Residence Life
Monarch House (719) 255-4042
1010 Austin Bluffs Parkway, Colorado Springs, CO 80918
UCCS on campus housing is home to 1,127 students and all rooms are just a short distance from campus classroom buildings and other facilities. Summit and Timberline Village Residence Halls and the Alpine Village Apartments provide several housing options for our students’ needs.
Freshmen who are under the age of 20 and have less than 30 hours of completed college course work will be required to live in UCCS Residence Life and Housing’s residence halls. Colorado residents of El Paso, Teller, Douglas, and Pueblo counties are exempt from this residency requirement; additional exemptions are listed on our website. It is highly encouraged that all freshmen explore living on the UCCS campus for a positive college transition and more successful academic and social experience. Please visit the Housing website for applications and exemption details.
All suites and apartments are fully furnished. Each accommodation includes: exterior services (trash pick-up, student and guest parking, exterior illumination, and security patrols), all utilities, cable television, high-speed internet and free laundry. The pricing for the Summit Village Residence Halls also includes the choice of one of our four meal plans depending on your needs; if you choose to live in Alpine Village there are also meal plan options available for you at an additional charge.
All housing will be assigned on a first come, first served basis. We encourage all applicants to apply early for the best selection of room types as the housing village generally fills early. Housing agreements are available for the full academic year, spring term only as well as the summer term, so students are able to stay on campus the entire calendar year.
Please see or visit the Housing office in Monarch House of Summit Village for further details on all of our housing options.
Off Campus Housing
(719) 255-4042
The University’s off-campus housing referral service, maintained by Residential Life, has listings of rooms, apartments, and houses, as well as students seeking roommates to share accommodations. For more information, go to
Student and Alumni Services
Alumni Relations
Main Hall, room 401B
(719) 255-3180
In the spirit of educational advancement, the Alumni and Friends Association and the Office of Alumni Relations strive to be the central link between the University and its alumni. The Alumni Association promotes and fosters a lasting and mutually beneficial relationship between the alumni, the university, its students, and the community to support the mission, goals, and traditions of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.
Career Center
Main Hall, room 201
(719) 255-3340
Career advising and resources are available throughout a student’s educational path at the Career Center. Students undecided about a major can get help discovering exciting possibilities for study. Those considering a career change can find help exploring career areas and the jobs that will bring satisfaction. Students ready to find a job can receive assistance in creating a powerful resume and cover letter, and the Career Center also can assist with polishing interviewing skills.
The Career Center hosts many events and recruiters each year, including two Career Fairs.
For more information, go to Students seeking an internship or professional employment can register with our online job board:, then CSO Student link.
University Counseling Center
Main Hall, room 324
(719) 255-3265
The University Counseling Center (UCC) helps UCCS students address personal issues, relationship issues, and issues about career decisions. When encountered, such problems may get in the way of academic achievement and overall wellbeing. The UCC targets these issues through short-term psychotherapy interventions. There is a nominal charge for regular sessions; crisis situations will be determined on a case-by-case basis. The UCC provides the following:
Individual, couples, family and group counseling to help students address mental health related issues experienced while enrolled at the university.
Mental health crisis/emergency evaluations and interventions are carried out by licensed clinicians 24/7.
Workshops and presentations to address various mental health-related topics like stress behaviors, sexual abuse and domestic violence, alcohol and substance abuse and academic issues such as study skills, stress management skills, time management and test anxiety.
Psychological and neuropsychological testing services are initiated to help identify conditions that may get in the way of academic success through the use of clinical and objective tests. The results are discussed both in person and in a comprehensive report that includes a summary of gathered data through clinical interviews, test results, full interpretation of test results, formal diagnosis, and recommendations.
Consultation services for faculty, staff, students and parents to help with mental health-related challenges and questions they may have.
For information regarding services, costs and scheduling, please call 719-255-3265.
Mosaic Gateway Program
University Center, room 110
(719) 255-3040
The Gateway program provides holistic admission review and learning communities for students who show strong potential to succeed in college even though facing particular academic and social challenges. Nominations to the program are made by UCCS admissions committees upon review of a UCCS application and required support documents - A limited number of students are admitted on a case-by-case basis and are requried to participate in Gateway programs. Students denied admission to the program are advised on alternative means of achieving a college education. The Mosaic Gateway program is coordinated by Anthony Cordova, Director of MOSAIC (Multicultural Office for Student Access, Inclusiveness and Community). MOSAIC provides support with admission, academic advising, mentoring, and college transition for all students. MOSAIC reaches out particularly to students who are ethnically diverse, LGBTQ, first generation, non-traditional, or face other challenges. High school principals, counselors, teachers and other mentors are encouraged to refer and recommend appropriate students for the Mosaic Gateway program by contacting Anthony Cordova,
Disability Services
Main Hall, room 105
(719) 255-3354 V/TTY
The purpose of the Disability Service Office (DSO) is to provide students with disabilities reasonable accommodations and support services to participate fully in the academic environment. Documentation is assessed under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Disability Services’ requirements. Students with a disability who wish to receive accommodations in the academic environment should call the Disability Services Office for an appointment to discuss needs and available services.
