Feb 13, 2025  
2018-2019 Catalog 
2018-2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



 College Opportunity Fund


In May 2004, an act of the Colorado state legislature established a new way for the State of Colorado to provide state tax-dollar support for higher education at the undergraduate level. The state is no longer appropriating monies to institutions for undergraduate educating, but instead is providing direct funding to undergraduate students through the College Opportunity Fund (COF).

This program, also known as “vouchers” or “stipends,” allows resident undergraduate students to request that COF vouchers be applied to their university bills. This can reduce your bill.  You can apply for COF on the College Assist website and you can authorize COF in the MyUCCS Portal.  You can authorize COF each term or you can choose “Life Time” authorization at UCCS.  Detailed instructions on how to apply for and authorize COF can be found on the UCCS Student Financial Services website.

Details of the COF program are determined by the Colorado Commission on Higher Education (CCHE) and the College Assist Program. Updated details are also available at https://www.cusys.edu/ums/cof/faq.html and https://cof.college-assist.org/.

 Tuition Rates


The Board of Regents reserves the right to change tuition and fees at any time.

Tuition rates for Fall 2017 are published on the UCCS Student Financial Services website at https://www.uccs.edu/bursar/tuition-and-fees. The office can be reached at (719) 255-3391.

Expenses for students attending the University of Colorado Colorado Springs vary depending on tuition classification, student level, program of study, student fees, course fees, and housing choices (on or off campus) and other differences. Textbooks and course materials are an additional cost. A student’s total bill can be estimated using the bill estimator at http://www.uccs.edu/bursar/bursar-cashiering-office/estimate-your-total-bill.html maintained by the Student Financial Services Office.

Payment of Tuition and Fees

Payments and Balance Due Dates

Students must pay tuition in full by the first due date of the semester (see the Registration Handbook) or enroll in a deferred payment plan. Students covered by a third-party contract, including veteran’s assistance, should contact the Student Financial Services Office to determine if any portion of their balance will be owed by them personally. Due dates for payment of balances and deferred payment plan information are contained in the Registration Handbook. E-bills will be available online approximately three to four weeks prior to due date. Payments must be received at the Student Financial Services Office by the due date. Mail postmarked on the due date will not be honored.

Bills not paid by the appropriate due date will be assessed a prorated late fine up to $50 and will accrue a 1% per month service charge on the unpaid balance (12% APR). Late fines and service charges will only be reversed if a University error caused the late fines and service charges to be assessed to the student account.

Students receiving financial aid will have tuition and fees deducted from their awards. If the amount of financial aid is not sufficient to pay the entire amount owed, any remainder owed will be due by the first due date, or students may enroll in a deferred payment plan for the balance. Any financial aid in excess of the amount owed will be deposited to the student’s bank account after completion and submittal of a Direct Deposit Authorization form, which is filled out and submitted online via the MyUCCS Portal, or refunded to the student by way of a bank warrant mailed to the student’s address on file. 

Personal Checks

A student’s personal check is accepted for any university obligation, unless the student is deemed to be a poor credit risk. A $30 service charge will be assessed for all returned checks. If the check was for a tuition bill, a prorated late payment fine of up to $50 plus service charges will be assessed if applicable.

Payment Policy

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure payment is completed by the established due date. Students who enroll after the last day of late registration/census date must pay a $50 late registration fee plus either estimated tuition and fees in full, or enroll in a two-pay deferred payment plan (see the Registration Handbook) and meet the established final payment due date.

Drops or Withdrawals

A course drop or complete withdrawal from UCCS is effective:

  1. The date the course is dropped, or the complete withdrawal from all courses occurs online, if online drops/withdrawals is available, or
  2. The date the completed form is returned to and stamped “received” by the Records office, if online drops/withdrawals is not available.

If any adjustment in tuition is to be made, the adjustment will be based on the effective date as determined above (see the Registration Handbook for refund/rebate information).

Refunds and Rebates

Refunds and/or rebates will not be processed until approximately two weeks after the end of the drop/add period. The amount of refund/rebate is determined by the time of withdrawal in accordance with the policy contained in the Registration Handbook.

Census Date Determination

The census date is the final controlling date for assessment of tuition and receiving a refund for a change in registration (dropped course), as well as requesting the pass/fail option or changing back to a letter grade, and a number of other academic, financial, and registration functions. Census date for full-semester classes is the 12th class day of a fall or spring semester or the 6th class day of the summer term. The exact day and date is printed in the Registration Handbook each semester.

