2011-2012 Catalog 
    Sep 20, 2024  
2011-2012 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


  • COUN 5050 - Introduction to Play Therapy

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides a developmental and systems approach to play therapy with content areas including history, theory, techniques, methods applications to special settings or populations. Also included is sand-play therapy which is based on the work of Jung.
  • COUN 5070 - Adventure Education

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This training is designed for educators looking for ways to help students/clients develop trust, enhance teamwork and encourage cooperation. Participants will develop a comprehensive, experientially-based adventure program including initiatives, activities, games and processing skills.
  • COUN 5090 - Spiritual Dimensions of Counseling

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    An experiential and analytic investigation of our spiritual dimension as persons, and of methods of assessment and intervention regarding spiritual and religious issues in counseling and psychotherapy.
  • COUN 5100 - Theories and Techniques of Group Counseling

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Includes studies that provide a broad understanding of group development, group dynamics, group leadership styles and group counseling theories. Core group counseling skills and techniques will be studied in this course and practiced in COUN 5110,a small group laboratory experience taken concurrently. Prer., COUN 5010 and COUN 5020.
  • COUN 5110 - Laboratory in Group Counseling

    2 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Taken in conjunction with COUN 5100, this course provides the student with experiences as both a group member and leader. Students will apply group counseling skills and techniques and evaluate the effectiveness of several group counseling strategies. Students also complete a 100 hour field experience. Prer., COUN 5010 and COUN 5020; must to CHS program. Coreq., COUN 5100
  • COUN 5120 - Practicum in Professional Counseling

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides students with experience in counseling and consultation. Introduces the counselor and client characteristics that may affect the counseling process. Students complete 100 clock hours of supervised field experience of which 40 hours must be in direct service to clients. Prer., COUN 5010, COUN 5020, COUN 5100, COUN 5110 and admission to CHS program.
  • COUN 5130 - Introduction to Marriage and Family Counseling

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Introduction to marriage and family therapy with a focus on the transition from individual and group theories to systems theories. Students will learn to think in systems terms and gain an appreciation for the multiple levels of systemic functioning. A treatment of the nuclear family and alternate family forms will be included in this course. Prer., COUN 5010 and COUN 5100 or consent of the instructor.
  • COUN 5140 - Advanced Theories and Techniques of Family Counseling

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Examines the following theories of family counseling: strategic, structural, experiential, object relations, communication and behavioral. Students will become familiar with the differences and similarities of these theories as well as consider the techniques for change associated with each. Prer., COUN 5130 or consent of instructor.
  • COUN 5150 - Conflict Resolution Training

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    This workshop course presents a win-win approach to conflict resolution that can be utilized with individuals, families, groups and organizations. Participants will be asked to examine their personal conflict resolution strategies and change any win-lose strategies into win-win strategies. Prer., Open only to students enrolled in Counseling and Human Services program.
  • COUN 5160 - Field Work in Counseling and Leadership

    1 Credits (Minimum) 6 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides students with experience in counseling and consultation. Introduces the counselor and client characteristic that may affect the counseling process. Students complete 400 clock hours of supervised field experience over 3 semesters. Course may be repeated for credit. Prer., Admission to counseling program,USAFA cohort. Co-req., COUN 5010 and COUN 5020.
  • COUN 5190 - Psychology of the College Student

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    An orientation to developmental studies in personality, social and health domains of the college student. Focus is on age-related stresses and coping skills. Prer., Admission to the Counseling Program.
  • COUN 5200 - Advanced Seminar in Student Affairs

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Taken during the final semester of the student’s program, requires the completion of an independent study on a topic of particular interest or concern to Student Affairs. The topic, and the method of conducting the study, will be mutually agreed upon by the faculty member and student. In-depth exploration of the topic will require the students to synthesize what they have learned in the program and demonstrate the ability to apply it. Prer., COUN 5060, COUN 5080, COUN 5190 admissions to the Counseling Program in Student Affairs.
  • COUN 5210 - Characteristics of the Effective Leader

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Examines the important individual characteristics of the effective leader. Emphasizes the leader’s self-awareness and adaptability as well as other critical personality variables. Admission to USAFA counseling cohort.
  • COUN 5250 - Leader and Leadership Development