University Testing Center
Main Hall, room 105
(719) 255-3354
Testing services include:
American College Test (ACT) Residual: An entrance exam for undergraduates. The results are valid for admission to the CU system only. Cost: $50.
Correspondence Exams. Cost: $30/exam.
Graduate Record Exam (GRE) Subject Based Exam Only: An entrance exam for some graduate programs. Visit\gre/subject/, register and pay.
Miller Analogies Test (MAT): An entrance exam for some graduate programs. Cost: $80.
Reasoning Skills Test: An exam used to satisfy the LAS Quantitative and Qualitative Reasoning Skills Requirements (ID 1050). Cost: $20.
On campus Make-up/Early exams. Cost: $10 per exam. 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE is required. Please contact us at 255-3354.
For more information, costs and scheduling call (719) 255-3354.
International Student Services
Main Hall, Room 108
(719) 255-3819 or (719) 255-4316
International Student Services serves as an advocate for foreign students attending or planning to attend UCCS by identifying services and programs that can assist in meeting their needs. This unit promotes, supports, and develops any activity that brings about a cross-cultural understanding and sensitivity on campus. The unit is responsible for providing current and future international students with information and services available to them on campus and in the surrounding community.
Student Health Center
Public Safety and Student Health Building
(719) 255-4444
Fax: (719) 255-4446
The Student Health Center is committed to providing affordable, quality health care and personalized health education so that students can make informed decisions reqarding their health. All actively enrolled students are welcome at the Health Center and medical insurance is not required to be seen for an appointment. The Center provides health care services 40 hours per week Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Services include, but are not limited to, diagnosis and treatment of minor injuries and illnesses, administration of MMR and other vaccines, routine gynecological exams, birth control consultation, health education, mental health services, referrals as needed and physical examinations. Limited lab work and medications are also available on site for patients seen at the Center. The Health Center prefers that you call ahead for an appointment, but there are limited same day appointments for acute care visits.
Immunization Requirement
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment requires that all students born on or after January 1, 1957 must provide a copy of documented proof of two immunizations against Rubeola measles, Mumps and Rubella measles (MMR). In order to comply with this State Law, you must do one of the following things:
- Provide a copy of documentation from a health care professional that you have met the requirements of two MMR immunizations. Records must include month, day, and year of each shot, an official signature or stamp, or official letterhead. NOTE: Obtain CERTIFIED records from your former college, high school, doctor’s office, military records, or family (certified) records.
- Please provide a copy of proof of immunity by blood lab tests for the Rubeola measles, mumps and Rubella measles.
- Request an exemption from the law on personal, religious, or medical grounds.
- Get the two MMR immunizations (30 days apart) immediately.
On-Campus Housing Students
Housing students must provide proof of their meningococcal vaccination, or sign the Mandatory Meningococcal Disease Information waiver form prior to move-in.
Please email, fax, mail, or bring a copy of your immunization records to the Student Health Center. The Health Center will assist students in complying with this state law. MMR and meningitis immunizations are available at a reduced cost at the Health Center or you may receive immunizations from your personal health care provider or County Health Department.
Student Health Insurance
UCCS does not have a mandatory insurance policy. Althought medical insurance is not necessary for students to attend the University or utilize Student Health Cetner services, the University does recommend that all students consider having insurance coverage. The Student Health Center offers its own plan, Clyde’s Care, which offers students an unlimited number of office visits each semester at the Student Health Center along with free in-office labs and procedures. This plan is strictly for visits to the Student Health Center and is limited in coverage. For more information please visit the Student Health Center website.
Multicultural Office for Student Access, Inclusiveness and Community (MOSAIC)
University Center, room 110
(719) 255-3040
email: or
The Multicultural Office for Student Access, Inclusiveness and Community (MOSAIC) promotes a campus environment that is inclusive and supportive of students from diverse cultural backgrounds. MOSAIC is a safe hub that encourages and nurtures effective engagement across social identities, cultures, experiences, and viewpoints so all students can develop self-knowledge, understanding and appreciation of others, while achieving academic and personal growth.
While the director serves specifically as an advocate for students from underrepresented populations, the office engages and provides support to all students from all backgrounds. The program has a cooperative relationship with the office of admissions, financial aid and academic departments. This relationship allows the staff to be available to assist students who experience difficulties in any of these areas. In addition, the office works with student organizations and campus departments to provide activities and programs that celebrate cultural diversity.
A mentoring program is also offered as a resource that strengthens students’ satisfaction and sense of community on campus by connecting them to staff and faculty.
LGBT Resource Center
University Center, room 110
(719) 255-3447
email: or
The LGBT Resource Center in MOSAIC exists as part of an on-going commitment to foster an inclusive atmosphere for everyone at UCCS. The LGBT Resource Center is designed to provide resources and information to LGBT students, advocate for LGBT interests throughout campus, conduct outreach and education, and to ensure LGBT voices are represented among the campus at large. Much of the LGBT Resource Center’s programming for events endorse National Coming Out Week, Transgender Day of Remembrance, National Day of Silence, World AIDS Day, LGBT Health Awarness Week, and Spirit Day. The LGBT Resource Center is known for Safe Zone Training, an ally training workshop for students, staff, and faculty.
