2020-2021 Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2020-2021 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]




  • PHIL 4910 - Systematic Philosophy

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    A thorough study of a single philosophical problem, system, or single philosopher. Meets with PHIL 5910.
  • PHIL 4930 - Special Topics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Detailed examination of a special topic taken from the history of philosophy which is not covered by the regular departmental course offerings (variable content). Prer., Philosophy majors or consent of instructor. Two courses in Philosophy. Meets with PHIL 5930 and WMST 4900.
  • PHIL 4950 - Senior Thesis

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    A research project directed under the supervision of a full time departmental faculty member. The topic of the research is chosen by the student in consultation with the project advisor. Required of all philosophy majors. Approved for LAS Oral Communication requirement. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Summit. Open to juniors/seniors only.
  • PHIL 5040 - Phenomenology

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Critical analysis of early 20th century philosophical movements such as phenomenology, structuralism, and hermeneutics, emphasizing their origins and the philosophical and non-philosophical issues that gave rise to them. Prer., previous course in philosophy. Meets with PHIL 4040.
  • PHIL 5060 - Mid 20th Century European Philosophy

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    An intensive examination of the major European philosophical movements of the mid 20th century, including phenomenology, existentialism, linguistics and post-structuralism, emphasizing their relation to key philosophical and non-philosophical issues of the period. Prer., previous philosophy course. Meets with PHIL 4060.
  • PHIL 5070 - Existentialism

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Main themes of existentialist thought from its origins in Kierkegaard and Nietzsche to such 20th century figures as Jaspers, Heidegger, Sartre and Camus. Meets with PHIL 4070.
  • PHIL 5080 - Postmodernism

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    An intensive examination of major figures, such as Irigaray, Deleuze, Baudrillard, Habermas, Foucault and Derrida, and of major movements such as critical theory. Meets with PHIL 4080.
  • PHIL 5100 - American Pragmatism

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Analysis and appreciation of America’s most important contribution to intellectual life, pragmatism. Also discussed are two of pragmatism’s predecessors, transcendentalism and naturalism. Meets with PHIL 4100.
  • PHIL 5130 - Ethics of Life and Health

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Ethical dimensions of the patient-physician relationship and the impact of medical technology. Topics include informed consent and experimentation with human subjects, technological manipulation of medical resources, genetic screening in the workplace, and genetic engineering. Meets with PHIL 3130.
  • PHIL 5140 - Nature, Sustainability, and the Environment

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    The philosophical significance of ecology for establishing an environmental ethic. Application of environmental ethics to such issues as responsibilities to future generations, the problem of the moral standing of non-human species and wilderness, and the deficiencies of cost-benefit basis for decision making. Prer., Previous course in philosophy. Meets with PHIL 4140.
  • PHIL 5160 - Business and Management Ethics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Designed to teach students to appreciate the ethical discussions of the decision-making process in which most business managers are engaged during their careers. Meets with PHIL 4160.
  • PHIL 5180 - Theories of Knowledge

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Consideration of major philosophers, both classical and contemporary, who have contributed to the analysis of the nature, limits and conditions of knowledge. Meets with PHIL 3170.
  • PHIL 5190 - Ethics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    The problem of rational justification of ethical standards including a selected treatment of the history of ethics. Meets with PHIL 3190.
  • PHIL 5200 - Consciousness

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Consciousness has re-emerged as a fundamental topic in psychology, neuroscience, cognitive science, and philosophy. This course introduces students to some of the recent neuroscientific studies of consciousness and surveys some of the philosophical problems posed by consciousness. Meets with PHIL 4200.
  • PHIL 5250 - Food for Thought

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    In-depth examination of a particular trend in contemporary social theory such as critical theory, the Frankfurt school, Marxism and post-Marxism, economic democracy, deep ecology, post-modernism and deconstruction. Variable content. Meets with PHIL 4250.
  • PHIL 5260 - Philosophy of Law

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Consideration of various views of the nature of law, its role in society and its relation to other disciplines. Examination of the philosophic commitments that underlie and affect legal convention and procedures. Meets with Phil 4260.
  • PHIL 5300 - Philosophy of Mind