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Leadership principles, change process research, and role functions of Air Force Officer Commanders. Admission to USAFA counseling cohort.
  • COUN 5260 - Practicum in Counseling and Leadership

    1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides students with experience in counseling and leadership and introduces the counselor and client characteristics that may affect the counseling process. Students complete 100 clock hours of supervised field experience of which 40 hours must be in direct service to clients; the balance is indirect service. May be repeated 3 times. Prer., Concurrent with counseling core courses.
  • COUN 5270 - Advanced Techniques in Cadet Counseling

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    An elective for the USAFA counseling cohort. It includes detailed intervention plans for various issues relevant to the cadets at the Academy. Students develop a detailed case study in problem areas, visit local agencies and conduct a literature review of relavent adolescent issues. Admission to USAFA cohort required.
  • COUN 5300 - Laboratory and Practicum in Professional Counseling

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides students with skills in rapport building; information gathering and giving; structuring the session; reflecting and summarizing content and feeling; self disclosure; confrontation; and session closure for use in professional counseling sessions. Prer., COUN 5010 and COUN 5110. Coreq., COUN 5130.
  • COUN 5330 - Issues, Ethics and Trends in Professional Counseling

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    A comprehensive study of professional roles and functions, professional goals and objectives, professional organizations and associations, professional history and trends, professional preparation standards and professional credentialing.
  • COUN 5350 - Adult Leadership Development

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Explores the development of leadership, emphasizing entry level leadership skills for college-aged students. It surveys social and peer group influences, strategies for developing character, diversity issues and leading change in a college environment. Prer., Admission into the Counseling program.
  • COUN 5400 - Research in Counseling and Human Services

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    A comprehensive study of types of research, basic statistics, research project development, program evaluation, needs assessment, and ethical and legal considerations. A thorough review of the recent research literature in the student’s area of emphasis is required for this course. Prer., COUN 5010 and COUN 5020 or consent of instructor.
  • COUN 5410 - Measurement and Appraisal

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    A comprehensive study of group and individual educational and psychometric theories and approaches to appraisal, data and information-gathering methods, validity and reliability, psychometric statistics, factors influencing appraisals, and use of appraisal results in helping processes. Prer., COUN 5130 and COUN 5400 or consent of instructor.
  • COUN 5430 - Career Development

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    A comprehensive study of career development theories,occupational and educational information sources and systems, career and leisure counseling, guidance and education, lifestyle and career decision-making, career development program planning and resources, and effectiveness evaluations.
  • COUN 5440 - Advanced Psychopathology and Diagnosis

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    An intensive survey of the major theories, research findings and behavioral characteristics associated with mental illness and behavior disorders. Requires thorough working knowledge of the DSM IV and related diagnostic tools. Prer., COUN 5130 or instructor consent.
  • COUN 5500 - Advanced Play Therapy

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Builds on the basic concepts presented in Introduction to Play Therapy and includes using play to help children and families communicate through symbols, metaphors and stories. Puppet play, the hero/heroine’s journey, family art and games are highlighted. Prer., COUN 5050 or consent of instructor.
  • COUN 5550 - Theory and Practice of Crisis Counseling, Trauma, and Disaster Work

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Counseling strategies and techniques for dealing with individual, group, and organizational crisis in a variety of settings. Types of crises include suicide, domestic violence, sexual assault/rape, school and community violence, military trauma, terrorism, and natural disaster. Prer., Graduate students only.
  • COUN 5570 - Play Therapy and Child Counseling

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    An overview of the essential elements and principles of counseling children and adolescents primarily utilizing play therapy, including history, theories, modalities, techniques, applications, and skills. Significant emphasis will be placed on the treatment of child and family trauma following war, natural disaster, and other crises. Prer., Graduate students only.
  • COUN 5580 - Sexuality in Counseling

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Examines human sexuality from historical, political, religious, economic, social, and cultural perspectives. Sexual norms, roles, and behaviors will be discussed, analyzed, and deconstructed to enhance the awareness, knowledge, and skills of counseling professionals. Prer., Graduate students only.
  • COUN 5600 - Leading Diversity