Office of Veteran and Military Student Affairs
Forster House
(719) 255-3253
The University of Colorado Colorado Springs is dedicated to assisting all students reach their educational goals during and after serving our country. The mission of the Office of Veteran and Military Student Affairs (OVMSA) is to assist veterans, active duty and family members eligible for veteran and military education benefits.
Veteran Education Benefits
The OVMSA serves as the intermediary between students and the Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA). All students utilizing VA education benefits: Chapters 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 1606, and 1607 are required to contact the OVMSA. All students utilizing VA education benefits must complete a Course Load Worksheet (CLW) each term.
Military Tuition Assistance
The process for utilizing military tuition assistance (TA) varies per branch. If assistance is needed in utilizing TA, contact your base education center before starting the semester. Recently, there have been changes in the policy for TA, so please verify with your unit education officer or representative at your base Education Center prior to enrolling.
Military Activation
If you are active duty or National Guard and Reserve and there is a potential for absence in courses due to military reasons, you should inform your professor at the beginning of the semester. If you are given orders to deploy or go on temporary duty (TDY) you should contact the OVMSA. Presentation of orders to the OVMSA will assist students in communicating the best action necessary to proceed. You should complete the deployment checklist to aid you in the process.
The OVMSA can provide students information on various scholarships for veterans, active-duty, National Guard and Reserve, and family members. For additional information please contact the OVMSA.
VA work-study employment is available to any VA education recipient who is enrolled at three-quarter time or more. Students may obtain employment at any VA approved facility. Interested students should contact the OVMSA.
Parking & Transportation Services
Public Safety/Parking & Transportation Building (first floor of parking garage)
(719) 255-3528 (Parking Office)
(719) 255-8017 (Transportation Office)
Parking and Transportation Services is responsible for the campus parking permit program, including commuter and resident permits, parking enforcement, visitor parking, lost and found, citation appeals, shuttle bus services, campus motor pool reservations, charter services, and all other parking and transportation-related services.
Student Academic Resources, Opportunities, and Programs
Academic Centers for Excellence
The Centers for Academic Excellence are designed to help students achieve academic success during their collegiate careers. Five different Centers provide services to the academic curriculum across the campus. Refer to the website above for hours of operation or contact each of the following Centers directly.
The Center for Excellence in Languages
Dwire Hall, room 270
(719) 255-3690
The Center for Excellence in Mathematics
Engineering Building, room 233
[The Math Center will be moving to Engineering 233 by the start of the Fall 2013 semester]
(719) 255-3687
Fax: (719) 255-3605
The Center for Excellence in Communication
Columbine Hall, room 312
(719) 255-4770
The Center for Excellence in Science
Centennial Hall, room 204
(719) 255-3689
Fax: (719) 255-3047
The Center for Excellence in Writing
Columbine Hall, room 316
(719) 255-4336
Engineering Learning Centers
ECE Help Center
ENG, room 232
(719) 255-3187
MAE Help Center
UH, room 233C
(719) 255-3323
CS Help Sessions
ENG, room 199
(719) 255-3544
Department of Military Science
Eagle Rock Building 201
(719) 255-3520
The Army Reserve Officers Training Corps program is available to UCCS students. Enrollment in the basic courses (1000/2000 level) is available to all full-time students. Enrollment in advanced courses (3000/4000 level) is open to juniors and seniors who have successfully completed all basic courses or LTC (Leader’s Training Course), or to veterans at any level. All students should be academically aligned between their ROTC level and academic level (i.e., a freshman should enroll in freshman ROTC classes). Scholarships are available to qualified students. Completion of the ROTC program leads to a commission as an officer in the United States Army, Army National Guard or Army Reserve upon graduation. A minor in Military Science is available. Interested students are encouraged to consult with the Department of Military Science.
Office of First Year Experience and Transfer Student Connections
The Office of First Year Experience and Transfer Student Connections is your next stop after orientation. We make your transition to UCCS as smooth as possible. Our goal is to get to know you and to make your UCCS experience great. Here are just a few of the reasons to visit our office:
- Get Your Questions Answered: If you have a question about UCCS and don’t know where to go to find the answer, call us. We’re here for you.
- Work with a Success Coach: Want to earn higher grades? Want to study more effectively? Let us help you identify academic skillsets and discover techniques to improve these skillsets. Our coaches help you in a variety of ways, whether it’s helping you do better in your classes or helping you find ways to get involved on campus.
- Attend an Interactive Workshop: We offer a variety of free workshops to help you learn techniques to manage your time, study more effectively, improve your test taking, and much more.
Chancellor’s Leadership Class
Main Hall, room 104
(719) 255-3215
The Chancellor’s Leadership Class is a leadership development program for the undergraduate student that focuses on leadership studies, applied leadership experience, community involvement, personal and professional development, and mentoring. Visit the CLC website for an application and more information.