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Consideration of the central problems in the philosophy of mind, including the mind-body problem; the knowledge of other minds; free will and determinism; as well as discussion of concepts such as action, intention, motive, desire, memory, etc. Meets with PHIL 3000.
  • PHIL 5350 - Analytic Philosophy

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    ‘Analytic Philosophy’ is a term used to describe both a particular method and a style of philosophizing. This course examines that method and that style and shows the promise the former once held for settling traditional philosophical issues and problems and the continuing influence of the latter. Meets with PHIL 4350.
  • PHIL 5400 - Philosophy of Science

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    A close examination of issues in the history, philosophy, and sociology of science. Attention will be given to contemporary debates on such topics as the methodology of science, the growth of scientific knowledge, the logic of scientific discovery and the value-neutrality of science. Meets with PHIL 4400.
  • PHIL 5420 - Symbolic Logic II

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    An intermediate course in symbolic logic that introduces students to quantified predicate logic with identity, intensional logic, second-order logic, and many-valued logic. Certain meta-logical results such as the Loewenheim-Skolem theorem, completeness, soundness, computability, Church’s thesis, and incompleteness are discussed. Meets with PHIL 4420.
  • PHIL 5441 - Decision and Game Theory

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Introduces students to decision theory and game theory. Topics will include rationality; strategic reasoning; Nash equilibria; strategic games; symmetric and non-symmetric games; coalitions and cooperation; zero and non-zero-sum games; and, prisoner’s dilemmas. Prer., PHIL 3440 or MATH 1040. Meets with PHIL 4440.
  • PHIL 5460 - Nature and Nurture

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    An examination of the meaning of human nature from various perspectives including Greek thinking, religious explanations, naturalist, existentialist and pragmatist theories.
  • PHIL 5490 - Philosophy of Language

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    A historical survey of developments in philosophy of language. Topics covered include sense and reference,, signifier and signified, rule-following, ordinary language philosophy, deconstruction, and casual theories of reference. Authors covered include Frege Husserl, De Saussure, Wittgenstein, Austin, Derrida, and others. Meets with PHIL 4490.
  • PHIL 5720 - Philosophy of Film

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Relation between philosophical issues and film to, show how philosophical concepts are embodied in film and filmmaking. Prer., a B.A. in any LAS field. Meets with PHIL 3720.
  • PHIL 5910 - Systematic Philosophy

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    A thorough study of a single philosophical problem, system or single philosopher. Variable content. Meets with PHIL 4910.
  • PHIL 5930 - Advanced Topics in Philosophy

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Detailed examination of a special topic taken from the history of philosophy which is not covered by the regular departmental course offerings. Variable content. Prer., Consent of instructor. Meets with PHIL 4930.
  • PHIL 9400 - Independent Study in Philosophy: Undergraduate

    1 Credits (Minimum) 4 Credits (Maximum)

    Prer., Prior consent of faculty required.
  • PHIL 9500 - Independent Study in Philosophy - Graduate

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Intended to give an opportunity for advanced students with good scholastic records and with appropriate courses completed to pursue independently the study of some subject of special interest. Subjects are chosen and arrangements are made to suit the needs of each student. Prer., Consent of instructor.


  • PHYS 5030 - Mathematical Methods in Physics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Survey of classical mathematical physics. Includes complex variable theory, boundary value problems, Green’s functions, matrices, and vector spaces, and the use of numerical methods for solving physical problems. Prer., PES 3250 or equivalent.
  • PHYS 5150 - Solid State Laboratory

    2 Credits (Minimum) 2 Credits (Maximum)

    Advanced lab on the measurement of fundamental properties of solids. Includes introduction to vacuum and thin film technologies. One lecture and one lab session per week. Meets with PES 4150.
  • PHYS 5160 - Thin Films Laboratory

    1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum)