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Introduces diversity-based leadership concepts and processes to prepare students to incorporate issues of diversity effectively in teams and organizations. Through directed readings, interactive exercises, and class discussions, students will be equipped to provide effective leadership to diverse organizations.
  • COUN 5700 - Internship in School Counseling

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    To complete the school counselor program the student must complete a 600 clock hour internship in an appropriate school setting under the supervision of a licensed school counselor. The intern will perform a variety of activities that a regularly employed school counselor would be expected to perform. The intern must complete 240 hours of direct service as part of the 600 clock hour internship. Direct service may include but is not limited to individual counseling, group work, developmental classroom guidance and consultation with faculty, staff and parents. May be repeated for credit three times. a minimum of two semesters of internship is required for graduation from the CHS program. Prer., Completion of core sequence and instructor consent.
  • COUN 5720 - Internship: Community

    1 Credits (Minimum) 6 Credits (Maximum)

    Graduation from the counseling and human services program requires students to complete an appropriately supervised internship of six hundred (600) clock hours. The internship must include a minimum of two hundred forty (240) hours of direct service work with clientele appropriate to the program emphasis area. Students must be enrolled in the internship while working toward completion of this requirement. Direct service may include but is not limited to individual counseling, group work, developmental classroom guidance and consultation with faculty, staff and parents. May be repeated for credit three times. a minimum of two semesters of internship is required for graduation from the CHS program. Prer., Completion of core sequence and instructor consent.
  • COUN 5730 - Internship in Core Leadership

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Elective in the Counseling and Human Services Department for the USAF Academy cohort that provides teaching opportunities at the Air Force Academy. Open only to grad students. Prer., Grad only, admission to the USAFA counseling cohort.
  • COUN 5740 - Internship in Student Affairs

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    To complete the student affairs in higher education program, students must complete a 600 hour internship; 40% in direct service, 60% indirect. May be repeated three times. Prer., Completion of core courses and instructor consent.
  • COUN 5750 - Internship in Counseling and Leadership

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    To complete the Leadership track in the Counseling program students must complete a 300 hour Internship; 40% direct service, 60% indirect. May be repeated 3 times to meet licensure requirements. Prer., COUN core courses.
  • COUN 5800 - Roles and Functions of the School Counselor

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Studies include but are not limited to the following:history/philosophy of the school counseling profession; ethical standards and laws; developmental programming; comprehensive guidance services; standards-based services; surveys/interviews to design, implement, and manage/evaluate a comprehensive developmental standards-based program.
  • COUN 5810 - Organization/Administration of the School Counseling Program

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Studies include, but are not limited to: learning theories, classroom motivation/management, and effective instruction; interrelationships/collaborations with school and community; characteristics and interventions for at-risk youth; special education process; educational strategies for assessment, transition, and advising students; and program leadership/advocacy. Prer., COUN 5800 or instructor consent.
  • COUN 5830 - Topics in Counseling

    1 Credits (Minimum) 4 Credits (Maximum)

    Explores selected topics in professional counseling in depth including conflict resolution, human resource development, or advanced topics in counseling research. Prer., Consent of instructor.
  • COUN 5840 - Advanced Workshop in Counseling

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    In-depth study of selected counseling topics based on directed readings. For example, examination of original writings of major counseling theorists.
  • COUN 5850 - Advanced Theories and Techniques of Marriage Counseling

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Presents marriage counseling from perspectives of psychodynamic, behavioral and systems theories. Introduces mate-selection, pre-marital counseling, marriage enrichment, sex therapy, counseling blended families and divorce mediation. Prer., COUN 5130.
  • COUN 5860 - Social and Cultural Foundation of Professional Counseling

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Examines socioeconomic trends in society including sources of conflict and methods of conflict resolution, trends and changes in human roles, multicultural and pluralistic trends including characteristics and concerns of subgroups, and major societal concerns including discrimination on the basis of human characteristics such as age, race, religious preference, physical condition, sexual preference, ethnicity or gender, and methods for alleviating these concerns.
  • COUN 5870 - School Counseling Techniques