National Student Exchange Program (NSE)
Columbine Hall, room 4007 and 2025
(719) 255-4502
The National Student Exchange (NSE) is an undergraduate exchange program within the United States, Canada, U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and Puerto Rico. Instead of crossing oceans, NSE students cross state, regional, provincial, and cultural borders. Currently there are over 250 colleges and universities participating with UCCS in this exchange program. Students may exchange for one semester or an entire year and are eligible to pay UCCS tuition OR in-state tuition to the exchange university. Participating in NSE can be exhilarating, culturally enriching, and one of the most significant experiences of an undergraduate education. Eligible students must have a 2.5 GPA and be at least a sophomore during the exchange period. Placement requests are approved in March for the upcoming academic year. Visit the campus NSE website for an application and more information.
Pre-Collegiate Development Program
Main Hall, room 303
(719) 255-3239
Through the Pre-Collegiate Development Program, UCCS has entered into a partnership with public schools in the Pikes Peak region, including Pueblo schools, to help prepare under-represented and first generation college students to be competitive for college entrance upon graduation from high school. The program consists of leadership development, higher education awareness, and planning necessary to attain a higher education degree, accomplished through Saturday Academy workshops and summer program courses for college credit. Students remain in the program until they graduate from high school. The program is for secondary students in grades 9 through 12, with a middle school program that serves students in grades 7 and 8.
Public Safety/Parking & Transportation Building
(719) 255-3111 (police)
The Department of Public Safety is comprised of Police Operations and Communications, Environmental Health and Safety, and Emergency Preparedness.
911 Emergencies
On campus: 911
An “emergency” refers to any situation where there is an immediate danger to life or health of an individual, or individuals, on campus. Emergencies may be related to fires, chemical releases, medical problems or a wide variety of other events. For life-threatening emergencies on campus, call 911 from campus phones, or 911 from a cell phone. All other calls for police services, including crime reporting, should be made by calling (719) 255-3111.
Campus Closure
(719) 255-3346
In the event that the campus is closed due to weather or other reasons, the information will be available by calling the above number. Information is also available on Colorado Springs television and radio stations and the Internet by accessing
Police Operations and Communications
(719) 255-3111
The Department of Public Safety maintains a full-service police operation to respond to reports of criminal acts and emergencies on campus. Police officers are certified peace officers with the state of Colorado. The Department of Public Safety is also responsible for responding to all incidents that occur on campus involving police, traffic accidents and complaints, fire prevention and protection, environmental health and safety, emergency disaster coordination and chemical materials management. The Police Dispatch Center is a full-time operation, 24/7-365 days a year. In compliance with the Clery Act, the University Police publishes the UCCS Safety and Security Report in September of every year. Crime statistics listed in this pamphlet reflect reported crime only and are for calendar years January through December. The document is available online at In addition, Public Safety provides several community services upon request:
Motorist assists: dead battery jump-starts, retrieval of keys from locked vehicles, etc.
Safety escorts to and/or from vehicles or buildings
Lost and Found Service
Various crime prevention programs
Environmental Health and Safety
(719) 255-3201
Environmental Health and Safety provides safety information, specialization, review, inspection, and recommendations on the plans for environmental safety on the campus. Services include the following areas: fire protection, occupational safety, laboratory safety, regulated waste disposal and others as required.
Emergency Preparedness
(719) 255-3106
Emergency Preparedness is guided by the overriding goals to protect life and secure critical infrastructure and facilities. These goals are met through the development of teaching, research, and emergency plans (both floor and building) to address disasters and infectious diseases.
Information Technology
IT Help Desk
El Pomar Center, first floor
(719) 255-3536
All UCCS students will receive a UCCS username once they have been admitted to the university. The UCCS username is the student’s credentials for accessing Information Technology services on and off campus. A student’s UCCS username can be claimed online here. The UCCS username will allow students to register for classes in the myUCCS portal, use their UCCS email account hosted by Microsoft Office 365, gain access to on-campus computer labs, connect to the campus wireless network, and connect to the campus network by using the VPN connection when off-campus. For more information on all of the resources offered by the Information Technology department please visit the Information Technology Help Desk website or stop by the Help Desk located on the first floor of the El Pomar Center.
Open Computer Labs
Kraemer Family Library
El Pomar Center, second floor
(719) 255-3422
The Kraemer Family Library open computer lab contains Windows and Macintosh computers. Group study rooms contain two Windows computers each plus additional ports for laptop use. For students who use wheelchairs there are six computers (four Macintosh and two Windows computers) on higher desks. Those needing further assistance with computers, other than what is provided in the open labs, should access the Assistive Technology Lab.
The Assistive Technology Lab is available for users with disabilities during all hours the library is open. All students, staff, and faculty with a documented disability should receive training on how to operate special equipment and software through Disability Services. Please contact Rachel Gibson at Disability Services at (719) 255-3354, Main Hall 105, if you have questions about documentation and/or training.
Multimedia Development Lab is available for graphics and video processing.
