

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Fieldwork is available on-campus and within the community. Site placement is coordinated through the Counseling and Human Services Department. Students must complete a fieldwork orientation before enrolling; contact the department fieldwork coordinator or instructor for more details.
  • COUN 4955 - Practicum in Career Development

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course provides an introductory overview of the key issues that students encounter in the field of career development work. Topics include theoretical content areas such as cultural competence and understanding the supervision relationship, the National Career Development Association (NCDA) Code of Ethics, and the Center for Credentialing and Education (GCDF) Code of Ethics. Prer., COUN 2000, COUN 3100.
  • COUN 5000 - Introduction to Counseling and Human Services

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides an overview of the field of counseling and human services. Students will learn about career opportunities in this field and the roles and functions of professional counselors in various settings. The history of the field and future trends will be presented.
  • COUN 5010 - Theories and Techniques of Individual Counseling

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Major theories of individual counseling and their philosophic bases will be studied in this course. Techniques used in the application of theory to practice in counseling and consultation will be presented. Basic and advanced counseling skills will be introduced in this course and practiced in COUN 5020 taken concurrently. Prer., Admitted to counseling program.
  • COUN 5020 - Laboratory in Individual Counseling

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides basic interviewing, influencing and counseling microskills and characteristics of counselors and counselees that impact the counseling process. Students engage in self-examination of characteristics that may affect them as professional counselors. Core counseling skills and competencies are practiced and refined. Prer., Admission to DCHS program. Coreq., COUN 5010.
  • COUN 5040 - Human Growth and Development

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides a broad understanding of life span theories of human development; understanding of the nature and needs of individuals at all developmental levels; normal and abnormal human behavior indicators; personality theory and development; and learning theory with cultural contexts. Prer., Graduate students only.
  • COUN 5050 - Introduction to Play Therapy

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides a developmental and systems approach to play therapy with content areas including history, theory, techniques, methods applications to special settings or populations. Also included is sand-play therapy which is based on the work of Jung.
  • COUN 5070 - Adventure Education and Experiential Learning

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This training is designed for educators and community leaders wanting to develop and enhance their positive group facilitation skills and leadership strategies. This course will provide experiential ideas for developing group trust, enhancing teamwork, and encouraging cooperation. Meets with COUN 4070.
  • COUN 5090 - Spiritual Dimensions of Counseling

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    An experiential and analytic investigation of our spiritual dimension as persons, and of methods of assessment and intervention regarding spiritual and religious issues in counseling and psychotherapy.
  • COUN 5100 - Theories & Techniques of Group Counseling

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course provides a comprehensive understanding of group development, stages, group dynamics, leadership styles and counseling theories across various settings. Core group facilitation skills and techniques will be studied in this course and practiced in COUN 5110. Prer., Admission to DCHS. Coreq., COUN 5110
  • COUN 5110 - Laboratory in Group Counseling

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course provides the student with group counseling experiences as both a member and leader. Students will develop and apply group counseling skills and techniques and learn to evaluate the effectiveness of various group facilitation strategies. Students engage in self-examination of characteristics that may affect them as professional counselors. Prer., Admission to DCHS. Coreq., COUN 5100
  • COUN 5120 - Practicum in Professional Counseling

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides students with experience in counseling and consultation. Introduces the counselor and client characteristics that may affect the counseling process. Students complete 100 clock hours of supervised field experience of which 40 hours must be in direct service to clients. Prer., COUN 5010, COUN 5020, COUN 5100, COUN 5110 and admission to CHS program.
  • COUN 5130 - Theories and Techniques of Marriage, Couples, and Family Counseling

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course provides the student with a family systems approach emphasizing the foundational theories and techniques of marriage, family, couples, and relationship counseling. Students will learn to think systemically and gain awareness, insight and skills related to working with a multitude of family structures. Prer., Admission to DCHS.
  • COUN 5135 - Laboratory in Marriage, Couples and Family Counseling

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course provides the student with marriage, couples and family counseling experiences as both a member and leader. Students will develop and apply systems counseling skills and techniques. Students engage in self-examination of family of origin and multigenerational family patterns. Prer., Admission to DCHS, Coreq., COUN 5130.
  • COUN 5140 - Advanced Theories and Techniques of Family Counseling

