Feb 12, 2025  
2014-2015 Catalog 
2014-2015 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Policies, Registration, and Records



Admissions and Records Office
Main Hall, room 108
Phone: (719) 255-3361
Fax: (719) 255-3116
Records and Registration: (719) 255-3361
Enrollment Verification: (719) 255-3387
Transcripts: (719) 255-3376
Tuition Classification: (719) 255-3381 or 255-3375
Email: registrar@uccs.edu 



Registration dates are published in the Academic Calendar  in this Catalog, in the Schedule of Courses published each semester, and in the Academic Calendar published on the Web. Times and details of registration, course offerings and instructions on how to register over the Internet via the Student Self Service Center are published in the UCCS Schedule of Courses each academic term. Changes to the published schedule are posted on the Web.

Immunization Requirement 

Student Health Center

        Public Safety and Student Health Building
        (719) 255-4444
        Fax: (719) 255-4446
        E-mail: hlthcntr@uccs.edu


The Student Health Center provides convenient and affordable access to quality medical care for eligible students. Medical insurance is not required to be seen for an appointment. The Center provides health care services 40 hours per week Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Please note the Center does follow University weather and holiday closures. Services include, but are not limited to, diagnosis and treatment of minor injuries and illnesses, administration of MMR and other vaccines, routine gynecological exams, birth control consultation, health education, mental health services, referrals as needed and physical examinations. Limited lab work and medication are also available on site. For additional information please visit our website.

Immunization Requirement

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment requires that all students born on or after January 1, 1957 must provide a copy of documented proof of two immunizations against Rubeola measles, Mumps and Rubella measles (MMR). See the Student Health Center under the Student Services Section for further information.

Classification of In-state and Out-of-state Students

(719) 255-3381 or (719) 255-3375
1-800-990-UCCS (8227)

A student is initially classified as an in-state or out-of-state registrant for tuition purposes at the time an application and all supporting credentials have been received in the Admissions and Records Office. The classification is based upon information furnished by the student and from other relevant sources. After the student’s status is determined, it remains unchanged in the absence of satisfactory evidence to the contrary. A student who, due to subsequent events, becomes eligible for a change in tuition classification, whether from out-of-state to in-state or the reverse, has the responsibility of informing the tuition classification officer, Admissions and Records Office, in writing within 15 days after such a change occurs.

If adult students, or emancipated minors, establish domicile outside Colorado, they are to send written notification within 15 days to the tuition classification officer.

Petitioning for Residency Classification Change

Instructions as to the procedure to follow for residency classification change, the necessary petition forms, and detailed information regarding the statute are available from the tuition classification officer in the Admissions and Records Office and on the Web. Complete petitions forms to apply for a change of status are due and must be submitted no later than the end of the first week of the semester for which a change of status is sought.

Classification Notes

  1. Petitions will not be acted upon until an application for admission to the university and complete supporting credentials have been received.
  2. Changes in classification are made effective at the time of the student’s next registration.
  3. A student who willfully gives wrong information to evade payment of the out-of-state tuition is subject to legal and disciplinary action.
  4. Petitions and all required documents must be submitted no later than the end of the first week of classes (see Academic Calendar) for the term a change in status is sought. Late or incomplete petitions will not be considered until the next semester.

U.S. and Canadian Military/Colorado National Guard/Olympic Waivers of Non-Resident Tuition

Special rules for residency apply to active duty members of the U.S., Colorado National Guard and Canadian Armed Forces permanently stationed in Colorado and their dependents and Olympic athletes in training. Strict deadlines of certification for each term that one enrolls are enforced for these individuals. Members of the U.S. Military, Canadian Military, and Colorado National Guard, their family members, and Olympic Athletes who are undergraduate students and qualify for a waiver of nonresident tuition ARE eligible for the College Opportunity Fund (COF) stipend. Please contact the tuition classification officer in Admissions and Records for details.


All persons attending regularly scheduled classes must be registered and must have paid the proper tuition and fees. The tuition for those auditing a course on this campus is the same as for those registered for credit. Auditors register for courses for No Credit (NC).

Graduate Candidate for Degree

Master and Doctoral degree candidates who have finished all coursework must be enrolled in “Candidate for Degree” the semester in which they will be taking a comprehensive examination, defending a thesis, dissertation, report, or project; and will pay graduate, resident tuition for one (1) credit hour, plus appropriate fees.