Columbine Hall Open Lab
(719) 255-4229
The Columbine lab contains Windows and Macintosh computers.
Paw Prints (Pay per Page Printing)
All UCCS campus computer labs utilize the Paw Prints pay per page printing system. The Paw Prints system is designed to facilitate the printing needs of students, faculty and staff. New students to UCCS receive approximately the first 34 pages for free. To continue printing, students must purchase a Paw Prints package. These packages are conveniently purchased on the web, range from $1.00 to $10.00 and are billed to the student’s UCCS account. For more information about pay per page printing and the Paw Prints program visit
Wireless Networking
Our purpose is to provide students with a convenient, secure, and easily accessible wireless campus-wide network. Wireless networking assists in increasing accessibility to electronic resources not only in the classroom but also throughout the campus. The UCCS wireless network is comprised of over 400 access points across campus, covering all major buildings and several outdoor areas, providing access to the Internet as well as to on-campus resources. The primary wireless network is secured with WPA2 Enterprise encryption, ensuring your data sent across the network is safe. This network can be accessed using the same username and password as the rest of the campus computing resources.
For the security of yourself and others on the campus network, IT takes steps to ensure your wireless device is healthy. When you first attempt to connect to the network, you may be asked to install a diagnostic tool to validate that your system is meeting the campus computer security requirements. This piece of software checks to see if your operating system, anti-virus and anti-spyware programs are up-to-date. If any problems are found, you will be warned once a day for three days. After a period of time, you will be required to update your computer to continue to have full access to the network.
For more information on the UCCS wireless network, including policies and instructions, visit
Computerized Classrooms
The IT Department provides several classrooms across campus with computing capabilities. Some are computerized classrooms with an average of 25 computers for student use. Others have a podium with a computer, DVD/VCR, and projection capabilities to enhance lectures by allowing the integration of multimedia presentations.
By using campus information technology resources you are acknowledging that you will abide by the requirements in the following policies.
email Policy
UCCS use of email. email is an official means for communication within the university. Therefore, the university has the right to send communications to students via email and the right to expect that those communications will be received and read in a timely fashion.
Redirecting of email. A student may have email electronically redirected to another email address. If a student wishes, he or she may have email redirected from his or her official address to another email address (e.g.,,, or an address on a departmental server), but at his or her own risk. UCCS will not be responsible for the handling of email by outside vendors or by departmental servers. Having email redirected does not absolve a student from the responsibilities associated with communication sent to his or her official email address.
Expectations regarding student use of email. Students are expected to check their official email address on a frequent and consistent basis in order to stay current with university communications. UCCS recommends checking email once a week at a minimum in that certain communications may be time-critical.
Educational uses of email. Faculty may determine how email will be used in their classes. It is highly recommended that if faculty have email requirements and expectations, they specify these requirements in their course syllabi. Faculty may expect that students’ official email addresses are being accessed and faculty may use email for their courses accordingly.
Appropriate use of student email. In general, email is not appropriate for transmitting sensitive or confidential information unless its use for such purposes is matched by an appropriate level of security.
All use of email, including use for sensitive or confidential information, will be consistent with the Policy Statement on use of email posted in the policies section on the IT Web page.
Confidentiality regarding student records is protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). All use of email, including use for sensitive or confidential information, will be consistent with FERPA.
email shall not be the sole method for notification of any legal action.
Administrative Policy Statement 700-002, Responsible Computing
Administrative Policy Statement 700-003, Information Technology Security
Residence Life statement, Illegal Media Downloading and File Sharing
CU-NET Broadcast Classes
(719) 255-3281
UCCS offers live, interactive, credit-bearing classes over the CU-NET instructional television system. CU-NET broadcast classes are regular courses and off campus students will have access to the instructor through a standard telephone connection. Off-campus students will be expected to follow the same syllabus and meet the same course requirements as in-class students. Course offerings vary semester-to-semester. CU-NET classes are available to adult learners over Comcast. Anyone subscribing to Comcast will receive the classes as part of their basic service; however, to receive credit for classes, students must enroll through the Extended Studies division of the College offering the course. A three-campus network provides video, voice and data transmission among the campuses and supports, in addition to academic courses, administrative teleconferencing and professional development training.
IT Media Services provides professional teleconferencing services to the campus community and public and private enterprises in the Pikes Peak Region. Down-linking services are available on campus. Please contact Media Services for pricing. Up-linking services are not currently available.
Cisco TelePresence
IT Media Services provides professional teleconferencing services and academic courses with this emerging technology. The TelePresence system is available to the campus community, and also can be rented to public and private enterprises in the Pikes Peak Region. Please contact Media Services for pricing.
University Center, lower level
(719) 255-3247
About Us
The bookstore is your full service store that caters to the needs of the campus community, offering required and optional course materials, supplies, spirit clothing and items, snacks, and much more! The bookstore is University owned and operated, and supports the academic mission of the University. The bookstore employs UCCS students, and proceeds are used to support UCCS scholarships, student clubs, academic departments, and other Auxiliary Services. Support the bookstore and you are supporting UCCS!
