2021-2022 Catalog 
    Jun 26, 2024  
2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



Physics and Energy Science

  • PES 9300 - Independent Study for Physics, Undergraduate

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Prer., Consent of instructor.
  • PES 9499 - Independent Study - Research and Creative Works

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides an opportunity to conduct research with Physics and Energy Science faculty and graduate students by one or more students on topics determined by a faculty member. Prer., Consent of instructor required.

Political Science

  • PSC 1010 - Introduction to Global Politics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Introductory analysis of the contemporary international system and major state and non-state actors in world politics. Considerable attention is given to internal political features and to the problems/perceptions of the various actors that shape their external behavior. Approved for LAS Social Science area and Global Awareness requirements. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirements: Inclusiveness (Global/Diversity); Sustainability.
  • PSC 1100 - The American Political System

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    A general introduction to the American political system with emphasis on the inter-relations among the various levels and branches of government, formal and informal political institutions, processes, and behavior. Required of all majors. Not open to those who have had other beginning courses in American government. Approved for LAS Social Science area requirement. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Explore-Society, Health and Behavior. GT-SS1.
  • PSC 2070 - Might and Right Among Nations

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    In order to better understand the relationship among international actors, this introductory course covers theories and concepts essential to help us comprehend the world in which we live. We analyze ideas and learn to apply the theories to further our knowledge of war, human behavior, economics, international organizations, and law, to name only a few. Approved for LAS Global Awareness requirement.
  • PSC 2080 - Introduction to Comparative Politics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Comparative politics, unlike any other subfield in political science, is both a subject of study and a method of study. The course introduces students to both. As method of study, comparative politics focuses, not surprisingly, on comparison. As a subject of study, comparative politics helps students understand and explain political phenomena that take place within a state, society, country, or political system. Approved for Social Science area and Global Awareness requirements.
  • PSC 2090 - Political Conflict

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Conflict is part of political, social, and economic life. Human conflict today is different from the past in terms of its nature, scope, and scale. Some of the most important characteristics of political conflict are covered, primarily from an international relations perspective. Uses both historical and theoretical frameworks to help interpret conflict. Approved for LAS Global Awareness requirement.
  • PSC 2100 - Politics and Policy in State and Local Communities

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Focuses on regional, state, and local government where politics is face to face and where political decisions regularly affect our daily lives. The political systems that teach children, issue building permits, collect garbage, determine welfare eligibility, operate parks, issue drivers licenses, and enforce traffic rules. Approved for LAS Social Science area requirement.
  • PSC 2450 - American Political Thought

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    History and development of American political theories and ideas from colonial period to present.
  • PSC 3010 - Women in Politics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    An examination of the role of women in American politics. Topics will include an historical perspective of women’s political activity, the political interests and group activities of women, the legal status of women, political attitudes of and toward women, and women’s political behavior. Meets with WEST 3010.
  • PSC 3030 - Political Parties

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Party politics in the United States. Nature, structure, organization, and functions of political parties. Analysis of political behavior.
  • PSC 3050 - Race and Ethnicity in American Politics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    An examination of the role of U.S. ethnic minority groups in American politics from the perspectives of the groups themselves. Topics will include historical and contemporary perspectives on the political activities, interests and legal status of U.S. ethnic minorities; the relationship of power, race/ethnicity and class in determining the effects of the political system on these groups; and the impact of these groups on the political system. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Inclusiveness (Global/Diversity). Meets with WEST 3050.
  • PSC 3060 - Political Ideas in Film

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Examines how the ideas of political theorists such as Xenophon, Aristotle, Machiavelli, and Hobbes are reflected in film. Topics covered include tyranny, contractarianism, bureaucracy, and democracy. The class pairs such concepts with films illustrating them.
  • PSC 3070 - Comparative Politics and Film

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Analyzes the subfield of Political Science known as comparative politics. Also, teaches students to be critical observers about the way in which films can be used and studied for their political content.
  • PSC 3110 - Emerging Nations