 Health Insurance


UCCS does not have a mandatory insurance requirement, but does recommend that all students consider having insurance coverage under the Affordable Care Act requirements. The Wellness Center offers a supplemental plan, Clyde’s Care, which offers students an unlimited number of office visits each semester with health services, along with free in-office labs and procedures. This plan is strictly for visits at the Wellness Center with health services staff and is limited in coverage. For more information visit www.uccs.edu/recwellness.

 Student Fees


Student Fees Disclaimer: The Board of Regents reserves the right to change tuition and fees at any time. Questions regarding tuition and fees should be addressed to Student Financial Services at (719) 255-3391.

All students enrolled for courses are assessed mandatory student fees; the amounts and applications are detailed in the following accounts.

General Fees

Learning Technology Fee

All students pay a $6.00 per credit hour learning technology fee each semester. This fee provides for the purchase of new computer equipment and software that are accessible to all students, the maintenance and upgrade of telecommunication equipment used in all current and future learning centers, and the development of a broad set of informational communication offerings accessible to all students.

Matriculation Fee

This charge is assessed to all students new to the University of Colorado system. It is a one-time charge of $25 and covers the normal cost of establishing your university record. The fee is assessed during registration or at the time of initial enrollment and is refundable up to census date if a student completely withdraws from school.

Parking Permits

(719) 255-3528

It is the policy of the Colorado Commission on Higher Education that parking for vehicles owned by students, faculty and staff must be funded on a self-supporting basis from special charges made of those owning automobiles and parking them on campus. In accordance with this policy, the UCCS Parking and Transportation Services operation has been established as a self-supporting auxiliary enterprise, RECEIVING NO STATE APPROPRIATIONS from tax revenues. This means that the construction, improvement and maintenance of all parking facilities at UCCS are financed solely through permit sales, parking fines and visitor parking revenue. Annual revenue must be sufficient to satisfy operating expenses and to repay revenue bonds sold to construct parking facilities.

Residential students parking a car on campus receive an Academic Year Resident Permit. The Resident Permit allows students to park in the Alpine Parking Garage and Border parking lots ONLY. The cost of this permit is incorporated into their room and board plan and is issued at move-in during the fall semester.

Commuter students have the option of purchasing a variety of parking permits which allow them to park in various lots on campus. Please visit the Parking & Transportation Services website for current permit offerings and prices. Commuter students not wishing to purchase a parking permit may park free of charge at 500 series lots at and near the Ent Center for the Arts building (formerly known as the Four Diamonds Sports Complex), 5225 N. Nevada Avenue. Shuttle service to the main campus is provided free of charge to students.

Cars violating parking regulations are subject to ticketing, immobilization, and/or towing. Parking is on a first come, first served basis. Faculty, staff and students should direct all parking or transportation related inquiries to Parking and Transportation Services, located at the Public Safety Building, room 104, or call (719) 255-3528.

Safety and Transportation Fee

The Safety and Transportation fee is charged per student, per semester regardless of a student’s credit hour course load. The anticipated fee is $94.00 for the fall and spring semesters, and $47.00 for the summer semester (pending CU Regent approval). Some of the things the student Safety and Transportation fee pays for are as follows:

  • Campus shuttles
  • Increased hours and service from the campus police
  • Emergency phones on campus
  • Lighting along roadways and in parking lots

Wellness Center Fee

The Wellness Center fee is mandatory for all undergraduate students. It provides access to all of the services and programs of the UCCS Wellness Center. The fee is $60 for the fall and spring semesters and $30 for the summer semester.

Student Identification Fee

All new students will be billed automatically for an ID card and should have the ID card made during their first semester at UCCS. Transfer students from other CU campuses or students who need a replacement ID card must pay the fee at the time the card is made. All students, faculty, and staff are required to have a UCCS ID card. For photo IDs or questions concerning photos, please contact the University Center Information Desk.

Student Information System Fees

This $2 per semester hour fee is mandatory for all students and is used by the university to provide better service to students using technology for maintaining student records, course scheduling, data management, transcripts, financial aid, student accounts, registration, academic advising, etc

Student Events/Performance Fee

The Student Events/Performance fee of $4 per semester for students enrolled in more than 6 credit hours and $2.50 per semester for students enrolled in 6 or fewer credit hours provides free access for all UCCS students to all Theatreworks performances and events in the Dusty Loo Bon Vivant Theater.

Green Action Fund Fee

This $5 per semester fee is mandatory for all students and is used by the university to support the installation of energy-producing solar panels, a clean and renewable energy source on campus buildings.