Shop In-Store or Online
Here are just some of the reasons to visit the UCCS Bookstore for your textbooks:
- Guaranteed to get the right edition, version, and book for your class
- Friendly and helpful student staff to answer your questions face-to-face
- We are the only source that carries ALL course materials for UCCS classes - one stop shopping!
- Instant pickup at store - no shipping fees, and you get your book right away
- The most choices from one source - eBooks, rentals, used and new books
- Several payment options accepted - layaway, cash, check, MC/VISA, Discover, & Amex
- Instant and hassle-free refunds or exchanges (within policy guidelines)
- If we don’t have the book in-stock, we will special order the book to get it here ASAP
- While you are in the store, you can shop the latest exciting UCCS apparel!
You may also order your books online and conveniently pick them up at the bookstore. Your order is prioritized, packed and you’ll receive an email letting you know they’ve arrived. Or, you can even have them shipped to you. The website also offers price comparison shopping–you can use this feature to review prices and locate hard-to-find books. Although the Bookstore strives to offer competitive pricing on all books, if you instead choose one of the vendors listed through the price comparison, you will still contribute back the University, and save yourself money and time searching online for books.
Rental Program
The Bookstore textbook rental program may help you save considerably on the cost of books. The Bookstore will generally have 300-400 titles available to rent in-store. It’s easy–rent one or more books for one semester, and simply return the book(s) at the end of finals week. If you decide to keep the book and/or it is not returned, you pay the difference between the rental cost and the retail cost, and a small fee. You must have a student ID card, be 18 years old or older, and have a valid credit card to rent a book. Refer to the most up-to-date terms of the Rental Agreement on the website.
Restocking Charge and Return Policy
A restocking fee will be charged for all books returned except in the following instances: courses cancelled by the University, textbook requirements changed by the faculty member, and courses dropped before the semester Census date. A myUCCS portal printout is required to show the course was dropped. Refer to the most up-to-date return policy on the website.
Textbook Buy Back
Textbook Buy Back is normally during the first week of the semester and finals week. Books are bought back by wholesalers based on the demand for the book. Buy Back payouts are generally 25-50% of the original retail price, however, some books may not be worth as much due to changes in the supply market. Check the website for the most current dates.
Open year-round, Monday-Friday. Saturday and holiday hours vary and are posted on the website.
Family Development Center
(719) 255-3483
The Family Development Center, a fully accredited center, provides quality, affordable preschool programs and child care for university families and the community at large. The Center offers educational programs for children ranging in age from one year (and walking) to 11 years. The Center maintains a staff of highly qualified and caring teachers. The activities in the classrooms are planned by professional lead teachers trained in early childhood/child development. Lead teachers are assisted by additional teachers and aides. The Center strives to meet the standards for low child/staff ratios adopted by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).The Center is open Monday through Friday. Rates are competitive, with discounts for students and UCCS affiliates. Some scholarships are also available for UCCS students. Discounts are available to military families. Enrollment is limited and is on a first come, first served basis, with priority given to UCCS students. Phone us at 255-3483 or visit the Center for further enrollment information. You can also visit the Family Development Center website.
Kraemer Family Library
El Pomar Center
(719) 255-3296
The Kraemer Family Library supports learning, teaching and research activities of the students and faculty by providing a diverse collection of more than one million items and offering a wide array of information services. These services include a comprehensive library instruction program, electronic data bases, and interlibrary loan and reference services. The Kraemer Family Library also has a wide variety of educational offerings, including informative exhibits, renowned speakers, and interesting art collections. Access to a wide variety of electronic resources and the library’s online catalog is available through the library web page. The Library is housed in El Pomar Center. Library services are available 101.5 hours per week during the regular semesters. Individual study carrels, computer labs, multimedia development labs, group study rooms, and copy machines are available. Special equipment and software are available to assist the hearing and visually impaired to gain access to library materials.
Library users have access to the library’s collection of 495,000 book volumes, 760,000 microform volumes, 11,000 maps, 13,200 media items, and 69,000 e-books. These items include over 35,000 paper and electronic journal titles, 161 electronic databases, as well as U.S. and Colorado government documents. In addition, students and faculty have access to the collections of many of the state’s other academic libraries through personal visits, shared electronic catalogs, or interlibrary loan. The library’s interlibrary loan agreements also provide students and faculty with access to the collections of most of the libraries in the U.S. and other countries.
Lane Center for Academic Health Sciences
4863 North Nevada Avenue
(719) 255-4401
The Lane Center for Academic Health Sciences houses multiple clinics operated by faculty providers where training and research are conducted, along with the Gerontology Center, Psychology labs, and the Colorado Springs branch of the CU School of Medicine. The academic clinics operate under the brand, UCCS HealthCircle. The clinics offer a continuum of health and wellness services to UCCS faculty and staff, including primary care, nutrition, physical activity engagement, health coaching, and mental and behavioral health. Services can be accessed in a single clinic, or in multiple clinics with integration across the clinics to maximize efficiencies and scope of impact on health and wellness, as well as chronic disease prevention and self-management. Students from multiple disciplines learn evidence-based practices across the clinics along with integrated care best practices. Faculty and student research examines practice processes and outcomes. Collaborative training and service delivery are also available within the Peak Vista Lane Family Senior Health Center (primary care).