    Introduction to thin film deposition and characterization. Facilities include evaporation, sputtering, Auger electron spectroscopy, ellipsometry and scanning electron microscopy. Coreq., PHYS 5490
  • PHYS 5200 - Computational Physics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    An introduction to methods of solving physics problems via computers. Topics include molecular dynamics, calculation of electromagnetic fields, electronic states, Monte Carlo methods applied to statistical mechanics and quantum systems. Prer., CS 1050 or equivalent.
  • PHYS 5220 - Nonlinear Physics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Topics include nonlinear oscillators, generation of harmonics, bifurcations, limit cycles, chaos solitons, fractals, synchronization, pattern formation and self-organized criticality. Applications include solitons for communication, self-induced transparency, nonlinear generation of visible light, stripes on tigers, earthquake frequency, and nonlinear magnetism.
  • PHYS 5240 - Modern Magnetism: Fundamentals and Applications

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Course covers the fundamentals of magnetism, magnetic materials, and modern magnetic applications. Topics include various magnetic interactions, dynamic behavior of magnets (spin waves), domain walls, and experimental techniques. Applications include magnetic memories, MRI, wind-powered generators, magnetic inks, and giant magnetoresistance.
  • PHYS 5410 - Statistical Mechanics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    An introduction to equilibrium statistical mechanics. Topics include classical or Boltzman statistics, Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics, partition functions and ensembles. Also included are applications to the liquid and solid states.
  • PHYS 5420 - Physics of Materials

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    An introduction to the physics of materials. Topics will include crystallography and defects, phase diagrams, phase transformations, diffusion, mechanical properties, and electrical properties.
  • PHYS 5460 - Introduction to Solid State Physics I

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Theory of solids including crystal structure, x-ray, neutron and electron diffraction, phonons, elastic and thermal properties of insulators, free electron Fermi gas, band structure (Kronig-Penney model, Bloch’s theorem, tight-binging approximation, k*p model) and Fermi surface (Harrison construction, Landau levels). Prer., PES 3310 and PES 3320. Meets with PES 4460.
  • PHYS 5470 - Introduction to Solid State Physics II

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Theory of solids including superconductors, magnetic materials (diamagnets, paramagnets, ferromagnets, and antiferromagnets), dielectrics and ferroelectrics. Theory of electronic (plasmons, polaritons, and polarons) and optical (excitons) excitations, surfaces, interfaces, and nanostructures. Meets with PES 4470. Prer., PES 4460 or PHYS 5460.
  • PHYS 5480 - Surface and Interface Physics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    An introduction to the solid state physics of surfaces and interfaces including structural, thermodynamic and electrical properties. Gas-surface interactions and characterization techniques will also be examined.
  • PHYS 5490 - Physics of Thin Films

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    A broad survey of the physics of thin films (emphasizing nucleation and growth) and common techniques for the production and characterization of thin films. Meets with PES 4490.
  • PHYS 5510 - Modern Optics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This is a mathematically rigorous course on optics for Physics major graduates. Prer., PES 3310, PES 3320, PES 4510; Graduate standing.
  • PHYS 5600 - Special and General Relativity

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Investigates the theoretical and experimental basis for Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. The concept of four dimensional space-time is introduced through Special Relativity. The concept of curved space-time is presented using the mathematics of tensors. Open to graduate students only. Prer., PES 2130. Meets with PES 4600.
  • PHYS 5720 - Stellar Structure and Evolution

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Basic stellar astronomy and astrophysics. H-R diagrams. Principles of stellar structure including energy generation and energy transport. Stellar formation and evolution to compact objects.
  • PHYS 5900 - Special Topics for Teachers

    0.5 Credits (Minimum) 4 Credits (Maximum)

    Various topics in physics, astronomy and energy science of interest to K-12 teachers. Consult your advisor to see if this course applies to your academic program.
  • PHYS 5950 - Special Topics

    1 Credits (Minimum) 6 Credits (Maximum)

    Various topics in physics, biophysics, energy science, astronomy, and related fields.
  • PHYS 5960 - Special Topics