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Analysis of third world developmental problems such as lack of economic growth, corruption, military coups, arms sales, international debts, and the role of nature. Approaches to theory are discussed.
  • PSC 3200 - Introduction to Public Policy

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course examines how U.S. government institutions make and execute public policy, including how particular social problems reach the policy-making agenda. It also covers methods of policy evaluation and explores questions of why policies ultimately succeed or fail.
  • PSC 3240 - War and Peace

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course examines both traditional and contemporary issues of security study, a major field of international relations. Topics of this course include major wars among great powers, civil wars, counterinsurgency warfare, and alternatives to the use of force. Approved for LAS global awareness requirement.
  • PSC 3300 - The Bureaucrats

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    National, state, and local public service career systems in the United States and selected foreign countries. How the bureaucracy makes public policy. Approved for LAS Social Science area requirement.
  • PSC 3420 - Political Theory

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Main currents of political thought from ancient times to the present as seen in the writings of political theorists from Plato and Aristotle through Machiavelli, Locke, Hobbes, Rousseau, Mill, and Nietzsche. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Sustainability.
  • PSC 3430 - Law and Literature

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Explores the function of law in major works of literature and how those works illuminate the nature of law. Various texts from Sophocles, Shakespeare, Melville, Dostoevsky and others will be used to analyze the relationship between law and the broader political order.
  • PSC 3450 - Modern American Political Thought

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    An examination, through careful analysis of primary sources, of the four main movements in political thought that affected America from 1900 to the present: Progressivism, Constitutional Conservatism, Modern Liberalism, and Modern Conservatism.
  • PSC 3480 - Legislative Internship

    3 Credits (Minimum) 6 Credits (Maximum)

    The department places students in legislative internships, usually with state legislators, but Washington internships are possible. Student normally spends 15-20 hours per week working with a legislator or legislating office in the Capitol of Denver. Credit dependent upon hours worked. Prer., 2.8 cum GPA; 45 hrs; consent of instructor.
  • PSC 3500 - Introduction to Political Inquiry

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    An introduction to the basic methods and tools of research in political science. Topics will include discussions of the resources available for political research, the study of politics as a science, common techniques of political analysis, the development of research designs, research report writing, and the ethics of political research. The course will be largely experiential, directly involving students in research experiences. Satisfies the LAS and Compass Curriculum Quantitative and Qualitative Reasoning requirement as a statistics course when taken by a student who has either 1) successfully completed MATH 1040 (or a mathematics course that has college algebra as a prerequisite), OR 2) scored 87% or higher on the College Algebra placement test and scored 50% or higher on the Business Calculus placement test. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Writing Intensive.
  • PSC 3980 - Internship: Public Administration

    3 Credits (Minimum) 6 Credits (Maximum)

    The department works with students placed in a public agency (governmental or non-profit agencies). Students spend 12 hours weekly working for the host organization in return for 3 credit hours. Prer., Open to upper division students of academic record and with consent of the instructor.
  • PSC 4020 - The American Congress

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    A survey of the development, practice, and theory of the contemporary Congress. Particular attention is paid to the origins of lawmaking and institutional change. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Summit.
  • PSC 4025 - Congressional Processes

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course builds upon PSC 4020, The American Congress, while focusing on the legislative and budgeting process and committee procedures in Congress. Congressional elections, representation, and how outside interests and gridlock affect policymaking will be addressed. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Summit. Prer., PSC 1100, PSC 4020.
  • PSC 4040 - Political Interest Groups

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Nature, structure, organization, and functions of pressure groups. Analysis of pressure politics.
  • PSC 4050 - Public Opinion and Political Behavior

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Theories of public opinion and propaganda; the formation, management, and measurement of political attitudes; behavior of people and groups in politics, especially American.
  • PSC 4060 - State Political Systems