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Course teaches counselors practical skills in the school setting. Studies include but are not limited to: applying counseling theories to the school setting; professional advocacy practices/techniques for diverse student populations; and essential services school counselors provide. Prer., COUN 5800 and COUN 5810.
  • COUN 5880 - Gender Issues in Counseling

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Course will explore personal and cultural biases about gender, ethnicity, stereotypes and cultural differences. Discussion, research and investigationinto socialized bias, prejudice, and sexual harassment concerns will offer students an expanded view of gender issues prevalent in our society.
  • COUN 5890 - Reflections on Culture

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    To become a culturally responsive educator it is important to consider how one’s own cultural self awareness impacts educational leadership, teaching,and counseling. In this activity-based course students will reflect on their own biases and cultural awareness.
  • COUN 5920 - Role and Function of the Community Counselor

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Broad examination of the context of the mental health movement with focus on the role and functions of the community counselor. Students will engage in studies that examine the clinical, administrative and specialized skills that community counselors must develop to serve as effective members of the health care team.
  • COUN 5930 - Sexual Addiction

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Students gain understanding and clinical knowledge related to sexual addiction including: definition of sexual addiction, assessment, six typologies of sex addiction, behavioral treatment plans, and more. Course is only offered online.
  • COUN 5980 - Special Topics in Counseling

    1 Credits (Minimum) 4 Credits (Maximum)

    Extended Studies offering. Designed to allow specific topics and issues to be explored in-depth. May apply toward a degree program at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. Prer., Undergraduate degree.
  • COUN 5990 - Special Topics in Counseling

    1 Credits (Minimum) 9 Credits (Maximum)

    Extended Studies offering. Designed to allow specific topics and issues to be explored in-depth. Will not apply toward a degree program at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.
  • COUN 9500 - Independent Study in Counseling

    1 Credits (Minimum) 4 Credits (Maximum)

    Independent investigation of topics of specific interest to the student and completed under the direction of a faculty member. The specifics of the investigation and the topic are a joint decision by the student and faculty member. Meeting times, expectations and evaluation are arranged with the faculty member. Students must have written consent of instructor to participate. Students using the independent study for degree purposes should also have written consent of their advisor. Prer., Consent of instructor.
  • COUN 9990 - Candidate for Degree

    0 Credits (Minimum) 0 Credits (Maximum)

    To be used only by those students who will not be registered for coursework or independent study during the semester in which the student will take comprehensive examinations for the master’s degree. Registration as candidate for degree will fulfill the requirement for registration during the semester in which comprehensives are taken. No credit will be earned and the fee is that of a one-semester credit hour course. Prer., Consent of advisor is required.
  • CS 1000 - Computer Literacy

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    The role of computers in society with an introduction to programming in basic. The student is introduced to the concepts and operations of a microcomputer including several typical software environments such as word processing, spread sheet accounting, and database systems. The history and impact of computing in society is covered. This is the most elementary course offered by the computer science department. This course is not for CS or engineering majors. Prer., High school algebra.
  • CS 1010 - Topics in Computer Science

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Content will vary to reflect areas of current interest in computer science. As the course continually changes, students may take the course several times for elective credit. Prer., instructor consent.
  • CS 1020 - Web Page Design for Non-Computer Science Majors

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    An introduction to Web site design using Dreamweaver; creating and editing graphics using Fireworks; creating animation using Flash; integration of graphics and video into Web pages; and, basic Web design concepts. Not for CS or engineering majors. Prer., Students should be familiar with basic computer concepts, including file operations and text editing.
  • CS 1030 - Introduction to Microsoft Word

    1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum)

    Introduction to word processing and the specifics of using the Microsoft Word for Windows system. Students will learn to create, format, and edit documents using Word.
  • CS 1040 - Introduction to Microsoft Excel

    1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum)

    Introduction to spreadsheets and the specifics of using the Microsoft Excel for Windows system. Students will learn to create, edit, and print spreadsheets using Excel.
  • CS 1050 - Topics in Computer Science

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Content will vary to reflect areas of current interest in computer science. As the course continually changes, students may take the course several times for elective credit. Prer., Instructor consent.
  • CS 1060 - Topics in Computer Science

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Content will vary to reflect areas of current interest in computer science. As the course continually changes, students may take the course several times for elective credit. Prer., Instructor consent.
  • CS 1070 - Introduction to Programming in Visual Basic for Non-Majors