 Records and Academic Policies



(719) 255-3361

How Academic Work Is Recorded On Transcripts

Courses are grouped by the term or semester in which they were taken.

When a college or school is unique to a particular campus of the university (the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences on the UCCS campus) and the student has completed the degree requirements, the degree and field of study will be designated on the transcript as follows:

Example: Degree-BA (date) at CU Colorado Springs Sociology

For students graduating from colleges and schools represented on two or more campuses, there may be no campus designation.

            Example: Degree-BS (date) Business

Students completing a double major will be listed as follows:

Example: Degree-BA (date) at CU Colorado Springs Psychology and Sociology

College of Letters, Arts and Sciences students graduating in Distributed Studies will show all the disciplines used to meet the unique degree requirements:

Example: Degree-BA (date) at CU Colorado Springs Distributed Studies-Fine Arts, History, Communication, and English

Academic minors (completed at time a degree is awarded) are recorded on the transcript.

General and departmental honors are recorded on the transcript.

How to Order Transcripts

University of Colorado transcripts of student academic records can be ordered by current students through the myUCCS Portal with no cost for standard processing. Transcripts will be processed 5-7 business days from the date the transcript is ordered and mailed through the United States Postal Service via first class mail. 

Former students and those requesting special processing (Fed Express, PDF, Pickup, etc.) can visit www.uccs.edu/admrec/transcripts.html for detailed ordering information, special handling charges and online payment processing.

Transcripts will be withheld for students with financial obligations to the university that are due and unpaid, or disciplinary actions that are in progress from any CU campus.

Transcripts are prepared only at the student’s request. Copies of transcripts from other institutions cannot be furnished. Please visit www.uccs.edu/admrec/transcripts.html or call 719-255-3361 if you have further questions.

Auditing Courses, “No-Credit” Courses

Nonregistered students: All persons who wish to attend regularly scheduled classes and who are not registered students must obtain auditor’s status. Auditors, whether in-state or out-of-state, pay in-state tuition for three (3) semester hours at the lower division undergraduate rate for fall, spring, or summer term and receive class instruction and library privileges only. An auditor’s card must be presented to the instructor when requesting permission to attend a class. Cards may be obtained from the Bursar’s Office in Main Hall after classes begin. To qualify as an auditor, an individual must be 21 years of age or older. Persons are not eligible to audit courses if they are under suspension from the university. Auditors may attend as many courses as they wish (except those courses with laboratories or where equipment is used), provided they have permission from the instructor.

Registered students: If a regular degree student wishes to participate in a class without receiving credit, the student must register for the course for No Credit. Tuition for courses taken for No Credit is the same as for courses taken for credit. Auditors should note that the Admissions and Records Office does not keep any record of courses audited; therefore, credit for these courses cannot be established. In order to register for no credit, the student should complete a Credit Change Form indicating the course for which no credit is desired. Deadlines and rules for changing are the same as for Drop/Add. See also Grading System and Drop/Add.

Commencement Policy

The Catalog that governs a student’s graduation requirements is the one in effect at the time of the student’s most recent admission into the college or school of the student’s degree program.

Participation in academic ceremonies that recognize or honor students for the completion of an academic program or specific academic accomplishment is based on the understanding that all requirements have been completed. Every effort will be made to determine eligibility in advance and only students who have met requirements will be permitted to participate.

Commencement exercises for graduates of the summer and fall semesters are held in December. Spring semester commencement is held in May. Graduates will receive diplomas approximately eight weeks after the end of the term in which the degree is conferred.

Course Numbering System

The word preceding the course number identifies the department offering the course. The first digit in the number indicates in a general way the class level of the course: 1000- level courses are primarily for freshmen, 2000-level courses for sophomores, 3000-level for juniors, 4000- level for seniors and 5000- and 6000-level for graduates.

Level of Courses Numbered 9000-9980:

9000-9290   Lower division, undergraduate
9300-9490   Upper division, undergraduate
9500-9590   Graduate, Level 1
9600-9790   Graduate, Level 2
9800-9980   Other


Diplomas will carry the designation of the campus where the majority of the academic work was done at the upper division level.