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    National, state, and interstate relations; constitutional development; legislative, executive, and judicial processes and problems; administrative organization and reorganization; state finances; major state services; future of the states. Special attention is given to the government of Colorado.
  • PSC 4070 - Urban Politics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Political and social influence in urban areas; selection of urban leadership; relationship of the political system to governmental and social institutions. Meets with P AD 5626.
  • PSC 4080 - U.S. Electoral Process

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Examines campaigns and voting, as well as the roles of parties interest groups and the media in the electoral process in the United States, with special attention to the legal and institutional context in which U.S. elections take place. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Summit. Prer., PSC 1100. Meets with PSC 5080.
  • PSC 4130 - Latin-American Politics and Development

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Governments and politics of selected countries of Latin America. Constitutions and governments in theory and practice. Political parties, movements, and conflicts. The relationships between political problems and physical and social environments.
  • PSC 4140 - European Politics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Domestic, regional, and international political issues in contemporary Europe. Political institutions, public policy, and political participation in several European states. European enlargement and external relations.
  • PSC 4150 - United States Space Policy

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Examination of historical origins, policy evolution, and future prospects of the US civilian space program. Meets with PSC 5150.
  • PSC 4170 - Mexican Political Development

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    The course analyzes Mexican government and politics. Historical overview of Mexican politics; key events and actors. Describes and explicates political behavior in Mexico (voting, protests, interest groups, social movements), institutions (legislative, executive, and judicial branches), and policies (U.S.-Mexico relations, politics of urbanized industrialization, business, agrarian, oil). Approved for Global Awareness Requirement. Prer., Junior or Senior standing.
  • PSC 4180 - Gender in International Politics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Looks at issues of gender and sexuality in an international context. Covers war and militarism and their effect on women, the international division of labor, the effects of religious fundamentalism, international trafficking in women and sexual violence issues. Meets with WEST 4180.
  • PSC 4190 - Politics of the Developing Areas

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Introduction to Politics of the Developing Areas (Africa, Asia, Latin America). Major themes and actors analyzed. Approved for LAS social science area and Global Awareness requirements.
  • PSC 4200 - Comparative Law: Foreign Legal Systems and Traditions

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Students will examine the legal systems and traditions of several foreign countries to analyze how culture, history, and economics have affected the development of law, to include an in-depth examination of the legal systems of England, France, Germany, China, Japan, and Saudi Arabia. Approved for the LAS Global Awareness area requirement.
  • PSC 4210 - International Politics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    The system of national states, concepts of national interest, goals of foreign policies, conduct of diplomacy, the role of non-state actors, and the bearing of these elements on the problem of peace. Great powers and regions of the earth in international politics today, their roles in international tensions, and the development of international relations theory. Approved for LAS Social Science area and Global Awareness requirements. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Summit. Prer., PSC 1010. Meets with PSC 5210.
  • PSC 4220 - Comparative Politics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Advanced course examining and comparing the political process in a broad range of political, economic, and socio-cultural environments. Case studies and cross- national analysis of states and non-state actors are utilized to explain and predict political phenomena across a range of states and societies. Prer., PSC 1010.
  • PSC 4230 - The United States in World Politics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course analyzes the foundation and conduct of U.S. foreign policies. For the purpose, this course examines the history of U.S. foreign policy since the late 19th century, and major foreign policy challenges this country confronts today. Meets with PSC 5230. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Writing Intensive. Prer., Sophomore standing or higher.
  • PSC 4240 - Russian Politics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Politics in the Russian Federation, its impact on international politics, and its relations to domestic developments.
  • PSC 4250 - International Law

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    A survey of public international law with special emphasis on source of international law and instruments for adjudication as well as on international treaties and the rules of land and sea warfare.
  • PSC 4260 - International Organization