Student Life Fees

Every undergraduate student enrolled for courses will be assessed mandatory student life fees for each semester enrolled. These fees finance the student facilities, programs, and services that are not supported by the university’s general fund budget.

The seven Student Life Fees are as follows:

  1. Athletics Fee ($9.00 per credit hour); this supports six women’s and six men’s intercollegiate sports programs.
  2. Campus Recreation Center Bond Fee ($160.00); This fee is mandatory for all undergraduate students and provides for the repayment of bonded indebtedness on building as well as support for operations and programs..
  3. Family Development Center Bond Fee ($10); this repays bonded indebtedness on building as well as support for childcare operations.
  4. Family Development Center Operating Fee ($3); this supports programs and services.
  5. Student Activities Fee ($14); this supports student organizations, the student newspaper, student government operations and other student activities.
  6. Student Recreation Fee ($1 per credit hour); this supports recreation programs and activities and campus fitness center.
  7. University Center Bond Fee ($33 base plus $9.50 per credit hour); this repays bonded indebtedness on the building and supports entertainment, cultural and educational programs, and the Center’s operation.

Academic and Instructional Fees

Refunds for course or instructional fees and deposits for students who withdraw from school are made according to the refund schedules found in the Registration Handbook for each semester or term of the academic year. A full refund of course or instructional fees and deposits for courses dropped on or before the census date is made to students who remain enrolled for at least one course.

Colleges and Schools may change the fee schedule at any time without prior notice. For details and a listing of specific fees, please see the Registration Handbook.

The following course, online, program and department fees and deposits are representative of, but not inclusive of, all fees:

Academic Affairs-UTeach

Program Fee-$50. Includes UTED 2010, 3020, 4710, 4720, 4730; UTLS 3030, 3040, and 3480.


Program Fee-$20. Includes ANTH 3170, 3190, 3210. Includes 4200 when cross-listed with either ANTH 3170 or 3190.

Course Fee-$30. ANTH 4320.

Program Fee: Research Methods-$75. Includes ANTH 3500.

Field Program Fee-$120. Includes ANTH 2220.

Course Fee-$10. ANTH 3010.


Program Fee: $15 per credit hour. Includes all courses with BIOL prefix.


All students taking Information Systems or Quantitative Methods courses will be charged a $15 per credit hour fee. Students taking any other course in the College of Business will be charged a $5 per credit hour fee.

In addition, students enrolled in online courses are assessed a $100 fee per class.

Students enrolled in the PGA Professional Golf Management (PGMT) program will be charged fees commensurate with the program fees associated with PGA requirements.

Sport Management Program Fee-$175 per semester.

Please see the Registration Handbook for the current fees. 


Program Fee: all lab courses-$75. Includes CHEM 1102, 1112, 1122, 1201, 1211, 1221, 1333, 1402, 1412, 1513, 2904, 3002, 3102, 3112, 3203, 3213, 4002, 4012, 4102, 4112, 4222, 4232, 4904, 5222, 5232, 5904.


Course Fee-$20. COMM 3500.

Program Fee-$30. Includes each course in TV production and/or film making: COMM 2250, 2270, 3100, 3270, 3400, 4170, 4270.


Program Fee-$4 per credit hour. Includes ECON 1000, 1010, 1050, 2020.


Counseling and Human Services Program Fee-$10 per credit hour.

Curriculum and Instruction Program Fee-$10 per credit hour.

Leadership Program Fee-$10 per credit hour.

Special Education Program Fee-$10 per credit hour.

Inclusive Early Childhood Education Program Fee-$10 per credit hour.

Inclusive Elementary Education Program Fee-$10 per credit hour.

Teacher Education Program Fee-$10 per credit hour.

Air Force Cohort Program Fee-$100.  

Inclusive Service Charge-$3,000. This charge is for students in ISSO programs.

Candidate for Degree-$601. Includes all courses with catalog number 9990; COUN, CURR, LEAD, SPED.

UCCS Teach Program Fee-$50. Includes UTED 2010, 3020, 4710, 4720, and 4730.

Curriculum Program Fee-$100. CURR 5523.

All online courses: $100.

Engineering and Applied Sciences

All students taking courses in the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences (except courses numbered 7000 and 8000) will be charged a $15 per credit hour fee. The maximum fee charged to a single student in a single semester for these fees is $180. This fee applies to all courses in the college except graduate thesis courses. These fees are nonrefundable and will be used by the departments for inventory renewal. Students are responsible and liable for damage to equipment caused by neglect, improper use, or failure to follow operating instructions. All EAS online courses are charged an instructional fee of $100.