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Introduction to using visual basic to design and implement programs that interface with their users through Microsoft Windows. Prer., High school algebra.
  • CS 1090 - Introduction to Programming Using MATLAB

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Introduction to programming with emphasis on structured programming techniques using MATLAB as the learning environment. Designed to teach mechanical and aerospace engineering students fundamentals of computer programming. Prer., high school algebra.
  • CS 1100 - Problem Solving through Game Creation

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    An introductory course that combines problem-solving techniques with computer game design and implementation to introduce the student to basic gaming and computer science concepts. Students design, implement, and test computer games using Drag-and-drop game creation tools. A small amount of programming is required. Meets with GDD 1100.
  • CS 1150 - Principles of Computer Science

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Introduction to programming with emphasis on computer science concepts. Develops methods for computer problem solving. Develops proficiency for programming in a modern programming language, and introduces the concepts of abstraction in problem solving. Includes basic concepts of computer systems and environments including debuggers, editors, and file systems. Prer., High school algebra and familiarity with computer concepts including file operations and text editing.
  • CS 1450 - Data Structures and Algorithms

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Concepts of data type, data abstraction, and data structure. Internal representations of fundamental data types. Linear data structures: stack, queue. Linked data structures and dynamic data types. Search table data abstraction, linear search in arrays and lists, binary search in arrays and trees. Binary trees, non-binary trees, binary search trees. Prer., CS 1150 or equivalent.
  • CS 2010 - Topics in Computer Science

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Content will vary to reflect the areas of current interest in computer science. As the courses continually change, students may take the course several times for elective credit. Prer., Consent of instructor.
  • CS 2030 - Topics in Computer Science

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Content will vary to reflect the areas of current interest in computer science. As the courses continually change, students may take the course several times for elective credit. Prer., Consent of instructor.
  • CS 2050 - Topics in Computer Science

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Content will vary to reflect the areas of current interest in computer science. As the courses continually change, students may take the course several times for elective credit. Prer., Consent of instructor.
  • CS 2060 - Programming with C

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    A first course in the C programming language for those who are proficient in some other high level language. Prer., CS 1150.
  • CS 2070 - Topics in Computer Science

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Content will vary to reflect the areas of current interest in computer science. As the courses continually change, students may take the course several times for elective credit. Prer., Consent of instructor
  • CS 2080 - Programming with UNIX

    2 Credits (Minimum) 2 Credits (Maximum)

    An introduction to the UNIX operating system with an emphasis on the development of C and command shell programs. Prer., CS 1450.
  • CS 2120 - Topics in Computer Science

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Content will vary to reflect the areas of current interest in computer science. As the courses continually change, students may take the course several times for elective credit. Prer., Consent of instructor
  • CS 2160 - Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Provides an introduction to the concepts of computer architecture, functional logic, design and computer arithmetic. It presents material on the mechanics of information transfer and control within a computer system. Also included are: symbolic programming techniques, implementing high level control structures, addressing modes and their relation to arrays, subprograms, parameters, linkage to high level languages and the assembly process. Prer., CS 1450 and C S 2060.
  • CS 2910 - System Administration and Security

    3 Credits (Minimum)

    Covers the installation and configuration of mainstream operating systems, important network services, disaster recovery procedures, and techniques for ensuring the security of the system.
  • CS 3010 - Web Programming

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    An introduction to the programming languages and technologies associated with the Web. Included are XHTML, cascading style sheets, Javascript, dynamic XHTML documents, applets, XML, Perl and its use in CGI programming, Java Servlets and web access to databases. Prer., CS 3160; Engineering students only.
  • CS 3020 - Advanced Object Technology Using C#/.Net

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    C# class construction principles, delegates, threads, event handling, GUI components, observer pattern, standard collections, generic parameters, enumerators, custom components, UML representation, abstract classes, interfaces, object persistence, remoting, and refactoring. Prer., CS 1450; Engineering students only.
  • CS 3030 - Selected Topics in Computer Science

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    The content of these courses will vary from time to time and reflect the areas of current interest in Computer Science. As the courses continually change, students may take the course several times for technical elective credit. Prer., Instructor consent.
  • CS 3040 - Advanced Object Technology using Java