General and departmental honors are shown on the diploma. The discipline is indicated in award of departmental honors.

The Bachelor of Science or Arts (BS or BA) will indicate the field of study, such as business, chemistry, electrical engineering, or physics.

In the Graduate School, the degree designation is Master of Arts, Master of Science or Master of Sciences, Master of Engineering, Master of Public Administration, Master of Criminal Justice, Master of Business Administration, Doctorate of Philosophy, Doctorate of Nursing Practice. Transcripts will indicate specific program where appropriate.

Dropping and Adding Courses

Students will be allowed to drop and add of their own accord through census date (the 12th day of classes of the regular semester or the 6th day of classes of the summer term). Courses that meet less than the full 16 week term in fall and spring and 8 weeks in the summer have special pro-rated drop and add deadlines. Drop and add deadlines are published in the Schedule of Courses.

After this time, the instructor’s and dean’s signatures (of the college offering the course) are required for adds. For drops, the instructor’s signature is required. If the instructor chooses to sign the Course Change Form because the situation warrants a drop under the instructor’s course policy on dropping courses, the drop will be processed. If the instructor judges the situation does not meet the course policy for drops, he/she will not sign the form and the student will not be dropped from the course. (Course Change Forms will not be accepted without required signatures and drop is effective the date forms are received by the Records Office.)

After the 10th week of the regular semester or the 5th week of the summer term, courses may not be dropped unless there are circumstances clearly beyond the student’s control (accident, illness, etc.). In addition to the instructor’s certification (as described above), the dean of the college offering the course must approve the drop.

Students receiving financial aid or veterans benefits must also obtain the signature of the appropriate certifying official.

There are no refunds on individual courses dropped after the course census date.

Tuition assessment for courses added after initial registration, which would result in additional tuition charges, will be added to the student’s bill. Semester-long courses added by undergraduate students after the term census date ARE NOT eligible for College Opportunity Fund stipend.

Eligibility to Return Each Session

Degree students should refer to the appropriate school or college section of this Catalog for information regarding eligibility to return.

Unclassified students’ (major code NDLD, NDUD, NDHS or NDDW) continuation is contingent upon maintaining an overall grade point average of 2.0 upon completion of 12 or more semester hours. Failure to maintain the required average will result in an unclassified student being suspended. The suspension is for an indefinite period of time and becomes part of the student’s permanent record at the university. While under suspension, enrollment at the university is restricted to summer terms or courses offered through Extended Studies.

Unclassified students are not placed on academic probation prior to being suspended.

Enrollment Status

The definitions for full-time/part-time enrollment are as follows:

  1. A full-time undergraduate degree student is one who is enrolled for at least 12 credit hours each semester. Undergraduate degree students are considered part time when they are enrolled for fewer than 12 hours. These criteria also apply for unclassified students without a degree.
  2. A full-time graduate student is one who is enrolled for 5 semester hours of graduate level course work, or at least 8 semester hours in a combination of graduate and undergraduate course work acceptable for graduate credit, or any number of thesis/dissertation hours.
  3. Unclassified students with a degree-seeking student loan deferment must be enrolled for 12 semester hours to be considered full-time.

Final Examination Policy

It is the policy of UCCS to adhere to the final examination schedule as published in the Schedule of Courses each semester. While it may be appropriate not to give a final in some cases, such as laboratory courses, seminars, and colloquia, final examinations should be given in all other undergraduate courses.

Exceptions to this policy should be agreed upon by the faculty member and the chair of the department no later than the beginning of the semester in which an exception is requested. The resulting decision should be announced in writing to students in the class during the first week of classes.

In addition to the principles stated above, the following guidelines should be followed by all faculty members and administrators in order to assure fairness and the best possible educational experience for students:

  1. The scheduled final examination period should be considered an important part of the course and used as a final examination period or for additional instruction.
  2. The final examination in a course should be given as scheduled and not at other times even if the faculty member and all students in a course agree to such a change.
  3. The week of classes preceding the scheduled final examination period should be used primarily for continued instruction and may include the introduction of new material. No hourly examinations are to be given during the week preceding final examinations.
  4. Individual students may be granted a variance from these policies provided the instructor is satisfied that:
    1. the exception is based on good and sufficient reasons (such as religious observances), and
    2. such an exception for an early or late examination will not prejudice the interests of other students in the course.
  5. When students have three or more examinations on the same day, they will be entitled to arrange an alternative examination time for the first exam or exams scheduled on that day. Such arrangements must be made no later than the end of the 10th week of the semester (i.e., at the end of the drop period). Students will be expected to provide evidence that they have three or more examinations in order to qualify for exceptions.
  6. This policy applies to all undergraduate students, including seniors. Graduating seniors should not be exempted from final examinations. Such exemptions are inappropriate on both procedural and academic grounds.