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Examines the following theories of family counseling: strategic, structural, experiential, object relations, communication and behavioral. Students will become familiar with the differences and similarities of these theories as well as consider the techniques for change associated with each. Prer., COUN 5130 or consent of instructor.
  • COUN 5150 - Conflict Resolution Training

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This workshop course presents a win-win approach to conflict resolution that can be utilized with individuals, families, groups and organizations. Participants will be asked to examine their personal conflict resolution strategies and change any win-lose strategies into win-win strategies. Prer., Open only to students enrolled in Counseling and Human Services program.
  • COUN 5170 - Executive and Leadership Coaching

    2 Credits (Minimum) 2 Credits (Maximum)

    This course is designed to enhance the skills of counseling students and Air Force Officers. When working with clients or Cadets to address personal issues, coaching skills can be utilized, once those issues have been addressed, as the next step in the process which can then propel the client or Cadet toward a path of success.
  • COUN 5190 - Psychology of the College Student

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    An orientation to developmental studies in personality, social and health domains of the college student. Focus is on age-related stresses and coping skills. Prer., Admission to the Counseling Program.
  • COUN 5200 - Advanced Seminar in Student Affairs

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Taken during the final semester of the student’s program, requires the completion of an independent study on a topic of particular interest or concern to Student Affairs. The topic, and the method of conducting the study, will be mutually agreed upon by the faculty member and student. In-depth exploration of the topic will require the students to synthesize what they have learned in the program and demonstrate the ability to apply it. Prer., COUN 5060, COUN 5080, COUN 5190 admissions to the Counseling Program in Student Affairs.
  • COUN 5240 - Coaching and Consulting Practice

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    The course will outline theory and practice of professional coaching & consulting, including coaching knowledge, application, ethics, diversity, assessment procedures, advocacy & best practice guidelines. The course addresses coaching and consulting strategies for individuals, teams and organizations.
  • COUN 5260 - Practicum in Counseling and Leadership

    1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides students with experience in counseling and leadership and introduces the counselor and client characteristics that may affect the counseling process. Students complete 100 clock hours of supervised field experience of which 40 hours must be in direct service to clients; the balance is indirect service. May be repeated 3 times. Prer., Concurrent with counseling core courses.
  • COUN 5270 - Advanced Techniques in Cadet Counseling

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course provides advanced training in specific counseling techniques for AOC’s. It includes detailed intervention plans for various issues relevant to the cadets at the Academy. Students develop a detailed case study in problem areas, visit local agencies and conduct a literature review of relevant adolescent issues. Prer., Admission to Counseling and Leadership Program.
  • COUN 5290 - College Student Development

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course reviews developmental theories related to both understanding and effectively counseling college age individuals. Students will examine personality, social and wellness domains of the developing college student. Specific topics related to specific developmental and psychological stressors for college age individuals will be addressed. Must be admitted to Counseling and Leadership. Prer., Successful completion of COUN and LEAD core classes.
  • COUN 5300 - Laboratory in Marriage, Couples, and Family Counseling

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides students with skills in rapport building; information gathering and giving; structuring the session; reflecting and summarizing content and feeling; self disclosure; confrontation; and session closure for use in professional counseling sessions. Prer., COUN 5010 and COUN 5110. Coreq., COUN 5130.
  • COUN 5330 - Issues, Ethics and Trends in Professional Counseling

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course covers professional roles and functions, goals and objectives, organizations and associations, preparation standards and credentialing, and history and trends in the counseling profession. Developing knowledge of the professional code of ethics, laws, and other guidelines related to the practice of professional counseling, and acquiring proficiency in making ethical decisions, will be emphasized.
  • COUN 5340 - Professional Ethics II

    1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum)

    This course will provide participants with a comprehensive introduction to ethical and risk-management issues related to addiction treatment and services. It will focus on three key topics: 1) ethical dilemmas, 2) ethical decisions, and 3) risk-management concepts.
  • COUN 5350 - Adult Leadership Development