Center for Active Living (CAL)
Lane Center, room 128
(719) 255-8004
Aging Center
Lane Center, room 320
(719) 255-8002
Veterans Health and Trauma Clinic
Lane Center, room 380
(719) 255-8003
UCCS HealthCircle Primary Care Clinic
Lane Center, room 250
(719) 255-8001
Peak Nutrition Clinic
Lane Center, room 137
(719) 255-7524
Print Shop
Campus Services Building, room 230
(719) 255-3213
Conveniently located on campus, the UCCS Print Shop has been offering printing services to the campus community for over 25 years. The Print Shop is committed to supporting the educational mission of the University with reliable, high-quality printing and duplicating services. We take pride in serving faculty, staff and students with courtesy and promptness.
The Print Shop offers a variety of services including: Custom Printing, Oversized Printing, Color and Black & White Copying, Forms, Business Cards, Letterhead, Labels, Invitations, Name Badges, Lamination, Binding, Document Scanning, Transparencies and Faxing. These services are provided to support academic instruction, the university’s administration, and student activities.
Copyright clearance may be required for publications. Patrons are responsible for arranging permission to use copyrighted materials processed through the UCCS Print Shop.
University Center
(719) 255-3450
The University Center is the community center for the university, serving students, staff, faculty, administration, and guests. The University Center complements the academic programs by providing support for out-of-classroom experiences through an extensive array of cultural, recreational, social and educational programs. The University Center is guided by a student-centered organization that values participatory decision making and volunteerism. The University Center provides programs through the services and facilities that are within the Center: Office of Student Life and Leadership (SLL), including the Office of Student Activities, Student Government Association and Student Organizations, The Scribe, Information Desk, Intercollegiate Athletics, Meeting Rooms, Lounges, Game Room, Cafe 65, Clyde’s Pub, Bookstore, Convenience Store, and Copy Center. The University Center is supported by mandatory student fees. These fees finance repayment of the bond debt, and support entertainment, cultural and educational programs and services not supported by the university’s general fund.
UCCS Lion OneCard card / Photo Identification card
It is th e goal of the University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) to enable students, faculty, and staff to use many services on campus with their Lion OneCard (the UCCS ID card).
The Lion OneCard is the only official form of identification at UCCS and acts as the student’s school ID. The ID card is currently used to access library services on campus (check out books, access several online databases and information). Students wanting to work out use their card to enter the Recreation Center. The card is used to gain access to UCCS sporting events, Art Gallery exhibits, plays presented by Theaterworks, and to ride on the campus shuttle. For students living in the residence halls, the Lion One Card is used for building access and to eat in the Dining Hall (with a valid meal plan). “Munch Money” is another benefit offered to all students, and is designed to stretch your food budget. Munch Money is purchased at discounted rates and then used at six different food service locations on campus. Off campus there are advantages too. Many local restaurants allow students to show their Lion OneCard and they will usually receive a 10-15% discount off their meal.
All new UCCS students obtain their Lion OneCard during orientation or when the University Center Information desk is open. It is simple and easy; step up, take your picture and within minutes receive the card. 1,2,3 and you are on your way.
Another option for students is the Ent Lion OneCard from Ent Federal Credit Union, the official financial partner of UCCS. The Ent Lion OneCard is your all-in-one card for everything you’ll need on campus and beyond. It’s a student ID, an ATM card, a Visa® Check Card, a meal card, a bus card, and a library card all rolled into one wallet size piece of plastic. The Ent Lion OneCard works on and off campus just like the UCCS Lion OneCard.
Interested in the Ent Lion OneCard? For more information visit or Ent’s UCCS Service Center located on the 1st floor of the University Center. Also, representatives from Ent will be available during orientation to answers any questions you may have.
For more information about the Lion OneCard visit Please note: All new students and most transfer students will be automatically billed for an ID card, whether or not a card is made. Transfer students from other CU campuses are not automatically billed for an ID and must pay for the ID at the time it is made. Photo ID cards should be made and claimed in the semester during which the automatic charge is made. Individuals requiring a replacement ID card must pay $15 at the time the card is made. ID photos are taken anytime that the University Center Information Desk is open. Please check the University Center website for specific hours, or call (719) 255-3450.
Student Athletics, Recreational Programs, and Organizations
Intercollegiate Athletics
University Center, third floor
(719) 255-3601
The Intercollegiate Athletic program at UCCS seeks to carry out its primary mission of developing exemplary student-athletes who participate in the total spectrum of university life. Exemplary student-athletes play intercollegiate sports and also focus on education, good character, no substance abuse, leadership and goals. To that end, UCCS sponsors fourteen varsity sports that compete at the NCAA Division II level in the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference (RMAC). Varsity sports include men’s and women’s basketball, men’s and women’s cross country, men’s and women’s indoor/outdoor track, women’s volleyball, women’s softball, men’s and women’s soccer and men’s and women’s golf. The UCCS Mountain Lion volleyball and basketball teams compete in the Gallogly Events Center which will seat 1,200. It is a part of the University Center in the heart of the campus. The softball team plays at the Mountain Lion Field located at the 4-Diamond Complex on Nevada Avenue, just north of Austin Bluffs Parkway. The soccer team plays at Mountain Lion Stadium. The UCCS men’s and women’s golf teams play at local golf clubs. UCCS offers athletic scholarships that are awarded on an individual basis by the head coaches of each of the varsity sports according to the NCAA guidelines.