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    A comparative analysis of governmental and non-governmental international organizations. Special attention is paid to the United Nations and certain regional organizations such as the European community, NATO and the organization of American states.
  • PSC 4270 - Latin America in World Politics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Basic elements in Latin American international relations. United States-Latin American relations and policies. Foreign policy formulation in major Latin American republics. Formerly P SC 4770. Not open to those who have taken P SC 4770.
  • PSC 4280 - International Political Economy

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Overview of the world political economy, especially in the post-WWII period. The central goal of the course is to provide information and develop analytical tools necessary for students to grasp the political issues inherent in international economic relations. Prer., Junior standing or permission of instructor. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Sustainability. Meets with ECON 3280 and PSC 5280.
  • PSC 4290 - International Environmental Politics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Study of the ways in which the international community reacts to environmental problems of a transboundary nature. Examination of theoretical frameworks used, policies developed, actors involved and analysis of a number of important cases and issues in international environmental politics. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Sustainability. Meets with PSC 5290.
  • PSC 4300 - East Asian Politics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course aims at enhancing students’ understanding of history and sources for political and economic developments and decay in East Asia. Students should gain a better understanding of the political and economic successes and challenges facing East Asian nations today.
  • PSC 4320 - Public Administration

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Role of administration in government; trends in American public administration; problems in organization; techniques of management.
  • PSC 4340 - National Security Organization and Policy Making

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Analysis of the governmental structure and the and the policy-making processes for American national security planning, decision making, and action.
  • PSC 4341 - Intelligence Studies

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Course provides introduction to the intelligence discipline and how it supports U.S. national security policymaking. Students will study the functions of U.S. intelligence agencies, including collecting and analyzing intelligence, and the challenges associated with these efforts. Prer., Sophomore standing; PSC 1010 recommended.
  • PSC 4350 - Environmental Policies and Administration

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Resources in the American economy; consideration of constitutional, political, and geographic factors in the development of resources policy; organization, procedures, and programs for administration and development of natural resources.
  • PSC 4390 - The Presidency

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    An examination of the historical, functional, constitutional, and political aspects of the presidency. An analytical comparison of the presidency with other executive systems.
  • PSC 4400 - Government and Society

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Examines the normative and positive theoretical underpinnings of government processes and policies in the United States. Emphasis is placed on the formal theoretical analysis of institutions and policies. Prer., PSC 1100.
  • PSC 4410 - Foundations of Modern Liberty

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course explores the foundations and development of the modern conception of liberty, which focuses on human freedom in both its political and economic dimensions. Further, we examine those political and economic institutions designed to protect and foster modern liberty.
  • PSC 4440 - Decision and Game Theory

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    An introduction to decision theory and game theory. No mathematical knowledge beyond high school algebra is assumed. Theoretical development of decision theory and game theory will be coupled with application of both to practice and the real world. See course schedule for topics covered. Prer., ECON 1010 or PSC 3500 or PHIL 1120 or PHIL 3420. Meets with ECON 4440 and PHIL 4440.
  • PSC 4451 - Environmental Law

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course explores the various ways in which the national government promotes environmental protection, and the legal issues surrounding interpretation and implementation of these policies, especially clean air, clean water, hazardous waste cleanup, and the protection of endangered species. Meets with PSC 5451.
  • PSC 4460 - Administrative Law

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    General nature of administrative law, types of administrative action and enforcement, analysis of rule-making and adjudication, and administrative due process. Meets with PSC 5460.
  • PSC 4470 - Constitutional Law

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Role of the Supreme Court in development of principles of constitutional law, beginning with the concept of judicial review. Federalism, jurisdiction of the federal courts, separation of powers, the taxing power, the commerce power, the doctrine of implied powers and other principles and doctrines which are relevant to contemporary interpretation of the constitution. Approved for LAS Social Science area requirement. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirements: Summit; Writing Intensive.
  • PSC 4480 - Civil Rights and Liberties