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Explores the development of leadership, emphasizing entry level leadership skills for college-aged students. It surveys social and peer group influences, strategies for developing character, diversity issues and leading change in a college environment. Prer., Admission into the Counseling program.
  • COUN 5400 - Research in Counseling and Human Services

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    A comprehensive study of types of research, basic statistics, research project development, program evaluation, needs assessment, and ethical and legal considerations. A thorough review of the recent research literature in the student’s area of emphasis is required for this course. Prer., COUN 5010 and COUN 5020 or consent of instructor.
  • COUN 5410 - Measurement and Appraisal

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course provides a comprehensive study of educational and psychometric theories and approaches to appraisal, data collection and evaluation methods. Validity and reliability of instruments, psychometric statistics, variables influencing appraisal and interpretation of test results will be addressed. Ethical use of measurement instruments, multicultural considerations, and strategies for consultation will be included. Prer., Admission to DCHS.
  • COUN 5430 - Career Development

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course offers a comprehensive study of career development theories; sources for obtaining occupational, educational, and labor market information; relational, cultural, and other factors that affect career development; assessment tools, techniques, and program development for career counseling, guidance, and education, and for lifestyle and career decision making, including applications for special groups and diverse populations.
  • COUN 5440 - Advanced Psychopathology and Diagnosis

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    An intensive survey of the major theories, research findings and behavioral characteristics associated with mental illness and behavior disorders. Requires thorough working knowledge of the DSM IV and related diagnostic tools. Prer., COUN 5130 or instructor consent.
  • COUN 5500 - Advanced Play Therapy

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Builds on the basic concepts presented in Introduction to Play Therapy and includes using play to help children and families communicate through symbols, metaphors and stories. Puppet play, the hero/heroine’s journey, family art and games are highlighted. Prer., COUN 5050 or consent of instructor.
  • COUN 5510 - Principles of Addiction Treatment

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course examines the etiology of addiction; various models and effective treatment methods supported by current research. Assessment of co-occurring disorders and addiction counselor competencies will be investigated and applied to adults and adolescents.
  • COUN 5520 - Infectious Diseases in Addiction Treatment

    1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum)

    This course examines the complex relationship between a client’s use of substances, lifestyle choices, and physiological health. Assess the importance of disease screening, exploring client risk, and educating clients about disease prevention.
  • COUN 5530 - Motivational Interviewing I & II

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course is designed to outline evidenced-based treatment approaches in the addictions field. Includes a focus on skill development, conducting a client interview, using the OARS, and a brief introduction to MIA:STEP. Meets the OBH competencies for MI (21 hours) and Adv MI (14 hours).
  • COUN 5540 - Advanced Motivational Interviewing

    1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum)

    This course will offer a review of theory, process, and skill development related to advanced motivational interviewing (MI). The course is designed to assist in practicing skills and identifying and strengthening motivation and positive change. Prer., COUN 5530.
  • COUN 5550 - Practice of Crisis Counseling, Trauma, and Disaster Work

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Counseling strategies and techniques for dealing with individual, group, and organizational crisis in a variety of settings. Types of crises include suicide, domestic violence, sexual assault/rape, school and community violence, military trauma, terrorism, and natural disaster. Prer., Graduate students only.
  • COUN 5560 - Foundations of Addictions

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    An introduction to the psychology of the addiction process and the relationship of family to that process. This course will address the etiology of treatment of addictive behaviors. Theories linked with addiction will be evaluated critically with an emphasis on developing effective intervention strategies, recovery and relapse prevention.
  • COUN 5570 - Play Therapy and Child Counseling

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    An overview of the essential elements and principles of counseling children and adolescents primarily utilizing play therapy, including history, theories, modalities, techniques, applications, and skills. Significant emphasis will be placed on the treatment of child and family trauma following war, natural disaster, and other crises. Prer., Graduate students only.
  • COUN 5580 - Sexuality in Counseling

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Examines human sexuality from historical, political, religious, economic, social, and cultural perspectives. Sexual norms, roles, and behaviors will be discussed, analyzed, and deconstructed to enhance the awareness, knowledge, and skills of counseling professionals. Prer., Graduate students only.

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