    1 Credits (Minimum) 6 Credits (Maximum)

    Various topics such as, but not limited to: spin flop transition in anti-ferromagnetic/ferromagnetic structures; effective of spin flop on domain structures and other current topics in physics.
  • PHYS 6210 - Theoretical Mechanics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Variational principles, Lagranges’s equations, Hamilton’s equations, motion of a rigid body, relativistic mechanics, transformation theory, continuum mechanics, small oscillations, Hamilton-Jacobi theory.
  • PHYS 6250 - Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Quantum phenomena, relation to classical physics, Schroedinger and Heisenberg picture, application to problems, approximation techniques; angular momentum; scattering; theory; Pauli spin theory; radiation theory; relativistic wave equations with simple applications; introduction to field theory and second quantization. Prer., PES 4260.
  • PHYS 6260 - Quantum Mechanics II

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Quantum phenomena, relation to classical physics, Schroedinger and Heisenberg picture, application to problems, approximation techniques; angular momentum; scattering theory; Pauli spin theory; radiation theory; relativistic wave equations with simple applications; introduction to field theory and second quantization.
  • PHYS 6310 - Electromagnetic Theory I

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Applications of Maxwell’s equations to electrostatic and magnetostatic properties of matter, conservation laws. Prer., PES 3310, PES 3320 or equivalent.
  • PHYS 6320 - Electromagnetic Theory II

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Electromagnetic fields; applications of Maxwell’s equations to electromagnetic wave propagation, and fundamental properties of light; relativistic electrodynamics, radiation theory. Prer., PHYS 331-332, or equivalent.
  • PHYS 6900 - Theory of the Solid State I

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Stresses application to the solid state of physical concepts basic to much of modern physics, single- particle approximation and the energy-band description of electron states in solids, pseudopotential theory applied to ordered and disordered systems dynamical behavior of electrons in solids, lattice dynamics, Hartree-Fock and random-phase approximation in solids, many-body aspects of magnetism, and superconductivity. Prer., Graduate students only.
  • PHYS 6910 - Theory of the Solid State II

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Stresses application to the solid state of physical concepts basic to much of modern physics, single-particle approximation and the energy-band description of electron states in solids, pseudopotential theory applied to ordered and disordered systems, dynamical behavior of electrons in solids, lattice dynamics, Hartree-Fock and random-phase approximation in solids, many body aspects of magnetism, and superconductivity. Prer., Graduate students only.
  • PHYS 6950 - Special Topics in Physics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Various topics such as group theory in quantum mechanics, collision, astrophysics, surface physics, magnetism.
  • PHYS 7000 - Masters Thesis

    1 Credits (Minimum) 6 Credits (Maximum)

    An approved problem in theoretical or experimental physics under the direction of faculty members. Intended to introduce the student to procedures in research and development work. Work of an original nature is expected.
  • PHYS 8000 - Dissertation

    1 Credits (Minimum) 10 Credits (Maximum)

    PhD dissertation. Prer., Enrolled in Physics PhD-Applied Sciences.
  • PHYS 9500 - Independent Study: Graduate

    1 Credits (Minimum) 6 Credits (Maximum)

    Independent Study: Graduate
  • PHYS 9990 - Candidate for Degree

    0 Credits (Minimum) 0 Credits (Maximum)

    Candidate for Degree

Physics and Energy Science

  • PES 1000 - Physics in Everyday Life

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    A non-mathematical overview of physics and how it affects our everyday life. Topics to be included are balancing and equilibrium, tornadoes, weather patterns, circus balancing acts, air conditioners, musical instruments and other interesting applications of physics. Recommended for students with no science or mathematics background. Approved for LAS Natural Science area requirement. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Explore-Physical and Natural World. GT-SC2.
  • PES 1010 - Physics for Life Science I - Algebra Based

    4 Credits (Minimum) 4 Credits (Maximum)

    General physics with an emphasis on applications to life sciences and health professions. GT-SC2. Prer., Two years of high school algebra or equivalent.
  • PES 1020 - Physics For Life Science II