The actual schedule for final exams appears in the Schedule of Courses for the appropriate semester or term.

Grading Policies

Grades, when posted, are available on the myUCCS Student Portal at www.uccs.edu.

Grade Symbols
The instructor is responsible for whatever grade symbol (A, B, C, D, F, P, I, or IP) is to be assigned. Special symbols (NC and W) are indications of registration or grade status and are not assigned by the instructor but are automatically converted by the grade application system, explained under Pass/Fail Procedure.

Each College or School individually determines the use of +/- grading.  

Standard Grades Quality Points for Each Hour of Credit
A= superior/excellent 4.0
A(-) = 3.7
B(+) = 3.3
B = good/better than average 3.0
B(-) = 2.7
C(+) = 2.3
C = competent/average 2.0
C(-) = 1.7
D(+) = 1.3
D = 1.0
D(-) =minimum passing 0.7
F = failing 0

Special Symbols

NC indicates registration on a no-credit or audit basis
W indicates withdrawal or drop without discredit
I indicates incomplete-regarded as F if not completed within one year
(Students should be aware that “I” grades are automatically changed to F grades, without formal notification, when the one-year time allowance has passed.)
IP indicates in progress-thesis or dissertation or multi-term course at the graduate level only
PF indicates the pass/fail option-P grade is not included in the grade point average; the F grade is included; up to 16 hours of pass/fail course work may be credited toward a bachelor’s degree; a letter grade of D- or above is considered passing

Explanation of Incomplete Grades

Beginning spring 2009, the University of Colorado discontinued the use of an IF or IW for an incomplete grade. Up through fall 2008, students who were assigned a grade of an IF/IW had one year to make up the grade or it would convert to an “F” or “W”. Students assigned an “I” have one academic year to earn a grade. After one year, the “I” will be converted to an “F” and recorded on the student record, without formal notification.

The student must ask for the incomplete grade. An incomplete grade is given only when students, for reasons beyond their control, have been unable to complete the course requirements. It is understood that a substantial amount of work must have been satisfactorily completed before approval for such a grade is given.

If an instructor decides to grant a request for an incomplete (“I”) grade, the instructor sets the conditions whereby the course work will be completed. The course work must be completed within a year, but the instructor may also set less time than one year for completion. The student is expected to complete the requirements within the established deadline.

The instructor, with approval of the department, determines if the course should be retaken. If a course is retaken, the student must register for the course and pay the appropriate tuition.

The final grade (earned either by completing the course requirements or by retaking the course) does not result in deletion of the “I” incomplete (or IF or IW grade prior to spring 2009) symbol from the transcript. A second entry is posted on the transcript to show the final grade for the course.

At the end of one year, an “I” grade that is not completed or repeated will be regraded as an “F” grade.  Requests for an extension of time to complete the course beyond the one year deadline cannot be approved.

Pass/Fail Enrollment

Students who wish to register for a course on a pass/fail basis do so during regular registration.

Changes to or from a pass/fail basis may be effected during the first 12 class days of the fall or spring semesters or the first six class days of the summer term. After this period it will not be possible to change registration unless it is approved by the dean as a specific exception.

Only 6 hours of course work may be taken as PF in any given semester.

Students should refer to the rules of their particular school, college, graduate program and/or department for additional information regarding the guidelines and limitations of pass/fail registration.

The record of pass/fail registration is maintained by the Admissions and Records Office. Academic deans and faculty will not be aware of specific pass/fail registrations. All students who are registered on a pass/fail basis appear on the regular class roster and a normal letter grade is assigned on the final grade roster by the professor. Once grades are Posted in the Student Informations System, the PF designated classes are converted. Grades of D- and above convert to a grade of P. Grades of F remain.