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Nature and scope of American constitutional principles as developed by the U.S. Supreme Court, with emphasis on the war power, power of the president, citizenship, the Bill of Rights, and the Civil War amendments. Approved for LAS Cultural Diversity and Social Sciences requirements. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirements: Inclusiveness; Writing Intensive.
  • PSC 4481 - The First Amendment

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course covers the First Amendment, its various clauses, and the rights they protect. It examines the historical background to the First Amendment; the central role of freedoms of religion, expression, and association; and the institutional role of the Supreme Court in protecting those freedoms. Prer., sophomore standing or consent of instructor.
  • PSC 4490 - The Judicial System

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Examination of the principal actors in the legal system: police, lawyers, judges, citizens and the roles they play in the political process.
  • PSC 4500 - Senior Research Seminar

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    A course designed to directly involve Senior students in political science in major research projects. The emphasis of the course will be on the development by the students of research topics and designs which fit their individual interests. Major papers will be required of all students. Research reports will be presented orally and critiqued in class. Required of all majors.
  • PSC 4510 - Defendant’s Constitutional Rights

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Nature and scope of American constitutional principles as developed by the United States Supreme Court, with emphasis on habeas corpus, search and seizure, grand jury, double jeopardy, self-incrimination, due process of law, speedy and public trial, right to counsel, trial by jury, bail, and cruel and unusual punishment.
  • PSC 4520 - Model Organization of American States (MOAS)

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    The course assists and supervises students in the preparation and execution of the Model Organization of American States for Universities (MOAS) in Washington, D.C. Students learn about the role, structure and operation of the MOAS by representing a member-state in the Inter-American system. Students gain broad understanding of issues in International Politics and the practice of diplomacy and international organizations. Prer., Application and consent of instructor.
  • PSC 4530 - Model United Nations

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Course assists and supervises students in preparation and execution of the Model United Nations (MUN) college conference. The course catapults students into the world of diplomacy and negotiation. Students learn about the role, structure and operation of the United Nations. Prer., instructor consent.
  • PSC 4540 - Land Use Law

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    A legal studies public law course involving the rights and obligations of land owners and the various levels of government. Issues range from environmental protection, zoning, to land development and “Taking” property without compensation. Jr/Sr level preferred. Prer., PSC 4460 or consent of instructor.
  • PSC 4550 - Public School Law

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    A legal studies course involving a comprehensive examination of American public school law with reference to Colorado public school law. As a public law course, it involves Constitutional issues ranging from civil liberties of speech and religion, to civil rights such as special needs children. Jr/Sr level preferred. Prer., PSC 4460 or consent of instructor.
  • PSC 4560 - The Arab-Israeli Conflict

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Examines the historical, social, political, and economic conditions in the Middle East as they pertain to the Arab/Israeli conflict. An eclectic approach will be employed, from the cradle of civilization to the new international order with particular emphasis on the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. Prer., ENGL 1305, 1308, 1310, or 1410.
  • PSC 4570 - Middle Eastern Politics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Introduces the complex web of political, social, economic, and cultural life of Middle Eastern politics. Looks at historical developments of the region in order to better understand the current political diversity in the Middle East. The study of this region is important today as it faces new challenges with globalization, political identity crises, and foreign intervention. Approved for LAS Global Awareness requirement. Prer., PSC 1010. Sophomore standing or higher.
  • PSC 4580 - African Politics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    The complex political, social, religious, and cultural environment of Africa, and the many themes and nation-states provide for a rich study of the region. Course examines the variations across the continent. Analyzes the scars left by the complex negotiations of post-independence Africa, and studies themes including ethnic conflict, nationalism, resources, economy, concepts of democracy, and nation-building. Approved for LAS Global Awareness requirement. Prer., PSC 1010 and sophomore standing.
  • PSC 4590 - Globalization