    4 Credits (Minimum) 4 Credits (Maximum)

    General physics with an emphasis on applications to life sciences and health professions. GT-SC2. Prer., PES 1010.
  • PES 1040 - Physics in Science Fiction

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    A study of the physics that exists in commonly occurring science fiction themes. Topics include a general discussion of conditions for life on other planets, orbital motion, Einstein’s theory of relativity, and electromagnetic phenomena. Approved for LAS Natural Science area requirement. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Explore-Physical and Natural World. GT-SC2.
  • PES 1050 - General Astronomy I

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    The methods and results of modern astronomy (solar systems and stars) at an elementary level. Approved for LAS Natural Science area requirement. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Explore-Physical and Natural World. GT-SC2.
  • PES 1060 - General Astronomy II

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    The methods and results of modern astronomy (solar systems, stars, galaxies, black holes, quasars, cosmology) at an elementary level. Approved for LAS Natural Science area requirement. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Explore-Physical and Natural World. GT-SC2.
  • PES 1080 - Science on the Nanoscale

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Explores nanoscale science and applications to technology on the scale of sub-atomic particles, atoms and molecules where concepts of quantum theory are important. After an introduction to concepts of quantum physics, applications to physics, biology and engineering will be examined.
  • PES 1090 - General Astronomy Laboratory I

    1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum)

    A mixture of evening viewing and indoor exercises, weather dependent. Covering such topics as constellations and telescope observations, lunar geology, distance measurements, and earth seasons. Approved for LAS Natural Science area requirement. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Explore-Physical and Natural World. GT-SC1.
  • PES 1100 - General Astronomy Laboratory II

    1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum)

    A mixture of evening viewing and indoor exercises, weather dependent. Covering such topics as constellations and telescope observations, nebula and galaxy classification, distance measurements and spectroscopy. Approved for LAS Natural Science area requirement. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Explore-Physical and Natural World. GT-SC1.
  • PES 1110 - General Physics I - Calculus Based

    4 Credits (Minimum) 4 Credits (Maximum)

    Rigorous calculus-level course in classical physics for science and engineering students. Includes measurements, vectors, motion in one dimension, motion in three dimensions, particle dynamics, work and energy, linear and angular momentum, rotation of rigid bodies, static equilibrium, oscillation, and gravity. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Explore-Physical and Natural World. Coreq., MATH 1320 or MATH 1330 or MATH 1350.
  • PES 1120 - General Physics II

    4 Credits (Minimum) 4 Credits (Maximum)

    Topics covered include electrostatics, the electric field, Gauss’s law, electric potential, capacitors and dielectrics, current and resistance, the magnetic field, Ampere’s law, Faraday’s law, inductance, oscillations, and electromagnetic waves. Prer., PES 1110, Coreq., MATH 1330 or MATH 1360.
  • PES 1140 - Introduction to Physics Laboratory

    1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum)

    Experiments designed to qualitatively verify conceptsin mechanics, light, and optics. To be taken concurrently with PES 1000 only. This lab is not required but must be taken if the student wishes credit for a natural science lab course in the natural science requirements. GT-SC1. Open only to PES 1000 students. Approved for LAS Natural Science area requirement. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Explore-Physical and Natural World.
  • PES 1150 - General Physics Lab I Algebra Based

    1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum)

    Designed to be taken with PES 1010. Experiments on mechanics and graphical analysis of results. GT-SC1. PES 1110 and PES 1710 students are to take lab PES 1160.
  • PES 1160 - Advanced Physics Lab I - Calc Based

    1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum)

    Advanced calculus-based labs covering all of the major topics in mechanics ranging from projectile motion to Newton’s Laws to Conservation of Energy to Rotational Motion. Designed to be taken concurrently with PES 1110 or PES 1710.
  • PES 1170 - Advanced Physics Lab I Honors Section

    1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum)

    Advanced calculus-based labs covering all of the major topics in mechanics ranging from projectile motion to Newton’s Laws to Conservation of Energy to Rotational Motion. To be taken concurrently with PES 1710 Honors Physics. Students will be encouraged to use individual approach, under guidance of faculty instructor. Open to PES 1710 students only.
  • PES 1310 - A Lab of Her Own: Science and Women