Candidate for Degree-$731. Includes all courses with catalog number 9990; CS, ECE, MAE.


Program Fee-$10. ENGL 1300, 1305, 1310, 1410, 1800, 2030, 2040, 2050, 2080, 2090, 3010, 3020, 3040, 3050, 3080, 3120, 3130, 3140, 3160, 3170, 3750, 3850, 3860, 3865, 4080, 4100, 4800, 4820, 4860, 5800, 5860.

Program Fee-$15. Includes ENGL 1305, 1310.

PORT 3000-$25.

Geology and Geography

Course Fee-$5. GES 1500.

Program Fee Geology Field Trip 1 -$10. Includes GEOL 1010, 3700.

Program Fee Geology Field Trip 2 -$15. Includes GEOL 1020.

Program Fee Geography Lab 1-$10. Includes GES 1050, 3060, 4090, 4270, 5060, 5090, 5270.

Program Fee Geography Lab 2-$15. Includes GES 3200, 4310, 4340, 5310, 5340.

Program Fee Geography Lab 3-$20. Includes GES 2050, 3030, 3050, 4080, 4120, 4130, 5030, 5080, 5120, 5130.

Program Fee Geography Lab 4-$30. Includes GES 3100.

School of Public Affairs

All students enrolled in online courses are assessed a $100 fee per class (this fee is non-refundable after census date).

Candidate for Degree-$601.  Includes all courses with catalog courses; CJ, PAD

Languages and Culture

Program Fee-$10. Includes all 1000-2000-level language courses, and ASL 3590.

Program Fee Foreign & Cultural Studies (travel courses)-$25. Includes FCS 3890, 5890.

Letters, Arts & Sciences Online

All online courses: $100.


Program Fee-$20 per credit hour to total no more than $120 per semester. Excludes 7000-8000-level math courses.


Nursing students taking nursing courses will be assessed a program fee of $14 per credit hour; those in the Health Sciences program will be assessed $2 per credit hour.

Nursing, Health Sciences, and Gerontology online courses-$100


Program Fee-$20. Includes PHIL 1300.

Physics and Energy Sciences

Laboratory Program Fee Level 1-$30. Includes all ENSC, PES, and PHYS 1-credit hour lab courses: ENSC 1620; PES 1090, 1100, 1140, 1150, 1160, 1170, 1620, 2150, 2160, 4160, 5160.

Laboratory Program Fee Level 2-$50. Includes all ENSC, PES, and PHYS 2-credit hour lab courses. PES 3150, 3170, 3180, 4150, 4170, 5150.


Graduate clinical experience fees: MA students: $72. PhD students: $423 in Fall/Spring, $211 in Summer.

Visual and Performing Arts Fees

All students enrolling in any art history (AH), dance (DNCE), film (FILM), museum studies and gallery practice (MSGP), music (MUS), theatre (THTR), visual arts (VA), or VAPA course will be charged a program fee of $40 per semester enrolled, regardless of how many courses for which a student is registered.

In addition, each subject within the department has its own program fees.

Art History

Program Fee-$20. Includes all AH courses except independent study and internships.


Program Fee-$25. Includes all DNCE courses except independent study and internships.


Program Fee-$15. Includes all FILM courses except independent study and internships.

Museum Studies and Gallery Practice

Program Fee-$15. Includes all MSGP courses except independent study and internships.


Program Fee-$45. Includes all MUS courses except independent study and internships.


Program Fee-$25. Includes all THTR courses except independent study and internships.

Visual Arts

Program Fee-$40. Includes all VA courses except independent study and internships.

Visual and Performing Arts

Program Fee-$30. Includes all courses except independent study and internships.

National Student Exchange (NSE)

Program Fee-$250 This fee is required for all students in the NSE program.

International Student Service Charge

This fee is required for all international students.

Sponsored - $300

Unsponsored - $150

Credit by Examination Fee

Special examinations, given for the purpose of obtaining credit for a course solely through the passing of an examination without otherwise registering for and taking the course, are available to degree students in the university. The fee for each examination is the lower division, resident rate for 3 semester hours, regardless of the number of hours of credit that are awarded as a result of the exam. Credit is Pass/Fail ONLY.

Arrangements for special examinations are made through the Office of Admissions and Records. The fees for the examinations are payable in advance and are nonrefundable.

In cases where the examination is administered for other institutions and the results reported to that institution, the same nonrefundable fee will be assessed in advance. The individual student is responsible for payment.