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Globalization is studied as part of an exchange of technology, goods, and financial markets. The exchanges of goods, services, and ideas across national borders are pervasive. Communication systems help this process, but also help those who resist globalization to better articulate and organize their viewpoints. Approved for LAS Global Awareness requirement. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Inclusiveness (Global/Diversity). Prer., Sophomore standing. Meets with ECON 3590.
  • PSC 4600 - The Politics of Terrorism

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course will acquaint the student with the concept of terrorism as a political and psychological tool. Examines the culture usually associated with terrorist actions and what sparks such cultural beliefs. The course concludes with a prognosis for the future of what our world may look like if this political behavior continues. Prer., ENGL 1305, 1308, or 1310.
  • PSC 4980 - Special Problems in Political Science

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    A study of special problems relevant to political science taught by a highly qualified person in the particular problem area. Each semester that the course is offered, a different problem of high impact is studied.
  • PSC 5080 - U.S. Electoral Process

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    In-depth examination of campaigns and voting, as well as the roles of parties, interest groups and the media in the electoral process in the United States, with special attention to the legal and institutional context in which U.S. elections take place. Meets with PSC 4080.
  • PSC 5150 - United States Space Policy

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Examination of historical origins, policy evolution, and future prospects of the US civilian space program. Meets with PSC 4150.
  • PSC 5230 - The United States in World Politics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course analyzes the foundation and conduct of U.S. foreign policies. For the purpose, this course examines the history of U.S. foreign policy since the late 19th century, and major foreign policy challenges this country confronts today. Meets with PSC 4230.
  • PSC 5280 - International Political Economy

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Overview of the world political economy, especially in the post-WWII period. The central goal of the course is to provide information and develop analytical tools necessary for students to grasp the political issues inherent in international economic relations. Graduate level students will undertake an independent research project under the guidance of the instructor. Meets with ECON 3280 and PSC 4280.
  • PSC 5290 - International Environmental Politics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Study of the ways in which the international community reacts to environmental problems of a transboundary nature. Examination of theoretical frameworks used, policies developed, actors involved and analysis of a number of important cases and issues in international environmental politics. Meets with PSC 4290.
  • PSC 5451 - Environmental Law

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This course explores the various ways in which the national government promotes environmental protection, and the legal issues surrounding interpretation and implementation of these policies, especially clean air, clean water, hazardous waste cleanup, and the protection of endangered species. Meets with PSC 4451.
  • PSC 5460 - Administrative Law

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    General nature of administrative law, types of administrative action and enforcement, analysis of rule-making and adjudication, and administrative due process. Meets with PSC 4460.
  • PSC 5470 - Constitutional Law

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Role of the Supreme Court in development of principles of constitutional law, beginning with the concept of judicial review. Federalism, separation of powers, the taxing power, the commerce power, the doctrine of implied powers and other principles and doctrines.
  • PSC 5480 - Civil Rights and Liberties

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Nature and scope of American constitutional principles as developed by the U.S. Supreme Court, with emphasis on the Bill of Rights and the Civil War amendments.
  • PSC 5980 - Special Topics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Each semester that the seminar is offered a different area of political science will be the focus of intensive study and analysis.
  • PSC 9400 - Independent Study in Political Science

    1 Credits (Minimum) 6 Credits (Maximum)

    Intended to give an opportunity for advanced students with good scholastic records and with appropriate courses completed to pursue independently the study of some subject of special interest. Subjects are chosen and arrangements are made to suit the needs of each student. Prer., Senior standing, 15 semester hours of political science and consent of instructor.
  • PSC 9480 - Prelaw Internship

    3 Credits (Minimum) 6 Credits (Maximum)

    Studies are undertaken concerning the practice of law or the administration of justice while the student has full or part-time employment with a law office, court, prosecutor, public defender, administrative hearing officer, or other individual or agency involved with the practice of law or the administration of justice. Prer., Consent of instructor; above average score on LSAT; and Senior status.
  • PSC 9499 - Independent Study - Research

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides an opportunity to conduct research with faculty by one or more students on topics determined by a faculty member. Prer., Consent of instructor required.