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Understand advanced object-oriented concepts and implement software in Java. Topics include swing, beans, class construction, exception handling, threads, graphics, printing, cloning, serialization, collections, event-handling models, model-view-controller and reflection. Apply good OO principles by implementing mid-sized projects in Java. Prer., CS 1450.
  • CS 3050 - Social and Ethical Implications of Computing

    1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum)

    This class will discuss selected topics in ethical, social, political, legal and economic aspects of the application of computers. Each student is expected to research one or more topics, actively participate in discussions, and give a presentation. Written papers may be required. Prer., CS 2080; Engineering students only.
  • CS 3060 - Object-Oriented Programming Using C++

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    The principal goals of this course are: 1) to learn the fundamentals of object-oriented programming, 2) to gain skill and proficiency in using the C++ programming language, 3) to exercise the C++ language in implementing a moderate sized software system designed with objects. Prer., CS 2060, CS 2080; Engineering students only.
  • CS 3160 - Concepts of Programming Languages

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Evolution of the central concepts of programming languages, describing syntax and semantics, data types, abstract data types, control structures, subprograms, concurrency and exception handling. Prer., CS 2060, CS 2160, and either CS 3020 or CS 3060; Engineering students only.
  • CS 3300 - Software Engineering I

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Software engineering methodologies. The software lifecycle. Emphasis on the design, development and implementation of a software system. A course project provides the student teams practical application of the software engineering techniques. Prer., CS 2080 and either CS 3020 or C S 3060; Engineering students only.
  • CS 3350 - Introduction to Game Design and Development

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Includes game mechanics, feedback systems, game programming fundamentals, game math and physics, artificial intelligence, 2D and 3D graphics and animation, and audio programming. Students complete a a team project developing a complete game. Prer., CS 1450, CS 3060, PES 1110; Engineering students only.
  • CS 3910 - System Administration and Security

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Covers the installation and configuration of mainstream operating systems, important network services, disaster recovery procedures, and techniques for ensuring the security of the system. Prer., CS 2080; Engineering students only.
  • CS 4010 - Selected Topics in Computer Science

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    The content of these courses will vary from time to time and reflect the areas of current interest in Computer Science. As the courses continually change, students may take the course several times for elective credit. Prer., Instructors consent.
  • CS 4020 - Selected Topics in Computer Science

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    The content of these courses will vary from time to time and reflect the areas of current interest in Computer Science. As the courses continually change, students may take the course several times for elective credit. Prer., Instructor consent.
  • CS 4030 - Selected Topics in Computer Science

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    The content of these courses will vary from time to time and reflect the areas of current interest in Computer Science. As the courses continually change, students may take the course several times for elective credit. Prer., Instructor consent.
  • CS 4040 - Selected Topics in Computer Science

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Selected topics in computer science. The content of these courses will vary from time to time and reflect the areas of current interest in computer science. As the courses continually change, students may take the course several times for elective credit. Prer., Instructor consent.
  • CS 4050 - Selected Topics in Computer Science

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    The content of these courses will vary from time to time and reflect the areas of current interest in Computer Science. As the courses continually change, students may take the course several times for elective credit. Prer., Instructor consent.
  • CS 4060 - Selected Topics in Computer Science

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    The content of these courses will vary from time to time and reflect the areas of current interest in Computer Science. As the courses continually change, students may take the course several times for elective credit. Prer., Instructor consent.
  • CS 4070 - Selected Topics in Computer Science

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    The content of these courses will vary from time to time and reflect the areas of current interest in Computer Science. As the courses continually change, students may take the course several times for elective credit. Prer., Instructor consent.
  • CS 4080 - Selected Topics in Computer Science

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    The content of these courses will vary from time to time and reflect the areas of current interest in Computer Science. As the courses continually change, students may take the course several times for elective credit. Prer., Instructor consent.
  • CS 4090 - Selected Topics in Computer Science

    1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    The content of these courses will vary from time to time and reflect the areas of current interest in Computer Science. As the courses continually change, students may take the course several times for elective credit. Prer., Instructor consent.
  • CS 4100 - Compiler Design I