Campus Recreation Department
UCCS Campus Recreation Center
between Summit and Alpine Housing Villages
The Campus Recreation Department provides a variety of programs, facilities, and services that support the leisure and wellness needs of UCCS students, faculty, and staff.
Campus Recreation Center
The UCCS Campus Recreation Center opened in 2006 and is the only LEED Gold certified recreation center in the State of Colorado. The Recreation Center is available to all currently enrolled students, as well as faculty, staff, and alumni members, and features 54,000 square feet of recreation space that includes a two-court gymnasium with an elevated indoor running track; an indoor aquatic center featuring lap lanes, leisure areas, a drop slide, and a hot tub; an expanded fitness area with state-of-the-art free weights, machine weights, and cardiovascular equipment; an aerobics/dance studio; a multi-purpose meeting room; an outdoor equipment rental and resources center; and a bouldering wall.
Campus Recreation Office
Housed in the Recreation Center, the Campus Recreation Office oversees recreational programs and services which include the following:
Intramural Sports: Broad recreational and competitive opportunities are provided through team and individual sports and events, including flag football, soccer, basketball, volleyball, dodgeball, table tennis, billiards, inner tube water polo, and softball.
Club Sports: University approved clubs sponsor instructional, recreational, and competitive programs for their members. Currently active clubs include baseball, soccer, hockey, lacrosse, racquetball, karate, cheerleading, dance, kendo, and ultimate frisbee.
Fitness and Conditioning: Students have access to the fitness center as well as a number of other programs and services designed to help increase personal fitness, including group conditioning and aerobics classes, aqua fitness classes, personal training, fitness assessment, and pre-created circuit workouts.
Student Outdoor Leadership Adventures (SOLE): Many outings are offered to students, including hiking, backpacking, camping, mountain biking, snowshoeing, canoeing, rock climbing, or avalanche clinics. Also available to help facilitate outdoor travels and adventures are a full array of outdoor equipment for rent as well as trip planning resources.
Aquatics: The pool is open to those looking to swim some laps or just relax in the leisure area or hot tub. Aquatic related programming includes swim lessons, aqua fitness classes, intramural aquatic events, water safety classes, kayak instruction, and dive in movies.
Office of Student Life and Leadership (SLL)
University Center, Room 102
(719) 255-3470
The Office of Student Life and Leadership (SLL), located across from the University Center Information Desk, is the students’ doorway to student life!
Through involvement in one or more of the areas within SLL, students are guaranteed to grow personally, make lifelong friendships, develop valuable lifelong skills, have input into the programs and services offered, contribute to the present and future of the university, and have great fun in the process.
Student Clubs and Organizations/Student Leadership Opportunities
In addition, there are more than 130 student clubs and organizations at UCCS. They include academic and Greek, social, religious, sports, political, honorary, and special interest organizations. Students enjoy the satisfaction of being part of a group and getting things done, meeting people with similar interests, and developing leadership skills. For information about how to join an organization or to form a new organization, students are encouraged to call or come by the SLL Office. Current students can learn more by logging in to Mountain Lion Connect.
Office of Student Activities (OSA)
University Center Room 104
(719) 255-3470
The Office of Student Activities (OSA) is the primary programming office of student events on campus. OSA’s mission statement is “Leading & Learning Together. Creating community through entertainment, enrichment and inclusion.” Strongly believing in student development and community participation, OSA works closely with clubs, co-sponsors and coordinates events to offer a variety of ways for students to be involved on campus. OSA provides multiple opportunities to meet people, learn and build upon skills, volunteer, and explore career opportunities. OSA consists of an Assistant Director of Student Activities who advises a staff of 8-11 student employees. UCCS community members, student clubs and academic departments, and local community are encouraged to co-sponsor events with OSA throughout the year.
A few traditional events sponsored by OSA include DisOrentation Week, Homecoming, weekend programs, Roar Daze, concerts, and significant speakers. Most events are free and open to the entire UCCS community. For more information please call (719) 255-3470, visit us via the website or on Facebook “UCCS OSA”.
Student Government Association (SGA)
University Center room 102E
(719) 255-3046
The Student Government Association (SGA) is the recognized student governance group for the University of Colorado Colorado Springs. The SGA creates, implements, and oversees an annual budget that is generated by the student activity fee. The UCCS Student Government Association serves as the official voice of the student body. Student Government provides a wide variety of activities and services. For more information call 719-255-3046 visit us on Mountain Lion Connect or stop by the SGA office in SLL, UC Room102.