Professional Golf Management

  • PGMT 1003 - Qualifying Level PGA Golf Management

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Qualifying Level of the PGA Golf Management Program 3.0. Topics include Introduction to the PGA Professional Golf Management Program, PGA History and Constitution, Rules of Golf, and Career Enhancement. Prer., PGA Golf Management students only.
  • PGMT 1050 - Golf for Business and Life

    1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum)

    Golf for Business and Life is a PGA of America initiative, designed to teach and improve the golf skills of beginning students through instruction provided by PGA professionals, and to suggest ways in which the students can use golf as a business tool as they enter the professional world.
  • PGMT 1100 - Cooperative Internship I

    1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides the PGA Golf Management student with practical knowledge and experience of golf operations through employment at a golf facility or other suitable organization. Prer., PGMT 1203, PGA Golf Management students only.
  • PGMT 1203 - Level1 PGA Golf Management Golf Instruction

    2 Credits (Minimum) 2 Credits (Maximum)

    Level1 of the PGA Golf Management Program 3.0. Topics include Player Development, Introduction to Teaching and Golf Club Performance. Prer., PGMT 1003, PGA Golf Management students only.
  • PGMT 1303 - Level 1 PGA Golf Management Facility Management

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Level 1 of the PGA Golf Management Program 3.0. Topics include Business Planning, Customer Relations, Merchandising and Inventory Management, Rules of Golf, Golf Car Fleet Management, Turfgrass Management Career Enhancement. Prer., PGMT 1203, PGA Golf Management students only.
  • PGMT 2012 - Level 2 PGA Golf Management Part 2

    1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum)

    Level Two of the PGA Golf Management Program 2.0. Topics include merchandise and inventory. Prer., PGMT 2002, PGA Golf Management students only.
  • PGMT 2100 - Cooperative Internship IIa

    1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides PGA Golf Management students with practical knowledge and experience of golf operations through employment at a golf facility or other suitable organization. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Navigate. Prer., PGMT 1100, PGA Golf Management students only.
  • PGMT 2110 - Cooperative Internship IIb

    1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides PGA Golf Management students with practical knowledge and experience of golf operations through employment at a golf facility or other suitable organization. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Navigate. Prer., PGMT 1100, PGA Golf Management students only.
  • PGMT 2203 - Level 2 PGA Golf Management Golf Instruction

    2 Credits (Minimum) 2 Credits (Maximum)

    Level 2 of the PGA Golf Management Program 3.0. Topics include Player Development, Intermediate Teaching and Golf Club Alterations. Prer., PGMT 1303, PGA Golf Management students only.
  • PGMT 2303 - Level 2 PGA Golf Management Facility Management

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Level 2 of the PGA Golf Management Program 3.0. Topics include Introduction to the PGA Professional Golf Management Program, PGA History and Constitution, Rules of Golf, and Career Enhancement. Prer., PGMT 2203, PGA Golf Management students only.
  • PGMT 3002 - Level 3 PGA Golf Management 2.0

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Level Three of the PGA Golf Management Program 2.0. Topics include human resource management, supervision and delegation. Prer., PGMT 2002, PGMT 2012, PGMT 2202, PGMT 3502, PGA Golf Management students only.
  • PGMT 3100 - Cooperative Internship IIIa

    1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides PGA Golf Management students with practical knowledge and experience of golf operations through employment at a golf facility or other suitable organization. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Navigate. Prer., PGMT 1100, PGA Golf Management students only.
  • PGMT 3202 - Level 3 Advanced Golf Instruction Part 1 - PGA Golf Management 2.0

    2 Credits (Minimum) 2 Credits (Maximum)

    Level Three of the PGA Golf Management Program 2.0. Topics include advanced teaching and golf club fitting. Prer., PGMT 2012, PGA Golf Management students only.

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