Computing a Grade Point Average (GPA)

The grade point average is computed by multiplying the credit points per hour, (A=4.0, A-=3.7, B+=3.3, B=3.0, B-=2.7, C+=2.3, C=2.0, C-=1.7, D+=1.3, D=1.0, D-=0.7, F=0) by the number of hours for each course, totaling the hours and the credit points, and dividing the latter by the former. For example:


ENGL 1310 3 B 9.0 credit points
PSY 2100 4 C+ 9.2 credit points
HIST 1010 3 B 9.0 credit points
CHEM 1030 5 A 20.0 credit points
  15 hours   47.2 credit points

The grade point average is therefore 47.2 divided by 15, i.e. 3.147.

The grade point received at another institution will not be used in computing the student’s grade point average at the University of Colorado.

Grades of P, H, NC, Y,W, IP, I, (IW and IF prior to spring 2009) are not included in the grade point average. “I”s that are not completed within one year are calculated as “F” in the GPA at the end of the one year grace period.

It is University of Colorado policy that the undergraduate GPA, the graduate nondegree (unclassified) GPA, and the graduate degree GPA are calculated separately as academic careers.

If a course is repeated, all grades earned are used in determining the university GPA.

Students should refer to their academic dean’s office for individual grade point average calculations as they relate to academic progress and graduation from their college or school.

Individual Academic Records

All credentials (high school and/or college transcripts, test reports, etc.) used for admission become the property of the University of Colorado. When a student has been out of school for four years, the file is destroyed.

The Permanent Record Card showing all academic work done at any of the University of Colorado campuses, including credit courses through the Division of Extended Studies, will be maintained in perpetuity.

Major Declaration

Policy of the Board of Regents requires that students declare a major by the time they have 60 hours towards their current degree- by the start of their junior year.

No Credit

See Auditing Courses.

Schedule Changes

The university reserves the right to cancel, postpone, or combine scheduled classes and to change instructors.

Withdrawal from the University

Withdrawal means that the student is dropping all courses for which he or she is registered for a specific term/semester.

A student will be allowed to withdraw during the first ten weeks of the fall or spring semester or the first five weeks of the summer term. After this time, a student may not withdraw unless the circumstances are clearly beyond the student’s control; this requires the signature of the dean of the student’s academic unit.

A student receiving financial aid or veteran’s benefits must obtain the signature of the appropriate certifying official. Financial aid may have to be repaid.

The student must obtain approval from the Bursar/Cashier office.

A withdrawal becomes effective on the date the withdrawal form, completed by the student and signed by the student’s dean and required certifying officials, is received by the Admissions and Records Office. Eligibility for a rebate or refund of the total bill is determined by the date the form is receipted by the Admissions and Records Office, NOT the date the student stops attending class.

Unless the student follows these procedures, the withdrawal is not effective and grades of “F” will be recorded for all courses not completed.

Writing Competency Requirement for Graduation

(719) 255-4038 or (719) 255-4040

No student will be awarded a bachelor’s degree (BA or BS) unless he or she can demonstrate competency in writing. Students may demonstrate such competency in either of the following ways:

  1. By passing English 1310, fulfilling the other composition course requirements stipulated by their college, and then passing the writing competency portfolio assessment administered after the completion of their final 3 credit hours of composition course work.
  2. By completing their UCCS writing requirements through the transfer of equivalent written communication courses taken at a major two-year or four-year institution (C- or better), and upon transferring these courses to UCCS, passing the writing portfolio assignment administered by the Writing Program. Students have one year from their initial enrollment to demonstrate competency by earning a pass on the portfolio. Students who do not pass the competency within one year must alternately complete an advanced writing course at the 3000-level. This course will be in addition to other 3000-level composition courses stipulated by their college as part of their degree requirements. The “final” composition course for each undergraduate program is listed below:
  • For LAS, Public Affairs, and Nursing students: ENGL 1410
  • For BUS students: ENGL 3070 or COMM 3240
  • For EAS students: ENGL 3070 or 3090

For further information about the writing portfolio assessment, see the Schedule of Courses, or contact the Writing Program at (719) 255-4038.

Transfer students who have completed all composition requirements before enrolling at UCCS should contact the Writing Program concerning the portfolio assessment during their first semester in order to progress toward graduation in a timely manner.