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Underlying theory and design techniques for compilers. Lexical analysis, top-down and bottom-up parsing algorithms, runtime storage management, syntax directed translation schemes, intermediate code generation. Prer., CS 2160, CS 3160, CS 4700/5700; Engineering students only. Meets with CS 5100.
  • CS 4200 - Computer Architecture I

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Course covers fundamentals of computer design, instruction set principles and examples, pipelining, advanced pipelining and instruction-level parallelism, memory-hierarchy design and survey of design issues in storage, interconnection network and multiprocessor systems. Prer., CS 2160; Engineering students only. Meets with CS 5200.
  • CS 4220 - Computer Networks

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Course focuses on the basic network and protocol concepts and principles with practical hands-on exercises on network management, network programming, and network planning through the use of industry simulators. Topics include: Internet protocols and routing, local area networks, basic TCP/IP programming, congestion control, packet switching and routing, quality-of-service, and network management. Prer., CS 2060, MATH 2150; Engineering students only.
  • CS 4360 - Game Design and Development Capstone Project

    1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum)

    A Capstone Project course in which each individual student designs and develops a complete game on their own. Each student also develops the documentation associated with their game, including marketing materials and a user manual. Prer., CS 4780; Engineering students only.
  • CS 4420 - Database Systems I

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Course introduces general database concepts as well as database system technology. The course covers ER and R data models, R-algebra, SQL, data storage and indexing, query optimization, database design and security. Prer., CS 3300; Engineering students only. Meets with CS 5420.
  • CS 4500 - Operating Systems I

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Introduces concepts, terminology, and algorithms of operating systems. Describes semaphores, processes, virtual mappings, interrupts, resource allocation and management, protection, synchronization, scheduling, queuing and communication as applied to operating system design and implementation. Prer., CS 2060, CS 2080, CS 4200/5200; Engineering students only. Meets with CS 5500.
  • CS 4600 - Numerical Computing

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Algorithms for the solution of nonlinear equations, interpolation and approximation, differentiation, integration, systems of linear equations, ordinary differential equations and least squares. Prer., CS 1450, MATH 2350, MATH 3130; Engineering students only. Meets with CS 5600.
  • CS 4700 - Computability, Automata and Formal Languages

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Finite automata and regular expressions, context-free grammars, context-free languages, and pushdown automata, Turning machines, undecidability, the Chomsky hierarchy of formal languages, computational complexity and intractable problems. Prer., MATH 2150, MATH 3130; Engineering students only. Meets with CS 5700.
  • CS 4720 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Design methodologies; divide-and-conquer, exhaustive search, dynamic programming. Time and space complexity measures, analysis of algorithms. Survey of important algorithms for searching, sorting, graph manipulation. Tractability: class P and NP, NP complete problems. Prer., CS 1450, MATH 2150; Engineering students only. Meets with CS 5720.
  • CS 4780 - Advanced 3D Games and Digital Content Creation

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Populating virtual worlds with characters and objects. Concentrates on current technology and advanced topics using graphics and VR technology. Typical topics include graphics engines, landscape specializations, wrapping techniques, complex scenes, lighting, shadows, motion control, collisions, dynamics, image-based rendering, multiplayer games, etc., plus advanced features from Siggraph and others. Prer., CS 4800/5800 or instructor’s consent; Engineering students only. Meets with C S 5780.
  • CS 4800 - Computer Graphics

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Fundamental areas of modern raster computer graphics: hardware, software, data structures, mathematical modeling, user interface and manipulation of graphical objects. a subset of the two dimensional GKS is examined and implemented with emphasis placed upon segmented display files and instance modeling. Basic to all graphic programs written are the ergonomic requirements of the user. Required programs are in the areas of animation, paint systems, polygon filling and clipping, and curve generation. Prer., CS 1450, CS 2080, MATH 3130; Engineering students only. Meets with CS 5800.
  • CS 4820 - Functional and Logical Programming for Artificial Intelligence

    3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

    Course focuses on functional programming using LISP and logical programming using Prolog. Programming projects are geared towards various aspects of artificial intelligence. Prer., CS 3160 or consent of instructor; Engineering students only.

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