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Introduction to natural science and its methods for non-science majors. It focuses on women’s participation in both the formation of scientific concepts and the development of methodology. Modern concepts of science and mathematics with an emphasis on women’s contributions to these fields will be presented. This course will also offer a feminist critique of the traditional methods of science. Approved for LAS Natural Science area requirement. GT-SC2. Meets with PHIL 1310 and WEST 1310.
  • PES 1450 - Musical Acoustics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    A survey of the physics behind the production of musical tones and scales, including standing waves and normal modes of vibration in both strings and cavities, harmonics and overtone series, tempers of musical scales, sum and difference tones and intonation, stringed and conical bore instruments.
  • PES 1500 - Introduction to Energy Science I

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Brief history of human energy use; rudimentary energy concepts and fundamental dimensions; fossil fuels; magnetism and electricity; power plants; and environmental effects of energy production and use. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Explore-Physical and Natural World. GT-SC2. Meets with ENSC 1500.
  • PES 1510 - Introduction to Energy Science II

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Brief history of human energy use; rudimentary energy concepts and fundamental dimensions; automobiles; solar energy; wind energy; other alternative energy approaches; environmental effects of energy production and use; and solid waste management. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Explore-Physical and Natural World. GT-SC2. Meets with ENSC 1510.
  • PES 1600 - Introductory Solar Energy

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Brief history of human solar energy use; rudimentary energy concepts and fundamental dimensions; basic operation of the sun; fundamentals of thermal energy transfer and storage; economics and application of solar principles to construction; frequent computer simulation and web activities. Approved for the LAS Natural Science area requirement. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Sustainability. GT-SC2. Meets with ENSC 1600.
  • PES 1620 - Solar Energy Laboratory

    1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum)

    Hands-on lab class emphasizing experimental techniques and the scientific method applied to solar phenomena(position and intensity) and both passive and active solar energy systems. Approved for the LAS Natural Science area requirement. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Sustainability. Prer. or Coreq., PES 1600. Meets with ENSC 1620.
  • PES 1710 - Honors Physics I

    4 Credits (Minimum) 4 Credits (Maximum)

    Designed for physics majors or students seriously interested in physics. Topics covered include classical mechanics and special relativity. It is a rigorous calculus-level course. The attendance of recitation class associated with lectures is obligatory. Approved for LAS Natural Science area requirement.
  • PES 1720 - Honors Physics II

    4 Credits (Minimum) 4 Credits (Maximum)

    Designed for physics majors or students seriously interested in physics. This second semester of honors physics covers electricity and magnetism. It is a rigorous calculus-level course. The attendance of recitation class associated with lectures is obligatory. Approved for LAS Natural Science area requirement.
  • PES 1950 - Special Topics

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Course covering subjects of current interest on a one- time basis. Consult Course Search on the UCCS website or the MyUCCS Portal for titles.
  • PES 1970 - Special Topics

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Course covering subjects of current interest on a one-time basis. Consult Course Search on the UCCS website or the MyUCCS Portal for titles.
  • PES 2130 - General Physics III

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    A continuation of PES 1120. Topics covered include fluid mechanics, waves temperature, heat and the first law of thermodynamics, kinetic theory of gases, entropy and the second law of thermodynamics, geometrical optics, interference, diffraction, light, and quantum physics. Prer., PES 1120; Coreq., MATH 2350.
  • PES 2150 - Physics Lab II Algebra Based

    1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum)

    Designed to be taken with PES 1020. Covers radiation physics, electrostatics, AC and AC circuits, magnetic fields. GT-SC1. PES 1120 and PES 1720 students are to take lab PES 2160.
  • PES 2160 - Advanced Physics Lab II

    1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum)

    Advanced calculus-based labs covering all of the major topics in electricity and magnetism ranging from electric fields to circuit analysis to AC circuits to magnetism. Designed to be taken concurrently with PES 1120 or PES 1720.
  • PES 2500 - Sustainable Energy Fundamentals

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Past, present, and future of human energy use; rudimentary energy concepts and fundamental dimensions; efficiency of energy conversions; heat transfer; commercial electricity; alternative energy sources; environmental ramifications; energy conservation; computer simulation and web activities. This survey course is designed for science majors and assumes some knowledge of calculus and the physical sciences. Meets with ENSC 2500.
  • PES 3060 - Astrophysics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    A classic look at stellar characteristics, the structure and content of our galaxy and the universe in a rigorously mathematical fashion. The theory of stellar spectra is stressed along with stellar distances, magnitudes, and stellar evolution on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. Prer., PES 2130.
  • PES 3130 - Modern Physics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Special relativity, development of wave-particle duality, atomic structure, Schroedinger wave equation, the hydrogen atom, atomic and molecular spectra, introduction to the solid state and band theory. Prer., PES 2130.
  • PES 3140 - Introduction to Computational Physics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    An introduction to using computers to solve physics problems and to plot results. The class will be taught using Mathematica and will include problems from mechanics, electricity, waves, and modern physics. Nonlinear physics and chaos theory will also be covered. Prer., PES 3130.
  • PES 3150 - Modern Physics Laboratory

    2 Credits (Minimum) 2 Credits (Maximum)

    Teaches the methods and procedures of experimental physics at an advanced level, including such topics as physical optics, high resolution spectroscopy, and energies of radioactive decay products. Satisfies the LAS and Compass Curriculum Quantitative and Qualitative Reasoning requirement as a statistics course when taken by a student who has either 1) successfully completed MATH 1040 (or a mathematics course that has college algebra as a prerequisite), OR 2) scored 87% or higher on the College Algebra placement test and scored 50% or higher on the Business Calculus placement test.
  • PES 3170 - Instrumentation Laboratory I

    2 Credits (Minimum) 2 Credits (Maximum)

    Design and operation of devices for modern physics experiments. Interfacing computers with real world experiments. Requires a knowledge of Labview. Prer., PES 2150 or PES 2160.
  • PES 3180 - Instrumentation Laboratory II

    2 Credits (Minimum) 2 Credits (Maximum)

    Design and operation of devices for modern physics experiments. Interfacing computers with real world experiments. Requires a knowledge of Labview. Prer., PES 2150.
  • PES 3210 - Classical Mechanics I

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Newtonian mechanics, oscillations, Lagrange’s and Hamilton’s equations, central forces, scattering, and rigid body motion. Employs vector analysis and calculus. Prer., PES 2130; Prer., or Coreq., MATH 2350.
  • PES 3250 - Mathematical Methods of Physics and Engineering

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Survey of mathematical methods as preparation for advanced physics and engineering courses. Includes vector calculus, partial differential equations, special functions, Fourier analysis, and generalized functions such as the Dirac delta function.
  • PES 3310 - Principles of Electricity and Magnetism

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Elements of the mathematical theory of electricity and magnetism, including electrostatics, magnetostatics, polarized media, direct and alternating current theory, and introduction to electromagnetic fieldsand waves. Prer., PES 2130 and MATH 2350.
  • PES 3320 - Principles of Electricity and Magnetism II

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Continuation of PES 3310. Elements of the mathematical theory of electricity and magnetism, including electrostatics, magnetostatics, polarized media, direct and alternating current theory, and an introduction to electromagnetic fields and waves. Prer., PES 3310.
  • PES 3410 - Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Statistical mechanics applied to macroscopic physical systems; statistical thermodynamics; classical thermodynamic systems; applications to simple systems. Relationship of statistical mechanics to thermodynamics. Prer., PES 3130.
  • PES 3650 - Nuclear Physics and Energy Technology

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Nuclear structure, radioisotopes, nuclear reactions, fission, and fusion. Emphasis on nuclear power production and its environmental impact. Prer., PES 3130.
  • PES 3670 - Exotic Energy Sources

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    A survey of the technology of wind energy conversion, including climatic aspects, site selection and tower height, generator and propeller design, control systems, and legal aspects.

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